My friend who's graduating will have to wait for her grad gift,,,


New member
My friend who's graduating will have to wait for her grad gift,,,
Because there's nothing out there for me to purchase.

I've just spent 1.5 hours on-line
And didn't find any of the desired pistols.

Well, I did find one place that had the Kel Tec P17,,,
But I'm not paying $279.95 + tax + shipping + transfer for a $199.00 MSRP gun.

I'm thinking I'll be gifting her my very well used Bersa Thunder .22,,,
Then replacing it with a new one when things return to normal.

Yeah, this post is somewhat of a whine,,,
I've been known to whine when I don't get my way. :mad:


You understand there is a federal problem with purchasing a handgun with the intent to give it to a “friend”, right?

Aside from that felony, a handgun is a very personal item and if the recipient wants one, the recipient should pick the one that works for them, regardless of cost.
Amen to that, stinkypete. I was gonna get my spouse a EDC pistol, then the wise man spoke up and she picked her own even though it came from "our" bank account.

That learned me to let son and daughter to pick their own too. Shortly after, daughter and son got their carry license using their own hand picked weapons.

I'm proud of all three of them. By the way, none of the three picked the same pistols.....all different tastes and desires.
You understand there is a federal problem with purchasing a handgun with the intent to give it to a “friend”, right?

Isn't gifting a firearm allowed as long as the receiver of the gift is not a restricted person?
I seem to recall a check box on my application that said something like “I am purchasing this firearm intending for my own use” and if you don’t check “yes”, the transfer will likely fail.

Making a false statement on that form is a felony.

You can google “straw purchase” and “don’t lie for the other guy”. Practically speaking, you could buy a handgun and then “decide you don’t like it” before you shoot it, then gift it to a non-restricted Person... but you can’t post on the Internet that’s what you are doing- because it’s illegal.
State laws vary, too.

Gifting your old Bersa is a straight up gift and only local laws apply.
Gifting a gun is not illegal in and of itself.

You understand there is a federal problem with purchasing a handgun with the intent to give it to a “friend”, right?

Not right.

I seem to recall a check box on my application that said something like “I am purchasing this firearm intending for my own use” and if you don’t check “yes”, the transfer will likely fail.

"For my own use" includes buying it to be used as a gift to a non-prohibited person.

Thanks for your concerns gentlemen,,,
But this is not an illegal act.

As far as letting her choose her own gun,,,
The Bersa Thunder .22 is the gun I used to teach her with.

She likes it very well and is proficient with it,,,
I don't think this will be an issue.


I bought my dad a Glock, legally. Told the shop people exactly what I was doing, and there were no problems.

I've read posts by members in this and other forums,,,
Where they told the gun shop it was for a gift,,,
And then the gun shop denied the sale.

They are incorrect in their interpretation of the law,,,
But I understand their action comes from an overabundance of caution.


You understand there is a federal problem with purchasing a handgun with the intent to give it to a “friend”, right?

Aside from that felony, a handgun is a very personal item and if the recipient wants one, the recipient should pick the one that works for them, regardless of cost.
The instructions (Page 4 of the Form 4473) for Question 11a specifically state that you may purchase a firearm and give it as a gift.
I stand corrected. The upper right hand corner of the link per post #12 is explicit and clear.

Thank you, 1911 hardball. I learned something today!
Although a graduation gift is always a nice and appreciated gesture, IMHO, giving a gift certificate from an LGS or LGR might be an easier approach to take.
Aarond, you sir seem to have gifted many a gun to grads and it's very cool indeed.
Any idea how many you've gifted?

One Heritage SAA revolver with a hand made belt and holster.


Two Bersa Thunder 22's with extra mags and hand made holster.

One Ruger Mk-III 4" slab-side with hand made holster.


One Mossberg 22 Plinkster (used) with accessories and case.

One Savage 3B single-shot 22 rifle that was re-blued/re-finished by me,,,
I offered him a choice of several rifles,,,
He chose that one.

It's not like I'm rich or anything approaching rich,,,
But I'm single with a professional salary,,,
And debt free but for a student loan.

I have a decent "allowance" for things like this.

These are all kids who I met at the university I work at,,,
I introduced them to shooting and they stuck with it.

I take a lot of kids from my work shooting at my rifle/pistol club,,,
But I don't buy them all gifts when they graduate,,,
These six kids were very special to me.

A young lady (Chrissa - daughter of a former boss and dear friend) just graduated high school,,,
I've known this fine young lady since she was three days old,,,
Click here to see a picture of us together.

As soon as I finish making the lining for a nice wooden case,,,
She is going to get two of my heirloom guns.

4" Nickel plated S&W Model 34,,,

3" Nickel plated S&W Model 36,,,

That nickel plated model 34 has a nice history,,,
A dear friend of mine (Jackie) got it for her 12th birthday.

Her father took her to a gun store on her birthday,,,
And told her she could pick any .22 handgun she wanted.

When she told me the story I complemented her on her good taste in handguns,,,
I asked her why she chose that particular one,,,
Her reply was, "It was shiny."

Her brother gave me the 34 when she passed away a few years back,,,
Since Chrissa also knew Jackie I decided to pass it along to her.

The Model 36 was just a gun I bought specifically to pair with the 34,,,
No special provenance to it except it's a near perfect match.


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My son graduated w/ PhD and I rold him Id buy him a rifle. We decided hed buy and I pay, him.

We both have CPLs and can buy w/out NICS, unless that changed recently n MI. It was ok 15 yrs ago. Either could buy but we didnt chance it. That 'straw stuff' dont discuss who pays. Only inhibits law abiding and not felons, much same as all gun "control" laws.
"We decided he'd buy and I pay, him."

When the dang Kel Tec P17 finally becomes available through Buds gun shop,,,
I'll do the same thing for Jaitlyn's gun.

Buds markets a lifetime warranty for any gun they sell,,,
I believe the price varies by the cost of the gun,,,
But for a Heritage it was a mere $10-bill.

It may seem like it's not worth the money,,,
But the warranty covers the shipping to the repair center.

That $10-bill beats the heck out of $70 for UPS next day air.

The only problem is that it's only good for the original purchaser,,,
So I'll "present" her with the one I'll have bought for myself,,,
Then have her order a new one with Buds warranty.

I'll immediately write her a check for the exact amount.

