I beg to differ on the scope question. One of the best reasons to have a .22LR rifle is to initiate people to the shooting sports and hunting. Hunters often have scoped rifles and need practice using them before taking them out in the field. Shooting with iron sights doesn't help people to get used to scopes.
Scopes, hologram, and red-dot sights are faster than irons. Scopes help in game identification and shot placement. When hunting, they make it easier to see twigs in the way of a shot and improve accuracy, especially in dim light. They also place sights and target on the same focal plane, something that becomes more important with age, due to loss of eye accomodation. When I was 12, I could see both sights and target in perfect focus. Now, I can't see the front sight on a rifle and the target in perfect focus, especially in dim light.
Appleseed is a great starter program, but there's so much more to learn. A really good shooter should experienced in every sighting system used in sports and hunting, and many are skilled in rifle, shotgun, and handgun shooting. Competition of many types can further add skills and condition shooters to handle stress, which can be helpful in both hunting and self-defense.
Most folks who shoot a lot and participate on these boards know this, but there are may who are beginners and they need to understand that this can be a lifetime hobby and it can be taken in many different directions. Viva la difference!