my friend discharged a 12 ga in his home


New member
Honestly... I thought there woul've been more damage from 00buck right into a wood floor... but regardless of that... he's gonna be my future roomate... and i'm a little concerned that he might "accidentally discharge" again in my house... waht should I do? He's totally cool... but he might drink too much
Here's the thing.. I"m all for everyone owning guns... and he's my buddy.. gotta stick up for him... but do you guys think he's gonna learn from this experience... or does it mean he's reckless? Have you guys ever "accidentally" discharged a firearm? c'mon... be honest

P.S. - I'm a firm believer that as long as one follows common rules and always has guns pointed in a safe direction then even accidents can be "safe" ... although still not good behavior... and no-one should probably ever do it more than once
ask him what he learned and what would he do different...

If he does it a second time I dont think he would get my vote for roomate.
yes. Is he prone to things like this? If not, I wouldn't worry. If he has a history of pulling dumb crap, well you might want to rethink the issue. My buds and I in college had some REALLY jackass moments. Just like you, we would stick together. But, there were times when we had to beat the sh*t out of one another to set things right.
Trust me, there is nothing that will sober you up to saftey faster than an accidental discharge in the home. I was getting ready to clean my XD(first mistake not removing the clip), locked back the slide, got inturupted(second mistake), put the slide forward(without putting the disasembly lever up, number three) came back an hour later, pointed the gun in a safe direction(the smartest thing I did all day) to dry fire it(you must to disasemble) and boy was I shocked to see it go bang. My ears rang like hell and I have a .40 caliber hole going through 4 studs and damaging a 5th (remodeling) but no one was injured.

If your friend is like me and learns the easy lessons then he will be a fine roomate.
Whoa man, thats not good. You said he drinks too much, does that mean he was drunk when he killed the floor??? IF SO then he and everyone else has no buisness messing around with firearms while drunk.
I would be worried about having him in my house if that is the case.
Trust me, there is nothing that will sober you up to saftey faster than an accidental discharge in the home.

You'd think so huh? Don't take that as gospel though, my bro has ND'd every gun he's ever owned. He's a damn good shot but don't let him near guns in the house. Watch that guy.

CraZkid was talking about normal people and not wacks & drinkers.

Eghad has a good suggestion - ask him what he's learned and what he would do differently. The answer is important. If your buddy is really ashamed of it and indicates that he's learned a humility lesson, I think you can take comfort in that and he'll be much more careful.

On the other hand, if he laughs it off or makes light of it, you may have a problem. In this case, explain just what you did here... how can he be trusted not to do it again? How can you relax in a place where someone who does that (ND's) laughs it off like dropping his beer on the carpet.

In either case, occasionally (once a month) ask him if he's killed any more floorboards. Peer pressure over doing something stupid is one thing that will force most people to ensure it doesn't happen again.

I had an ND once with a .45 at my Dad's house when I was in my 20's. Put a hole in the floor right next to the bed. :eek: His first concern what that I wasn't hurt. Then he told me - "I'm so disappointed in you." which really hurt. :o I became much safer in handling thereafter, especially since when we'd go golfing together every month he's ask if I'd shot any more floors. He kept it up for about 6 months until he was sure I'd learned my lesson. :cool:
My friend dishcarged a 12 gauge............

Go ahead and room with him, insure yourself heavily and make me the beneficiary. He did NOT follow the common safety rules. Keep your finger off the trigger. No finger on trigger, no boom, no problem.

Will you be living on the second floor of the building with him? Folks downstairs might take exception to his propensity to give them a skylight.
Lets see he drinks to much, and fired a gun in the house by accident and you want him for a roommate.All I can say is good luck.Have I ever accidentally fired a gun NEVER let alone in the house.That is what a SAFETY is for, so playing with a loaded gun in the house with one in the chamber and no safety on and finger on the trigger :barf:
When my brother was about 12 (me...8), He was carrying a .22 with the barrel pointed up in the porch of our ranch. BANG! It scared the hell out of all of us. We tease him about it to this day and it has never, and will never happen again, to anyone that was there. The hole is still there. Thank goodness it wasn't a 12ga. Pier pressure oftem works, assuming they are not drunk. I would have to know the guy to see if I would let him in my house.

Alcohol + firearms....Nahhhh...not with me around!

Had an ND when I was about 14...but because I had gun pointed in safe direction, no damage to anyone, or anything. You better believe I'm paranoid about gun safety. Generally, won't load a gun in the house unsless its "serious", which is as it should be.
I don't have a problem with loading a gun in the house(After all, both my Glock and Shotgun have one in the chamber, and the sks has a full magazine, rest are locked up), if its for defence stuffs... usually do a function check before its done anyways.
I would be rethinking my room mate. I never go shooting again with someone who is carelss with guns. This is not just a mistake, this is gross, hideous and potentually life ending recklessness. I would not take the chance of wearing a load of 00 buck.
If you're planning on rooming with a guy who doesn't believe in dryfiring while *he's* dry, I have the following suggestions for fashions to wear while chilling out in your new crib:

