My New Nightstand Gun


New member
I picked this up today for next to nothing. It's a S&W model 64 in .38 Special. It's a retired Austin TX police department gun. It is engraved Austin PD inside the frame where the cylinder closes. A few dings, but what a tight gun and a great trigger.

Looks pretty decent, a real nice find. If you don't mind me asking, what is "next to nothing" these days for an old gem like this?
Sadly, around here nobody seems to sell their old revolvers, and when they do they tend to want more than they're worth.
Not that long ago just the ammo would have cost you that much.
I have two that will fit perfectly.. This one will mostly be staying put in the nightstand though. I have enough carry guns.
Great gun!

I remember seeing a lot of ex police and security agency 64s for sale online for good prices before all of the hysteria.

I sure wish I had grabbed one.
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I have a S&W Model 13 loaded with the .38 +P FBI load on my nightstand. Your M64 is an excellent choice for that duty. I'm keeping my eyes open for one of the M64 NYPD DAO's that were on the market a few years ago.
UNDER 200 + AMMO ???? Color me officially green ( Insert Envy Icon Here). I wouldn't call them dings though, I just say Character Marks, and with time you will probably add a few marks of your own, but What The Hey, you got it for using, not for hanging in a safe.
Shoot that sweetheart till you run out of ammo, and then run to the store for more and you will have a prize to pass on to the grandkids. Enjoy the Ride.
My first firearm was a 64. It instllied my love of S&W revolvers. Have five of 'em now. More in days past. Will undoubtedly have more in the future. Need another k frame to balance the two by two thing.