My gripes

I don't know about that ''My dad can beat up your dad'' but I know that Minnesota's governor can beat up my governor--and I wish he would, he's George 'Lyin' Ryan of Illinois.
I think most of us like to know who has what cause its trivia.. not that it meansd anything. But there are a LOT of guys who like the 45.. cause that's what the US ARMY used.. not some "wussy" european gun. Of course that reputation for reliability and "manstopping" power has its own myths and legends.. partially true no doubt to TRUE field testing.

Colt boasted a semi auto pistol that fired 6000 rounds in an army without a jam in 1911.. wow.. that was pretty cool in a time where most people still used revolvers.

So yeah.. one army or unit's torture test MIGHT be of interest to the average civilian consumer, whether its SEAL tests, or FBI or anecdotal for fun - or information only stuff.

FOR FUN ANECDOTAL ONLY Story from a green beret: Bunch of Ranger cadets are taking 5 in the shade on a field exercise.. and since they could have thier own knives.. every tom dick and harry has a big-ass rambo knife, You know crocodile dundee wanna be conan shortswords stuffed/taped to their web gear and bragging about how much this cost over that/what can you stick through a car door etc. One ranger looks over at my friend (noting no such wanna-be wakazashi graced his web gear) and says "hey dude, how come you don't have a knife" To which aformentioned pal pulls down on piece of parachute cord hanging from upper pocket, hand suddenly filling with italian ivory and six inches of stilletto blade snapping from fingers.

Sometimes.. its just about style.

My friends and I upon hearing that story ALL had a piece of parachute cord hanging out of our army jackets tied to knives for the REST of high school.. switchblades or otherwise. Its amazing to me that no one ASKED us (the 6 or so of us) what was WITH those bright hunks of parachute cord dangling away.


Another anecdotal story relayed to me by a force recon guy I met taking Russian in college:

He's on some training manuver in Jungle warfare school in panama, playing the part of the agressor squad. he can choose anything from a mishmash of "guerilla arms" for the exercise so he grabs an AK. he's in the bush for a week or so and some reservist/officer is going to go along for an ambush. The officer takes one look at my pal and says.. son why are you carrying that COMMIE rifle? to which my pal, who has been in the bush says "SIR because this rifle WILL NOT fail to fire" He relates how his agressor team has wiped out two good guy squads whose m-16's jammed during the exercise. Ok so it was training.. and they were all blanks.. but I trusted the guys judgement that the AK was a rifle that put up well with adverse conditions (which he also described).

Does either of these stories make me a grunt? NOPE. But sometimes the advice of someone who has been there, done that can be good advice whether its about knives or guns or fieldcraft or whatever.. advice that even us civilians can use.

and sometimes it just makes for a good story. ;)

Hope you enjoyed them,

Damn, George! I forgot about my profile...I couldn't think of anything better to say when I filled out the registration.

OK...I have an answer for you. I like stuff that's big...I just don't like it on dudes!

Yes, you are correct mylhouse - what is really so special on the difference between a "Seals" Marines, Special Forces, Demolition Squad, SWAT, etc., as being used by the Military Organization.

When I heard this acronyms being given to such groups it seems they have more special traits then the other.

In my country, the only thing I know for the Marines in the training is, they are really hard trained from Jogging and Obstacles and some schooling on their respective specialties and when they are fielded then it is the time they will have combat experience, the same thru to the otehr services.

To the SWAT team, what is so special again and the others?

Why the rebels or any anti gov't groups in Philippines don't have such kinds of noted acronyms but only called guerillas but they give big blows also to the legitimate gov't forces.

It is already common to people that if a certain item like pistol is being used by a famous organization it became so noted for.

There are many seals, marines and other special forces who haven't in combat and did not even owned a pistol, as pistols is only for officers. I know in My country that if you are not an officer in the military, you only carry a rifle, but when some people says, Oh! the seals or the marines uses SIG, HK etc, then seems already justifying the good quality of the pistol or gun.

Like the AK47, it was already in existence before the invention of the AR16, when the west have seen the AK47, they realized it was a good simple rugged gun that is at par witht the AR's.

Well, it is just but common I think that when famous org. or people uses a certain item it has good impact to the consuming public.
