My first SKS

Congrats. SKS's are great. They have MOM accuracy (Minute of Moose) but hey, they are cheat to spray and pray, fun to shoot, and while the trigger sucks, so what? I can buy a box of 1000 rounds of Wolf for less than $90. That's fun in the sun all day long. Also, UTTERLY RELIABLE. The thing digests even cat hair....

And 7.62x39 isn't exactly a .22LR either... so WTSHTF, I acutally wouldn't feel under-armed with an SKS...

And I bought an "evil assault rifle stock" for it. :D

You'll love it.
I shot the heck out of it last night...I think it's pretty accurate. I'm a little surprised but happy.
I plan to put an extender on the stock to help it fit me better.
I really like the gun.