I hope they do too. I like their pistols and want them around. It will be a week or so until I can get another few boxes of ammo through, so it's hard to know if I have fixed this or not. I have the new spring in, all the things people suggested to look at or poIish, sand, buff, check, clean etc.. For now it is chambering and extracting correctly. It actually feels smoother and easier.
I have become I think well educated on this. Obviously we'd like there never to be problems, and when there are, someone to fix it, preferably right away, and for free....
But thats not how it works. I learned a lot through this. It may have been the hard way, but it got me looking at things in a new way. I guess that is as good as any reason. SO if things happen to one of my firearms in the future, I now know there are things i can do on my end first. Thanks to all.