My Personal Gun Buying Plan


New member
I'm sure I'm not the only one who wants to buy lots and lots of guns, but also realizes that moderation is important. Just because I can buy it, doesn't mean I should.

So I've developed a system that helps me decide which guns to focus my attention and funds on at any given time. I've shared this system with a few friends, who found it helpful... or at least interesting. I want to share that system with you, to see if any of you do something similar, or if this is something that's helpful for you.

Tier 1
These are the guns that I'm currently shopping for and plan on buying this year. These are guns that I plan to use often (hunting rifles, 22s, carry guns, etc). Usually I start each year with four or five Tier 1 guns that I'm targeting.

Tier 2
These are guns that I will definitely own at some point in the next 5 years or so, but aren't high on the priority list. Usually these are still somewhat utilitarian in nature.

Tier 3
These are the "someday if I'm lucky, find a great deal, and have some extra money to spend" kind of guns. I actually bought a Tier 3 gun earlier this year, an original Colt Combat Commander in really excellent condition. Did I need it? No, will I ever "use" it in a real life situation? No. But I wanted it. That's Tier 3.

In all honesty this has really helped me focus my spending/collecting and feel like I'm in control of my hobby vs just buying random stuff all the time.

Anyone else do anything like this?
Your plan sounds sound.
Don't forget a plan for when you decide to whittle your accumulation down some.
It probably will be much like the plan you have but in reverse.
Personally, I've only acquired what I need for a particular purpose.
Guns, reloading equipment, holsters, mag pouches, all have been to fill an actual need and selling or trading off those no longer in use.
But with all the activities available, it can all still pile up quite a bit.
I have a tier system as well and it's broken up into three sections:

1. Guns I want as soon as possible that don't exist that I will buy as they are released. This includes the 3 inch Ruger LCRx revolvers in .22 LR and .327 Magnum. The North American Arms Ranger top break is also in this list, but lesser so because I don't think that will ever come out.

2. Guns I want that do exist that I don't need or want to buy right now. This is something like a Ruger Predator .308 rifle or the Henry .327 Big Boy.

3. Deals that are too good to pass up on guns I have a passive interest in. This is gunbroker stuff like .25 ACP revolvers, 10 gauge break action shotguns, Taurus Judges people are dumping because "they're inaccurate."
My tiers are different...
1) Home defense pistol & rifle; CCW Pistol; small CCW + back ups

2) Hunting; important to me game guns

3) cool guns i want to own

1) ar15 carbine setup for hd
2) Ruger #1 45-70 deer rifle
3) s&w 19-3 cause the bluing looks cool
I like the plan and have tried adopting a similar one but it never ends up that I have wanted a M1a Standard for....well since I can remember and it was always going to be my next purchase. Well, a number of firearms later, still no M1....:(. Just keep coming across deals I have a hard time passing up....:D
Jack, sounds like a decent plan, but how do you still afford all your tier 1 guns if you buy a couple of tier 3 guns during the year?:confused:eek:
Jack, that's almost a carbon copy of how I plan out gun buying. Unfortunately, I have a large family to support so my gun buying is whittled down to MAYBE one gun a year... and I skip years now and then. Fortunately, I honestly have acquired all of my tier 1 purchases anyway. I have a reliable CCW piece, the standard .22, an AR, the shotgun, the hunting rifle (or three), a range pistol (or three), a 1911, a .357 revolver... so honestly I guess I'm covered, other than I'm beginning to convince myself that either .357 lever gun, a Lee Enfield, or a K31 is a tier 1 "need" more and more these days.

Tier 2 will likely be a revolver or two, another range pistol (or three), and 2 of the 3 "I think this may be a tier 1 choice" rifles.

Tier 3... I've given little thought to that because I will not have tier 2 covered until the kids are grown. But I so love my children so it's worth the wait.
My "plan" was even simpler...

Rule #1
I only buy guns that I have some degree of interest in.

Rule #2
Targets of opportunity (see Rule #1)

Do note that the words "need" and "use" are NOT in my plan. :D

Every gun I've ever had met my "need & use" requirement to fall under Rule #1. And the minimum requirements went like this, if I was interested, I NEEDed to learn more about it, and when I got it, I USEd it to learn more about it.

Additional uses, such as hunting, carry, self defense, etc., are just that, ADDITIONAL uses, wonderful things to have, but not required to reach my minimum standards. :D

I like it. Family always comes first. I'm fortunate to have a side hobby that generates some extra funds (I make knives under the name DF Custom Knives). My wife and I have an agreement: I don't spend any "family money" (my regular paycheck) on guns, but I can do whatever I want with my "knife money" after giving Uncle Sam his share. It's worked out well for us over the last 4-5 years or so.
Oh I'm not as bad off as I make out sometimes Jack. New purchases are few and far between these days though. I even made a pair of sights the other day because I'm too cheap to buy them.
My tiers are simple... tools, backups, want.

SD: AR15 5.56, G19, Mossy 930
Hunting: AR15 6.8spc, Savage 10 .308, Win SPX, Savage MKii
Training: Ruger SR22, Ruger 10/22

2x AR15 beaters, Mav 88, S&W MP9

This list would take up 3 posts...
I get the tier method but my own guiding principles are:

1) I purchase handguns only that I intend to both shoot and have the ability to carry should I so choose;
2) I will not spend over $1500 for a handgun;
3) Must be caliber 9mm or 45ACP.
Sell guns....??

Please explain,,,, I do not understand the concept.

You mean some of you actually sell guns??

Isn't that morally irresponsible, or something??
I love the rifle's and guns I have. Most of them don't get shot a lot any more, retired and now understand how expensive reloading can be. I have 2 243's, a 25-06' 6.5x55, 6.5x06, 308 and a 30-06. A 22 auto, 22 DA revolver, 32 long DA revolver, 38 spec DA revolver and two 9mm auto's. Forgot also have a 32 ACP that I never shoot, got dies but no case's. Also have three AyA SxS's, 16,28 and 410 and a mod 37 in 16ga. Plus a couple 22 RF's I only shoot when confronted by predator's in my pigeon loft's! I would like to have a 22 CF but no idea what I would use it for. Don't shoot sage rat's any more. Would like to have another 7x57 but again it would become a safe queen, I don't need safe queens unless they have a lot of value and them I'm reluctant to sell at any price!

My plan at this time in life is if I see a gun I just really like, buy it. My new 243 is one of those. Of course it's new price had a lot to do with it!

Who needs a plan?