My gripes


New member
I just felt the need to unload a little of my pent up frustration with the world. I'm not going to bi#@h about the world we live in, but rather some more minor things that irritate me. Flame me or agree with me, it doesn't matter. I just have to get it off my chest.

Why is everyone so caught up with what gov't agency is packing what? WFC what some special op unit is carrying? Most of us know what guns will work under what situations, but it seems people need reassurance through knowing that some certain agency is deploying their chosen weapon.
Everyone and their mother claim to know a Navy SEAL and feel compelled to share that with us. SFW? "My friend is a SEAL and he says such and such!" Are we supposed to then take this as gospel? Some treat SEALs like they are some sort of deities or something. Several years ago, it seemed like everyone knew or was best friends with a "Champion Kick-boxer" and he could whup "anyone's a55". It's all the same mentality that started when we were 7 years old and we got into the "Oh yeah? My dad could beat up your dad!" argument. It's so old.
What's with everyone using "Big" in their handle? Are you insecure? Do you feel compelled to let the internet world know that you are a big guy in case they might think that you're a punk and they are sizing you up?
These are a few things on my mind that I felt I had to address. I know that this will garner me numerous flames, but I like to rile people up from time to time. Call it exercising my 1st amendment along with my 2nd. Please know that I'm not trying to make any enemies or single anyone in particular out. We are all here for basically the same reasons, so I consider all of you friends of sorts. But even my friends and I piss each other off from time to time.
I use Futo Inu (Big Dog), but on second thought I should have used "Nelson" because he beats up Bart and Mylhouse all the time.
I know two former SEALS- both claim no great expertise in pistols. In fact, both find it humerous that they are used as "benchmarks" for what pistol to buy/carry.

I also know a fellow who was a WWII EDU frogman, though I might have the wrong anacronym. He prefered "any servicable gun, preferably from long ranges."

Why do the gentlemen I know not express their prowness and preference for "super guns?" I don't know. Sorry if it makes my rant boring, or doesn't prove any points...


Also- beware the claim that "SEALS use these!" One of the guys I know used to have a trunk full of crap given to him to use. He said all his buddies did to.
Yeah,I agree with most all you are saying,my 1911 stayed in the holster where it had always been when the armed services opted for the Beretta 9mm...although,politics of decisions aside,what government agencies carry is usually the result of some pretty entertaining and sometimes informative testing proceedures beyond the scope of what is encountered in gun magazines.Of course 1911's in 45acp have always been my"thing",but I did personally find the FBI's trials of the 1911 for the Hostage Rescue Team interesting reading...5,000 rds.with only 15% accuracy degradation off of 1.5"@25yds.,etc. Of course if in the end they had decided to equip with .32 Rohm's or G.E. Mini guns,my .45 would still have a safe place in it's holster.
I have a Great Dane so I could have named myself "Deutsche Dogge" or "the Apollo of Dogs". BTW, you should have named yourself Nelson, because MILLhouse may not be as tough, but he's a whole lot smarter. ;)
It is pertinent when the thread is related to military issues and somehow moves into the SpecWar arena. It's also interesting to examine the results of extensive testing that large agencies conduct because most of us private citizens don't have the time and money to do it.

But generally, your point is valid. I buy what feels good and shoots well in my hands (mainly CZs). In my opinion, DAO is some idiot government lawyer's idea of reducing his agencies legal risk and nothing more.
I agree, having served in the Navy I'm familiar with the SEALS. If everyone who claims to have been one actually was then the SEALS must be much bigger than even they realize !

I'm always amused by the fact that many companies use the term "mil spec" as a selling point. Having served in the military, and now in law enforcment I can say that there's another phrase that is more applicable, "low bid".
"mineralman" Take a good long hard look at that word/phrase. I just did. I didn't see the word "big" in it anywhere. in fact, the letters "b" and "g" are missing!

Also, I just ran a search of stuff I've posted, and nowhere in it do I say that I know any SEALs. Which is definitely a good thing, since I don't. Sure know enough of the wannabes and Soldier of Fortune types, though, and am thoroughly disgusted by them, but no ray of SEa Air Land expert sunshine has made himself known to me, as yet.

Anyhow, as for which agency packs what, it's basicly useful for comparing the results of tests. However, if it's torture tests that impress you, save yourself the trouble and buy a Glock or HK. Those guns are downright masochistic when it comes to the amount of punishment they can absorb.


The acronym is "UDT." It stands for Underwater Demolition Team(s), what the SEALs were before they were "SEALs."


I also agree with you, I don't think one should judge a weapon by who or what agency utilizes it. As far as the SEALs go, it ain't there weapons that make them what they are...

...It is there MENTALITY and TRAINING that seperate them from ordinary men. :cool:

You give one a weapon, ANY! weapon and it will be utilized to get the job done. Whether it be a SIG P226, GLOCK :confused: (heck there are so many different models of the darned things), HK X, COLT X etc; It just doesn't matter.

Me I like DA/SA SIGs and LOVE SA 1911s! I have fired just about every brand out there and these are the two designs that work for me, regardless of who or what agency endorses them.

P.S. And, your right people do claim to know a lot of this or that. It should not bother you though; some people need to do it to feel better about themselves. If that is what it takes let them. They are not harming you or I by doing so. ;)

[This message has been edited by James Montes (edited January 13, 2000).]
Mylhouse, you aren't any relation to Andy Rooney, are you? ;) LOL

Be mentally deliberate but muscularly fast. Aim for just above the belt buckle Wyatt Earp
"It is error alone that needs government support; truth can stand by itself." Tom Jefferson
If you have to shoot a man, shoot him in the guts, it may not kill him... sometimes they die slow, but it'll paralyze his brain and arm and the fight is all but over Wild Bill Hickok
Remember: When you attempt to rationalize two inconsistent positions, you risk drowning as your own sewage backs up.
45 ACP: Give 'em a new navel! BigG
I worked with a guy who was Marine Force Recon. He said he never was issued a pistol and when he got out he bought a Star Firestar 9mm. SO it goes to show you Navy Seals SF guys force recon etc. Carry what they can afford and shoot decently when civilians. Have a friend who is a former Marine Sergent and a current navy lt jg. He has a Mini 14 and a 9mm smith. Claims all pistols are crap.
I find it funny the number of people who you talk to who claim to have been some sort of special forces type dude. They try to act all mysterious and tough. If all of these folks where really in those units they would be the biggest units in the military.

I have a friend who was in the 82nd airborne, and he doesn't really like guns very much. Very conservative and politically active, but he just doesn't care to shoot.

I like to know what different organizations carry, mostly because it is gun trivia.
I think it is a somewhat legitimate exercise, because gov't agencies spend lots of money and time testing (objectively in theory) different weapons and ammo, so why not look at the results instead of re-inventing the wheel? For example, a lot of people justifiably, IMO, look to the FBI ammo ballistics tests to determine what pistol ammo can do the penetration job. On the other hand, as has been noted, gov't contracts are ultimately awarded to the lowest bidder, so do you really want to jump onto that race to the bottom. Obviously the ammo testing and other tests of this type are different, in that there's no contract being awarded, the agency is just testing commercially available products head to head - so that's useful. Whether the SEALs are the ultimate litmus test should NOT be decided by how cool you think SEALs are, but by how extensive & objective THEIR testing is, relative to other agencies.

Mylhouse, OK, Millhouse is Bart's buddy; so who is Mylhouse? Oh yeah, I agree with the gist of your rant, cept I'm guilty as charged (small man's disease, perhaps - actually I just like big dogs). You are correct that Great Danes originated in Germany, not Denmark - In Europe, they are called German Mastiffs, as you probably already know. Pomeranians are called German Spitzes there, too. Can you name which other breeds came from Deutchland?

[This message has been edited by Futo Inu (edited January 13, 2000).]
Futo, actually I wanted to be Millhouse, but it was taken. Sometimes I feel just like him, always being disrespected and given the shaft all the time.
I can't list off all the German descended dogs off the top of my head (we would also have to move this to Canine Corner), but I know that the majority of kicka$$ ones (Rotties, Doberman(n)s, etc) hail from the land of Krauts.
The really funny thing about the "I know a" claims is that we probably have waaay more Spec Op types posting here than anywhere else. And they have never gotten involved in these issues.


I'm sorry if the title "Big" upsets you, it's a name I have gone by for most of my 62 years. I suppose it has something to do with being 6'5" and 280 lbs....