My idea for long term loading

When I intend to keep a revolver loaded I add a card wad over the powder, then my lubed wad.
Any gook over the ball will be a magnet for dust and dirt, when carried for a while, which will scrub it's way down the barrel when fired.

You can make your own cards with a punch kit from Harbor Freight at about ten bucks. Works best in a drill press.

I use iridescent poster board because I like to easily find the cards after the shot to see how far they are going/are they separating from the bullet (when I shoot BP cartridges).

It appears you are not opposed to doing things on your own and this is one place you can have a lot of fun and save a lot of money.

This technique works for wads as well. I go to a thrift store and buy a 100% wool men's hat. One hat will give you about a billion wads. Others in the group like to use Durafelt which is thicker than hat felt but a little more expensive.
I don't think anyone has officially welcomed you to the forum. So, "Welcome"

Why thank ya Doc!

For years I used wax rings and Crisco successfully but it was still a problem on hot days. (So, I guess you know that your idea to use it has placed you squarely in the center of my winner's circle) DD4life is right. No one makes wax rings of beeswax. But if you clean fastidiously it isn't a problem.

Thats what I am gathering... I'll probably try it anyway, just cos I already got the thing... But not expecting much. I suspect I'll have to get real beeswax soon.. Just liked the idea of picking up the bol-wax for cheap where I shop all the time anyway.

Someone earlier said Thompson's Bore Butter and I mean no disrespect to any one but as exclusively a revolver shooter, I hate the stuff. It smells like the shooter brought his favorite hooker along with him. I can't get it to stay put, no matter how much profanity I use.-

When he got out his binoculars, he saw all of the deer pinching their noses trying to get a far away as they could. (That's a lie, of course)


You can make your own cards with a punch kit from Harbor Freight at about ten bucks. Works best in a drill press.

Yup, was looking at these cheap hammer punches though, as I dont have a drill press..

It appears you are not opposed to doing things on your own and this is one place you can have a lot of fun and save a lot of money.

Nope.. Ive always believed in doing more, with less, for myself. My problem these days isnt the will, its just the TIME. I do have to admit, I buy far more things these days then I wish I did... Still, when I do get around to things, it just plain FEELS better to look at a finished product and know that I did it myself for little or nothing (Im cheapskateas well as DIYer! LOL) :D
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If what's loaded is all that you'd likely be firing I don't see the need for any lube really. It's just meant to keep the fouling softer, which is nice for a range session I suppose.
I've been using Gatofeo's infamous #1 lube now for most everything including felt wads, pistol bullets, and rifle conicals. Seems good enough for me.

I've been considering trying some on my rifle patches instead of using grape seed oil, but I think I'll try the ole Ballistol and water mix first.

Gatofeo's lube was found by said fellow, and it's a very old recipe.

2 parts paraffin, 2 parts mutton tallow, and 1 part beeswax.

I have so much of the stuff I poured some of the extra into SWMBO's soap mold and made little bricks that I then cut into 6 pieces and use like a crayon the lube grooves with. It's slow but I enjoy it. It can be used pan lube style.
44 Dave

When I intend to keep a revolver loaded I add a card wad over the powder, then my lubed wad.
Any gook over the ball will be a magnet for dust and dirt, when carried for a while, which will scrub it's way down the barrel when fired.

I had thought about something over ball just to help aid with moisture... But was on the fence about it for the heat problems that Doc mentioned. Never actually considered the gunk and crud factor, but your right I guess it would... One more reason not to do it, thanks!

I've been considering trying some on my rifle patches instead of using grape seed oil, but I think I'll try the ole Ballistol and water mix first.

Man I wish I could get Ballistol around here...Dont know why but NO ONE carries the stuff? Can get it online of course, but since she is the "keeper of the greenback" its just ALLOT easier to point at something on the shelf and say I need that then to order it... LOL

Gatofeo's lube was found by said fellow, and it's a very old recipe.

2 parts paraffin, 2 parts mutton tallow, and 1 part beeswax.

That does sound like it would be really good in the summertime...
I got mine from Dixie Gun Works, but all they seem to sell is the aerosol. I have some in my cart at Amazon now.

I'm told you can go to their site and click on available stores. Maybe you'll get lucky.
Coupla responses for Storm....

If you can get to a gun show, I have seen guys who sell Ballistol at the gun shows. I looked at gun shows in western VA and did not see any but I dint look very hard.

Being a cheapskate is a real plus. No body can squeeze a nickel tighter than I can. It prompts one to be resourceful and imaginative.

Those are the punches I am talking about. I see the price is eight bucks vice ten.

I don't want to push, but a drill press is a nice thing to have.
My muzzleloader rifles are often left loaded for months at a time. They always go boom when they are supposed to.
If you can get to a gun show, I have seen guys who sell Ballistol at the gun shows. I looked at gun shows in western VA and did not see any but I dint look very hard.

LOL.. Man Im so far back in the sticks, they have to truck SUNLIGHT in to us... :D

Seriously.. No gun shows around here... There are serious pluses to living back here in the middle of nowhere... But there are also some serious drawbacks...Gun shows are one of them. Still.. wouldnt trade it for anything in the world.. except maybe someplace even MORE remote! LOL

I don't want to push, but a drill press is a nice thing to have.

You aint lieing there! I would LOVE to have one... But being a poor boy and all.. Eh.. its ON the list, but its pretty far down ya know? One day! :D
punches and wax

For what it's worth I do sell pure beeswax 1# blocks and 4 oz tubs

Back in the day the settlers , pioneers and civil war era peoples.
Used different tallows based on what was available in their area.
Mountainmen were known to make tallow from bear fat and other
Hog lard is basically just tallow as it is rendered in the same way.
Hog lard is readily available at most any grocery store.

Some shooters tout the benefits of one over another, so it is each to his own.

As I said in a PM I'd be careful using that bol wax you got.
The MSDS for it says it gives off hydro carbons when heated, which leads
me to believe is has petroleum products in it.
Petroleum based products are claimed to give a hard fouling in BP guns

As to the punches. You don't need to use a drill press. A hand held drill will work as well.
One thing I would suggest. Place a stout rubber mat under the felt to protect the cutting edge of the tool
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For what it's worth I do sell pure beeswax 1# blocks and 4 oz tubs

Yup.. May have to get some from ya... Just hate to waste the bol-wax now that I got it, without even trying ya know?

Back in the day the settlers , pioneers and civil war era peoples.
Used different tallows based on what was available in their area.
Mountainmen were known to make tallow from bear fat and other
Hog lard is basically just tallow as it is rendered in the same way.
Hog lard is readily available at most any grocery store.

I been happy with the Amor brand lard so far.. Like you say, it IS tallow, just from pigs... And its CHEAP! :D

As to the punches. You don't need to use a drill press. A hand held drill will work as well.
One thing I would suggest. Place a stout rubber mat under the felt to protect the cutting edge of the tool

Yup.. have already decided I'll go with the drill bit kind... I figure if worse comes to worse, I can still hammer punch with them if Im careful enough.

Hmm.. hadnt thought about rubber... Was just gonna use a scrap piece of plywood... Didnt realize the cutting edges where that soft.. Would be a good precaution I guess.
One thing is that taking a cold gun into a warm house can get condensation inthe chambers. Use a soft padded gun case/tote and leave it in the cold. Put the gun in it before entering the warm house.

Using 777 powder the lube is smokeless type right? Smokeless lube is hard and withstands heat and cold.

Having a cap&baller loaded forlong periods a person can make lube pills that have a lot of paraffine wax to them if they need a grease cookie or lube pill.
Personnelly I'd leave any kind of lube out of the gun besides smokeless lube if it's to be loaded a long time.
A person can take the toilet ring wax stuff and put a little under the shoulder of the nipples and screw them in and they would be sealed. Same thing with putting the toilet wax ring stuff over the end of the chamber over the ball. That would seal it real well.

I've heard that a proper tight fitting cap seals the rear of the nipple. If there aren't any tight fitting caps for your nipples then.....find a size cap that's too small for the cones and then use a drill to spin the nipples and a stone to stone them to make the small overly tight caps fit well but real snug.
If a person is careful they can put a thin layer of that sticky toilet wax stuff on the sides of the nipples cones and then slip the caps on and that would seal them.

I'd opt for sealing the caps on the cones with finger nail polish or that stuff that's like the nail polish made for sealing primers in cartridges.
Actually sealing the cap&baller with the nail polish or primer sealer everywhere moisture can enter the chambers would work. Leaving any lube ,except smokeless lube, out of the chambers to be sealed would be a sure fire way to know the wax/lube isn't going to leach or migrate into the powder.

Only a sure fire method of sealing the guns from moisture or rain or wet snow would satisfy me if I want the gun to fire when it's needed. That would be the nail polish or primer sealer for cardridges.
BP C&B for a house gun?
Why not!
I'm all in favor if that's what ya hot best with!
Personally, I use a Chief's Special but I would't hesitate grabbing my short barreled '58 if I had to!
Loaded with 250 gr Conicals, it'd work!
As with you guys, I do worry about long term powder storage tho.
One thing is that taking a cold gun into a warm house can get condensation inthe chambers. Use a soft padded gun case/tote and leave it in the cold. Put the gun in it before entering the warm house.

Yeah I got a case for that.. Wont be a BIG problem as it will usually be home, just sitting around waiting for the chance to go to out and shoot... I just figure, that hey, as long I have it it may as well be useful even while sitting idle... An unloaded it gun is, of course, something akin to a hammer with no nails...

Using 777 powder the lube is smokeless type right? Smokeless lube is hard and withstands heat and cold.

I wasnt aware that I could use smokeless lube? Arnt they petroleum based? How do they do with the fouling of BP?

Having a cap&baller loaded forlong periods a person can make lube pills that have a lot of paraffine wax to them if they need a grease cookie or lube pill.

That was my idea... A lard and wax pill, mixed slightly hard... But as an ADDED protection, a thin cardboard "wad" soaked in the wax alone between the pill and the powder.

Only a sure fire method of sealing the guns from moisture or rain or wet snow would satisfy me if I want the gun to fire when it's needed. That would be the nail polish or primer sealer for cardridges.

Ive heard of sealing the cps with nail polish before... But wouldnt that get pretty messy or build up after while? Does it get burned off? Whats the trade off with it? I got an ol' lady with two daughters, so pilfering a bit of polish here and there shouldnt be TOO hard... Just dont look forward to trying to explain if I get caught! LOL