My now ex-friend...

I don't have to agree with him to understand that it's his decision. And I definitely don't intend to act like his nanny like some people on this thread. You will note that he has not asked anybody for advice on how to handle this. Also, not one of you have been in his position or you'd have commented on it by now.

You know the old saying about walking a mile in someone's shoes before judging them?

And I definitely don't care what your option/opinion is. His story is the point of interest to me.
What I do/did in response to his comments is not relevant to the thread. The purpose of this thread was to discuss police corruption/abuse of power. If I wanted advice on what to do, I would have asked for it. Fossten hit the nail right on the head in his last post.
There are actually two dynamic forces here.

One of them is the possible chance for abuse of power, but an equal force is your reaction and the way it makes you feel.

As for abuses, you know the old saying, "Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely." However, this dynamic is his problem. You're not his wife, his mother or his shrink. There are plenty of people I don't like. I simply tell them so in plain language and request they give me a wide berth.

The one issue you can address is what this issue does to you and your psyche' when you act this out.

Can you be logical about an issue that sends adrenaline raging through your system? Probably not. I suffer with those same demons myself--daily, and most times I lose.

I'm not a big fan of "professional religionists" who bilk people with fables of damnation unless "indulgences" are generated. I think my Mom was led around by the nose on this issue, and I know one of cousins believes in this nonsense.

Upon my Mother's death, I received an incredibly expensive leather and silk bound tryptic, which my cousin undoubtedly paid thousands of dollars to purchase. It announced that eleven masses would be said in order to get my Mom out of Purgatory.

You do not want to know my thoughts.

But, I figure this way, as angry and betrayed as I was, that money grubbing, boy loving, false prophet will one day meet a Guy a lot more angry than I'll ever get.

You cannot control the hearts of others. But you can control yourself.
You are most likely correct, I did not read the intial topic closesly enough.

Now that I have reread the entire thing I would dump the jerk too if I knew him to be intentionally, willfully and continualy violating the rights of the public which he is sworn to uphold.

Although I would still guess if you have known him this long you knew of his character before, taking advantage of persons just because he could, maybe being mean and spiteful to others who were weaker than him and him deriving joy about it.

Or maybe I am wrong and since he has joined the ranks of the LEO he has changed.

Me I believe circumstances reveal the true individual, was he a jerk before? Or have the circumstance changed the individual, has he just recently become a jerk.
You will note that he has not asked anybody for advice on how to handle this.
You will also note that no advice was given
But my opinion that he is just as bad as his friend is still a valid opinion

Also, not one of you have been in his position or you'd have commented on it by now.
That is a ridiculous assumption.
I have been in similar situations and some worse, and dearly loved uncle will probably die in prison and his children grew up fatherless and his practically destitute because I chose in favor of the good of the public
IN MY OPINION it would have been cowardly to do anything else
I would expect someone who is planning to be a cop and who comes here lamenting the actions of a dishonorable cop to have enough honor to do what is right for the good of the public regardless of how it inconveniences him personally

Anyone can come here and post opinionated rants and all are free to comment of those rants
No matter how many temper tantrums you throw we will still comment on what we believe to be right in open forum, not cowering in the shadows of PM
You will also note that no advice was given

You are incorrect:

You've got the opportunity now to be the better man. Show him the way a real cop acts, and I'm sure eventually he will feel foolish, whether he admits it or not. That, or he will get canned for doing something stupid.

jets: With the information you have, you need to inform his supervisor at his PD for review. His actions could place a lot of arrests in jeopardy and may lead to some real bad guys getting back on the streets on a technicality.

Reputation is important. And a police officer with a bad one is a defense attorney's prayer answered.....

Don't flush a friendship so hastily, in this day and age it is harder than heck to find friends and much harder to cultivate a long term friendship. Stop and think about what you stand to lose in order to keep what might amount to foolish pride.

Any more reckless statements you'd like to make?
Any more reckless statements you'd like to make?
Nothing that would match the ankle biter or "no one has been there" comments you have made

But i guess everybody chose not to ooh and ahh over his stand, or lack thereof, and decided to actually make some pertinent comments on the matter
That is what is known as a discussion and is perfectly appropriate for a discussion board

If your only point of interest was the original story why did you hang around offering advice and opinions, instead of just leaving after you read it?
Ultimately, at the end of the day, the best use of this board is to help and support each other.

The issue of firearms might be the catalyst that brings us together, But after a while, we get to know each other, and we can tell if someone is sad, glad or mad.

There are some mornings where my house is quiet, I have some time before gym and work, and I take a second latte' and sign onto TFL. I would do in talking to friends.
After tonight, I have lost a great deal of respect for LEO's...One of my best friends from childhood is a 'NYC police officer'... I will be a 'NYS peace officer' in a few months.. basically the same powers except for executing search warrants. As far as carrying a weapon goes, it's all the same... after telling him what Dept I will be going into he says 'ohhhh you won't be a real cop.. i am a real cop..

It sounds to me like you didn’t really care how he’s abused his position. When he bruised your ego telling you you’re not a real cop you decided then to go on a rant about his unprofessional, possibly criminal behavior on the job.
An aussie view

I am afraid that I lump ALL australian cops into the bad basket as they take up a job knowing full well that part of their duties is arresting people for daring to carry a weapon of any kind to defend themselves even though they believe they should be able to protect themselves. I don't buy this "we don't make the law we just carry it out" crap either. It didn't wash with the nazi's and it won't wash with them.
But i guess everybody chose not to ooh and ahh over his stand, or lack thereof, and decided to actually make some pertinent comments on the matter
That is what is known as a discussion and is perfectly appropriate for a discussion board

If your only point of interest was the original story why did you hang around offering advice and opinions, instead of just leaving after you read it?
Now that's funny. You remind me of Chevy Chase in "Spies Like Us." He was being interrogated by the Russian, and his captor slapped him across the face, and Chevy said, "Let that be a lesson to you!"
You remind me of Chevy Chase in "Spies Like Us." He was being interrogated by the Russian, and his captor slapped him across the face, and Chevy said, "Let that be a lesson to you!"
Get all of your bad quips from bad movies ?
I see you dodged the whole point though
And I notice you are still here
Could it be that you have another point of interest?
You must because you aren't even talking about the original point anymore
Your saddle is slipping also

I'm done, you aren't even trying to keep up the camouflage anymore
You can have that coveted last word
Well, as long as you're done, then that's fine.

Yes, that was my other point of interest.

Isn't as much fun when somebody's nipping at YOUR ankles, is it?