I paid $20 for the Lee Valley modern woodworking bench plans in 1983.
7'x2' with 1.5" thick top.
I found a dozen errors in the instructions. The same plans are only $15 now.
In 1983 I only paid $2.50/board foot for rock hard Maple and laminated my own bench top.
At the time pre laminated maple bench top or chopping block was $5/board foot.
Back then Walnut was the only extra cost hardwood at $5/board foot in raw lumber.
Now rock hard Maple is $10/ board foot and Walnut is $20.
Laminated bench top is now $15/board foot
Guns, guitars, and Gold may have appreciated 3% compounded annually, but wood is closer to 4% over the last 33 years.
What things have I learned about reloading benches?
1) The Rockchucker press full length sizing 308 brass with a sizer ball and not enough lube will put a moment arm of 300 foot pounds on the bench.
There are two ways to tip over a free standing bench, and it is harder the long way. Put the Rockchucker on the end of a freestanding bench with reaction to lift the bench lengthwise.
3) Don't use a Rockchucker press, Don't use an expander ball. Do not size without enough lube. Do not use a free standing bench.
4) The way to attach a bench to the wall is to attach a 2x4 to the wall with a number of 3" screws and hit multiple studs.
5) Do not put benches on wheels that see a lot of force from your body pushing.
6) Benches should be triangulated so there is no parallel o gram joint twisting. plywood on the side makes a triangle structure as well as a strut.
7) Reloading needs fast feedback loops. Don't make a long distance trip to the range just to find the threshold of loose primer pockets in a work up. Shoot next to the vehicle and reload in the vehicle.
8) Reloading is boring. Put the reloading presses on a board clamped to the desk so you can watch youtube while reloading.
9) Revise the reloading press board to fit different desks, tables, benches, and vehicles.
I got a camper 3 days ago, Antelope season starts in 2 months, and I need to design the reloading bench that fits in the camper.