My Personal Gun Buying Plan

I would add a 4th tier to your list,,,

That would be the,,,
It would be the "Ooh! Look at that beauty!" tier.

Ya hafta leave some room for a good old impulse purchase. ;)


jackstrawiii said:
I'm sure I'm not the only one who wants to buy lots and lots of guns,

You're not.

jackstrawiii said:
but also realizes that moderation is important.

Why is moderation important?

jackstrawiii said:
Just because I can buy it, doesn't mean I should.

Why not? If you can buy it, go for it! Only things I've regretted in my almost 7 decades are things that I didn't do when I had the opportunity. Worst one was probably passing up a '69 Hemi Road Runner for $700 (buddy in the army was selling it cause he wanted a Yamaha RD400) back in the mid '70's.
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"If you can buy it, go for it!" You bet! I kind of go along the line 44AMP does, except if I see a super deal on something I have no interest in, I buy. Good trade material.
I have all the guns I really need for target shooting, personal defense, and hunting (don't let the wife know I said that), so now when I buy one, it's something that's fits into one of two categories.

1) Guns that I have no real need for, but it's something I've wanted/lusted after for the last 30 years, and found one at a price I can afford. Or something that is oddball/unusual that catches my eye.

2) Guns for my kids. I'd like to get each of my 4 kids a centerfire rifle, centerfire pistol or revolver, rimfire pistol or rifle, and a shotgun for when they turn 18. The oldest is 5 now, so I do have a bit of time.

Buying guns for myself has kinda taken a backseat to buying ammo and reloading components so I can use the guns I already have a bit more.
I never had a plan of any sort, just bought what I thought I liked at the time. The internet has much info than the time I started accumulating stuff. IMO most will initially cycle thru a number of arms before they settle on particular pieces.

I've spent much of my pistol experience with the 1911 and eventually moved most of my actual shooting away from that type of pistol. I still prefer the 45auto for recreation and use a different platform. Unfortunately what I prefer usually has poor or non-existent support. The need to have to have multiples of a particular piece is real for me.

Much of what I like isn't practical but that doesn't reduce my want by much. I would have had a stainless 4" Python well over a decade ago but the chain store that had it in their sales flyer only had one scratched up piece in their entire inventory.
I have a plan too.

Tier 1: Buy guns

Tier 2: Buy more guns.

Tier 3: Buy what I haven't bought yet!

Seriously, due to other financial needs, remodeling my house, helping my wife fund her new business, buying new guns is mostly at a standstill right now but I have a pretty solid list of additional wants. I will get back to buying more guns.
Plan? What plan? My plan generally is run by my gut and want.. I know I want it in my gut when I see it. Then I buy it or I lust after it until I do.

Then I have to take into account the occasional impulse buy. Lets not forget ammo either....
I used to want one of every gun out there. I mostly accomplished this over 45 years. No real strategy. I fancy the guns then I buy them. Money has not been an issue because this is my #1 addiction and always has been. I have accumulated a lot and keep on buying the darn things cause I want to. 4 this year so far.
Firstly, I manage a pawnshop so I'm constantly coming across things I want. I also find it impossible to save money in a savings account but somehow can accumulate guns in the safe. So, lately I've been doing things like so:

-It must be a gun I can recover my money out of aka a good deal. Also it should be something that I foresee holding its value or appreciating.

-Naturally the things that interest me are generally what I look at

-I always have one(or more) on layaway at my work. That way I just throw dollars at it here and there as I collect paychecks and on occasion, it's time to pick one up and put it in the safe.

I admit I don't shoot very often and I have several I haven't yet shot. But if I ever need money, it's nothing more than a trip to the shop. Hopefully that never or rarely happens so that I can keep collecting. One day it'll pay for (a small portion of) my daughter's college or something of that nature.
Just an opinion, for those who think they use logic beyond a few firearms I believe your dreaming. The vast majority of on TFL have a thing/want/desire for firearms. Even those in the profession are influenced by just a single event and marketing. The 1986 FBI Florida shooting with Pratt and Matrix probably caused many to churn or acquire more arms. Market timing appears to have been perfect for Glock. That event had zero effect on me.

But the various bans within the state caused me to go overboard on long arms like the AR and AK. :(
The plan: set aside $20 from every paycheck, when I have enough saved for what I want, ideally I can buy it.

The reality: my wife tells me we are coming up short on a bill.

Current gun fund status: $100 :rolleyes:

And she just got put on early maternity leave. C'est la vie
The most rifle's I've ever had at one time was about 20. Think I noticed then was as a young man I couldn't afford to shoot them all. I had just a few that I shot a lot and what do you know, they were favorite hunting rifles. Right now I think I've got more handgun's than I've ever had at one time, think I have six, I'm not much of a handgun guy. I do have four shotguns now, more than I ever had before at one time. The thing that keep's me in line today is the gun's I'd like to have I simply can't afford. I like wood stock, blued metal, bolt action rifles. I also like SxS shotguns, got three I can't replace, all AyA's, inexpensive models but it say's AyA right on the guns!

I think the thing that hold's me back anymore is social security, I don't get enough to get thing's I'd like. Recently bought a new rifle. A 243, already have one with a plastic stock and took a while but got it shooting very well. The motivation was I saw a photo of one and the thing was right up my alley. Mossberg Patriot, got it for $299! I could swing that. If you just look at it, wood version, it's screams, buy me! I did. Most gun nut's are gonna see Mossberg and walk away. I liked what I saw and had to try one, again no use for it at all! Take it apart and lot's of plastic but I'm not concerning myself with that. What I do concern myself with is how it looks, feel's and the way it shoot's.

No tiers for getting new gun's If I have the money at the time and want it, I just buy it. I'm old and trying like hell to die deeply in deat! :-)