My now ex-friend...


New member
After tonight, I have lost a great deal of respect for LEO's...One of my best friends from childhood is a 'NYC police officer'... I will be a 'NYS peace officer' in a few months.. basically the same powers except for executing search warrants. As far as carrying a weapon goes, it's all the same... after telling him what Dept I will be going into he says 'ohhhh you won't be a real cop.. i am a real cop.. I do this and that... '... To my friend _____... I don't condone you bragging about 'violating peoples rights' and getting away with it. We have been friends since we re kids.. I am very sad to see that you love trampling on peoples rights (after all of the stories you told me). I would wish you good luck... However, I would not mean it. I am a lot smarter than you (legally and logically).. and I hope you come to your senses before some big shot lawyer has it out with you. Actually, I take that back, I hope a constitutional lawyer rips you a new one.

Since we were 10 yrs old we have been best of friends. However, after tonight, I have lost all respect for you. I will ignore your presence in the future. We shall never speak again, my ex-friend. To everybody else who is/was friends with a LEO.. be very cautious. Power is intoxicating. I guess all of those camping and hunting trips amounted to nothing after all of these years... A very sobering night indeed....

This is not ment to be LEO bashing.... it's just a sobering reminder of what happens to some people once they see a little power...

_____, I would still call you a friend. However, I no longer trust you or respect you....
As the old saying goes, there's one in every crowd.

If you were to lump all the LEOs into a large stadium and eject all of those who were like your friend, it'd still look like a pretty full stadium.

The ones who are good, in my experience, are those who treat the job like a game of strategy. They use their brains to work within the legal framework (occassionally pushing the limits) but they do it without animosity towards the accused. Their goal is not to "punish" or "get back" at the guy, but simply make a good arrest that will stand up in court.

Unfortunately, guys like your friend feel the need to belittle the achievements of others in order to bolster their own egos.
MY wife is dealing with a Chaplain in a county jail nearby. The Chaplain, a lady, told us that her son is a deputy sheriff in the same county. She said that it was hard for her to watch her son change from a nice guy to a hardened, gung-ho LEO in such a short time.
I don't have the experience or education to make a call on whether it's caused by the intoxication of power or the exposure to the seamier side of humanity but I have counseled my step-son, who is contemplating a job as a policeman after he gets out of the Marines, to re-think that idea. With so many people trying to 'get back' at Big Brother by shooting his minions from ambush and considering that such actions seem to be getting more common, a career with a police department might be tragically short.
If you were to lump all the LEOs into a large stadium and eject all of those who were like your friend, it'd still look like a pretty full stadium.

This is absolutely true.

However, if you were to then eject all those who have been (or are willing to) look the other way regarding those like his friend, the stadium would be considerably less full.

Obviously I've never seen the world from the other side of the badge (though I've seen it from the other side of the gun, and know what it's like to have your life in danger daily...just in case anybody wants to go there). But from this side, based on both first-hand experience, second-hand experience, and lots of conversations among us non-LEO types it seems like there's just very little willingness among LEOs to police their own. Which, of course, leads to a general distrust of all LEOs.
However, if you were to then eject all those who have been (or are willing to) look the other way regarding those like his friend, the stadium would be considerably less full.

If you define "look the other way" as knowing that a brother officer did something illegal or abusive and not taking any action at all in an implicit approval of those actions, I'll disagree.

I've known a number of officers who won't stand for another cop planting evidence or lying about actions of a suspect (e.g. he came at me). If the cop bullies people around for little reason, most cops will try counselling him first, to get him to perform in a professional manner. An officer who is too agressive/assertive can often time escalate a situation into a dangerous encounter. Such officers are NOT the ones for whom you want to be the back-up.

One of the benefits of the dash-cams in patrol cars is that it does allow impartial scrutiny of an officer's actions when a complaint is made. Usually one can find faults on both sides but when the officer made poor choices and exhibits little tolerance for being questioned, that can outweigh a good many citizen "errors" (I'm thinking of the recent Utah tasering of a speeder).
I am very sad to see that you love trampling on peoples rights (after all of the stories you told me).
So now that you have this information, what are you prepared to do, besides pretend this bad officer doesn't exist?
You are willing to throw away a lifelong friendship because your friend and you disagree on on topic. And he might have had a stick up his ass on that particular day you had the argumement. Surely you have had disagreements on other subjects of a similar nature before. Don't flush a friendship so hastily, in this day and age it is harder than heck to find friends and much harder to cultivate a long term friendship. Stop and think about what you stand to lose in order to keep what might amount to foolish pride.
You need to pay closer attention to what he said. His friend told him STORIES of how he's trampled people's rights. This isn't an issue of an abstract disagreement over the definition of the 4th Amendment; this is a friend of his that has BRAGGED about actually VIOLATING it. Don't presume to judge the situation unless you know all the facts. If the guy feels strongly enough about it to dump a lifelong friendship then it must be some serious crapola. I would think the poster would get the benefit of the doubt here. Are you siding with the LEO on general principle?
TwoX, reread my post. There was no arguement between us. His arrogance and pomposity is the issue... along with openly admitting and being proud of violating rights of people.

I am willing to never have a conversation with him ever again. I have talked to a few buddies of mine that work with him... let's just say that he is not the most popular guy in the station house.

If you have a room full of LEO's, there will be a few bad apples. Sadly, hes one of those bad apples.
I am willing to never have a conversation with him ever again. I have talked to a few buddies of mine that work with him... let's just say that he is not the most popular guy in the station house.
I take it that you pride yourself on not violating the rights of the people you are sworn to serve?

But yet when you have knowledge of an officer that proudly does so you take a stand by turning a blind eye and simply parting ways

I think your saddle is slipping

If you have a room full of LEO's, there will be a few bad apples. Sadly, hes one of those bad apples.
Oh well what're you gonna do?
At least you know you are safe from his boots

Complete this sentence
The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for ...
joab, Maybe I did make a phone call or two. If I did, thats none of your business. It's something that I will keep to myself. I have no obligation or desire to divulge any more information than I already did.

As far as your 'saddle slipping comment' goes.... I have nothing to prove to you or anybody else here. I could care less about what you think.

Take what you want from my post. The main point that I was trying to drive at is that power can be very intoxicating and all to often chages people not for the better.

Well, I guess I better go tighten up my saddle since it's starting to slip, ehh?:rolleyes:
As far as your 'saddle slipping comment' goes.... I have nothing to prove to you or anybody else here. I could care less about what you think.
Then why the hell did you bother to post your selfserving rant if you did not care what people thought about it

I am so sick of people thinking they come to preach to the choir and then say they don't care what other's think when they are not kowtowed to
Well, I guess I better go tighten up my saddle since it's starting to slip,
Too late you already fell off that high horse
joab, don't give me that 'holier than thou' bullcrap. A lot of people come on here to vent and rant about various things. LEO abuses of power falls under the legal category. As far as my post being self serving.. That was not my intenion at all. I did not post this thread with the intention of seeking your approval or anybody elses for that matter.

My goal was to start a discussion on LEO abuses of power.

Heres an earth shattering idea- If you don't like what somebody posts, click the 'back' button and read on to the next thread. I intentionally ignored your first reply to this thread on 11/26....

The next time I post another thread, I will private message it to you before I post. I will label the message 'Submitted for the approval of joab'. :cool:

This will be my last response to you. If you have anything further to say to me, PM me. There no need to keep bumping this up to the top because of this crap.

Carry on fellas... theres nothing to see here.
My goal was to start a discussion on LEO abuses of power.
What a coincidence, that was my intention also

The next time I post another thread, I will private message it to you before I post. I will label the message 'Submitted for the approval of joab'.
Lame response
Should I also seek your approval before I comment on threads you post
Doesn't work that way
You present an idea we comment on it, you don't get to play thought police, yet

If you have anything further to say to me, PM me. There no need to keep bumping this up to the top because of this crap.
How old are you
You are behaving like a high schooler
Somebody doesn't praise your attitude so you decide that he cannot speak on your thread?
Carry on fellas... theres nothing to see here.
Learn that one from your friend

It does not surprise me that you intentionally ignored my question
But when you did answer it there was no mention of any phone calls, why is that
Your original post is all about how good you are for not associating with a bad cop, How good a cop could you be if you let his abuses go on unreported?
And no I don't believe for one minute that you made any calls

For good men to do nothing, in case you were still stumped
What a coincidence, that was my intention also

Then what is the issue?

Should I also seek your approval before I comment on threads you post

Absolutly not.

Somebody doesn't praise your attitude so you decide that he cannot speak on your thread?

I NEVER said that. With heavy sarcasm, I suggested that I seek your approval next time I post. I don't care what threads you post on.

It does not surprise me that you intentionally ignored my question

Actually, it's none of your business.

Your original post is all about how good you are for not associating with a bad cop

I just reread my origional post. I never said such a thing.

joab, Theres no reason for us to continue this pissing contest on here. If you feel the need to continue discussing this, just PM me. Have a good night.
jets: With the information you have, you need to inform his supervisor at his PD for review. His actions could place a lot of arrests in jeopardy and may lead to some real bad guys getting back on the streets on a technicality.

Reputation is important. And a police officer with a bad one is a defense attorney's prayer answered.....
You've got the opportunity now to be the better man. Show him the way a real cop acts, and I'm sure eventually he will feel foolish, whether he admits it or not. That, or he will get canned for doing something stupid.
You know what they say about free, unsolicited advice...

It's worth every penny.

Jets, you are man enough to make your own decisions on how to handle your situation. The interesting part of this thread is the first post. Everything else is just ankle-biting.
So you agree that the best thing for the OP to do is just ignore and avoid this bad cop?

Pity the rest of us don't get that option