My New(to me) Rifle!


New member

It's a Savage 12bvss in .308.
Now I just need some glass for it(and a few other bits and pieces). I can't wait to get it out to the range and make a fool of myself trying to shoot little groups and failing. :D
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I haven't decided on glass yet. The options are a bit overwhelming. Right now, I'm leaning towards some of the SWFA offerings. Even their entry level models get good reviews from the precision shooters around town who use much fancier optics. But I'm still in the information gathering stage for that and open to suggestions.
Glass to fit the gun...

Sig Curious--Grats on the nice rifle. I have a 12BVSS myself, and it is a tackdriver! Think you'll find that yours will shoot up to and beyond your own ability.

As to glass for it: My own rule of thumb is to spend~as much on the 'scope as on the rifle. For a rifle that nice, I would not go below a Bushnell Elite 4500 or so, or one of the mid-grade Leupolds. (Mine wears a Bush. Elite 3500, but I don't think the 3500's are available new any more. If you find one used, that'd be fine too.)

Be sure to have the mount, rings, and 'scope skillfully mounted on the rifle.

Will you be handloading for this rifle? IMHO, that's the way to get the best performance from them, and save $$ to boot on hi-grade ammo. You don't want to be shooting cheap surplus (or cheap anything!) through a fine rifle like this.

Anyhow, nice pic, and please keep us posted! :)
I will be handloading for it eventually. Primers are in short supply around here, but a shop I talked to today estimates 3-4 weeks on large rifle primers. For now though I'm just keeping an eye out for any match ammo floating around, so far I've rounded up 3 boxes. The shop I bought the rifle from has a bunch of regular(AE, Privi Partizan, etc) stuff, which I may pick some of that up for the brass.

I tried to take a look at some bushnell elites and nikons today at basspro, but the counter was swamped. I have heard good things about them though. I did get to peek through some leupolds that were on a floor display and not in the case.
Workin' on it, hopefully the wind cooperates tomorrow when I go to the range. Be prepared to be amazed at my groups...for their suckiness! :D