My RCBS Charge Master 1500 crapped out

Just got off the phone with RCBS and I asked about this topic. They informed me that RCBS will no longer sell the scale as a stand alone unit but that the powder measure / scale combo is still in production and supported. "Not going anywhere soon" was the quote I was given.

So long story short: Chargemaster 1500 combo still good to go, made, & supported ;)
I also called them and got a similar, but slightly different response. The lady I spoke to did say that the stand alone scale is no longer offered. She also said that the Chargemaster 1500 combo scale dispenser is in the 2016 catalogue and being sold. However, the current model of the Chargemaster 1500 combo would be discontinued in 2017 and it will be replaced by a new unit that is all in one i.e. can't be separated into two pieces (scale and dispenser). She said they would continue to honor the 1 year warranty on all units sold. They do not do service on the scales and dispensers if they are out of warranty anyway.

Other than calling about this, I have never had to call the RCBS customer service, so I don't have anything to compare to. But, I sat on hold for 8 to 10 minutes for someone to pick up and tell me all the "RCBS" reps were busy and could they call me back. I said sure. This was at about 3pm eastern. Didn't get a call back till the next day around 3pm.
I liked the 1500, used it for 10 years without a problem. When it didn't go on is when I called. Even though they are still listed on some sights but will be discontinued. Why would you discontinue a unit like the 1500. I have the Hornady auto load unit set up, works just as good as he 1500 as far as accurate charges. The 1500 has other features I never used, so if your loading charges, both units are equal. Hornady is half the price & just as accurate. Hope it lasts as long. Looked inside the 1500 scale that didn't go on, put it back together, it went on seems to be working fine. Used them side by side to check the Hornady unit. Both were dead on. Not as confident with the 1500 though.