My new apartment - in a not so nice area

Might want to reconsider the Express. Several people have commented it's not as good as the previous Wingmasters, which you can find used in good condition.
I know it is too late for this advice, but here it is:

Whenever I am checking out new digs, I check it out in the daytime, and I drive around the area at night a few days in a row. (Make sure you do it on the weekend also.) This will give you a better picture of the element that hangs around your prospective neigborhood.
well i know i definatly messed up this move. I'm hoping on only staying a few months tops.

I mentioned the problem to the leasing office and they said "oh just call the police" - yeah well ... no kidding.

Meiji - i'd definatly appriciate the fire support. I'll let you know when to hang a few my way.. haha

InToItTRX - I'll bring that up with the manager Monday. She doesnt seem like the pro-active type so we'll see what happens.

Yeah i've headed out to my balcony a few times at 3 a.m. to see whats going on, and they have usually run around the corner. I do think the much more likely situation is that i come home to someone in the apartment. So i suppose the CCW it is.
The Colin said:
Pistol or shotgun?

Pistol. This usually falls on deaf ears on the gun boards but hardly anyone can handle a shotgun as well as they can a pistol. Shotguns have a lot of "tactical" appeal but just having one and racking the slide is not enough. Serious professional training is required to use one properly.

As for the specific handgun you can pretty much walk into any gunstore and grab anything 38 spl or larger and consider yourself well armed.
Walk In

DO NOT underestimate the walking-in scenario. I also live in a high-crime area and that seems to be a common scenario here.
Concealed carry is a very viable option if available to you.As it is an apartment, I would recommend Glaser safety slugs or some other type of ammo that will not punch through a neighbors wall.
I just read an awsome little article in the local nieghboorhood news letter. An Apartment owner bought him self a 30 unit apartment complex and they day he show up to it for the first time the cops are crawling all over it arresting a guy. So he investigates and finds out this is normal there. The seller didn't bother to disclose that info to him.

So he moves in for a time, starts harrassing anyone who shows up and he doesn't recognise, ejects some bad tennents, remodels the place and gets in contact with the local police. he then turns an apartment into a local police substation. The cops now have a place to hang out and do paper work, and he gets the added presence.

If you plan to move I'll get the info to you. I drove by the place yesterday. Looks much nicer then it has in the past.
Sounds like my old place in Mesa.
Brown and Recker....

Absolutely , arm up.
Don't forget hearing protection....
Electronic muffs if possible.

But speak with an attorney about breaking the lease,
and moving. In a place with physical danger it should
be no great trick.

Cheap rent is not attractive enough to compensate
for the legal hassle of shooting somebody.
The Colin said:
<SNIP> I do think the much more likely situation is that i come home to someone in the apartment.

I'm a bit late with this post but if your concern is the above I'd reconsider having a shotgun in the apartment while your away. Last thing I'd want to see happen is to have you shot with your own gun.

Consider a few alarms inside that an intruder will trip. Nothing like an alarm sounding for a few hours until you get home from work to get managements attention too.

I rigged up a small LED light above the balcony that would flash if the apartment door had been opened. I turned it on when I left and would shut it off as I entered. If anyone entered my apartment while I was gone I'd see the blinking light as I walked through the parking lot. Only had it trip once and scared the crap out of me. Called 3 friends and LE before we went in. Turns out the Manager had been in the apartment while I was gone.

Stay safe.
Well what i have done is buy 3 motion sensor night lights from Home Depot. You walk in the door when they are on at night and instantly the Kitchen and living room are fully lit.

That does nothing for me walking home to find someone in the apartment, but anyone coming in at night will be greeted by some blinding light.

I have decided to go ahead and get another handgun, something i can have with me at all times. I'm currently leaning toward a sig p232 or p239.

Just an Update on the whole situation - I have started looking for another apartment, and i think I have complained enough times that the manager will be happy to get rid of me.
Meiji_man said:
I"d like to see a schematic for that

No schematic required. Off the shelf stuff. Genie remote wall reciever. Plugs into the wall and you plug a 110v lamp into it. (Triggered by your remote controler)

I replaced the remote button with a single trip limit switch glued to the outside of the remote case and velcroed to the door frame. Door opens and the transmitter sends a signal to the reciever relay, plugged in on the other side of the room. Once it is tripped (which would normally turn on a lamp) but instead I used the low voltage (24v) side of the relay in the reciever to power up a 24V LED that was hard wired up the sliding door molding and velcroed on top of the balcony porch, outside.

I had to reset the limit switch (arm) when I left every time or no signal would be sent.

It did work well and for months I never gave it a thought. The one time I saw the LED lit, and it was a tiny little light, my eye was immediately drawn to it as I walked from my car. Since I worked nights I wasn't concerned about security during the day. That would have been a whole new problem.
ok i have a few questions on this...

one its not hard to set up swichs and such.. replace the limet swich he used with a Reed Swich and you chould set that up on all the windows. doors in the house with realitve ease...

the main thing i would worry about is broken windows.. in that case non of the swichs would work and you would have no forwarning *perhaps* i want to find something that i can put on the glass of a window that when the window is broken will activate...

other things like the moition dector lights i like...

i would say if you can just have a desent alarm system installed.. get some price quotes.. but i dont think it would take much to install one... just a little electiracal and construction know how...

the other thing i'm wondering about is the legal ramafacations of using rubber rounds in a shotgun?? like i have seen 00 rubber buckshot that would work nicely.. i am the kind of guy who feels a little ray of hope for your avarage BG.. most of the people who do this stuff are stuped misguided kids on Meth.. these kind of kids with the right care can be turned around.. plus the emtional guilt not the mention the rest of the legal stuff with just flat out killing somebody..

i think that just about covers it...