My First RIFLE Mosin Nagant PU sniper 1943 Izhevsk LOT OF PICS!

Interesting to see that balistol isn't as uncommon as I thought.

Tracerdee: I will never change to anything probably :) funny you call it moose-milk, never diluted it with water though. Why would you want mix it if I may ask?

Full Throttle: the cosmoline... I love it and hate it; It kept my rifle safe and clean for 66 years for me to shoot, but trying to dig out that mix of Olga's toenails and Ivans engine grease from under my trigger was a pain in the behind. :p
If you have any pictures of your m38 I would love to see it!
Great looking guns! Here's mine, I converted from the infantry rifle to a sniper. so far, it's minute of clay-pigeon at 100 yards.
Mine's a '43 Izzy as well.

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Hey Magnum Will, I bet she is a pleasure to shoot. what scope did you use? is it original or did you order a reproduction? seems original though.

"Her's my Mosin after I converted it, great deer rifle! "
Beatiful deer, the 7,62x54R has plenty of hunting power, right between the .308 and 8mm mauser. What kind of bullets do you use? isn't it hard to find good hunting bullets in this caliber?

Fullthrottle: take your time, I would love to see them.

BTW: I made a cheek pad that would solve my "chin weld", it works fine.



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It's a repro scope (which is weird, it's dated 1942?) but that's fine, since it's a conversion anyway. I like the repro, since you don't need to center the reticle as much when you put it on.

I found a solution to the poor cheek weld - I use my left eye for the scope :D

They often compare the 54R to the .30-06, they generate the same pressure, supposedly.
moisin kick?

I purchased a mil surplus Moisin sniper set-up last year but have not shot it yet. i have heard recoil is like getting kicked by 2 Russian mules! Any particular ammo out there (Rguns was selling some) better than others? thanks:D
well, if the left eye works... it works :p
the pressure indeed doesn't differ much. (7,62x54r is about 57.000psi and the 30.06 around 59.000psi) but the muzzle energy of the 7,62x54r is around 200 ft.lbs lower and gets around 2600 ft.lbs.
Still, I have shot both calibers often and I have to say that the 30.06 (in a Springfield 1903) kicks a lot more than the Mosin does.

Zahnzieh: If you have shot .308 and it didn't bother you much, then don't worry about the mosin, I found that the kick isn't much worse than the .308
As for recoil, to me it feels like its right between the .308 and the 8mm mauser, and a long shot away from the 30.06
I probably wouldn't know about ammo since I live in The Netherlands, and the choise is very limited here.
You're right, 30cal, all the .30-06's i've shot have a little more oomph to it.

zahnzieh, just shoot the hell out of it and you get used to it :) When I first shot my Mosins, i did 40 rounds and i had the nastiest bruise on my shoulder. Now that I know how to control it, we went shooting a few months ago and I put about 100 rounds through my Nagants and my shoulder was fine within the hour out of shooting.
Hey 30 cal; about diluting the Ballistol read the directions. It goes a lot futher and of course the water gets rid of all those salts. Believe also that once you open a bottle of the stuff it has a shelf life of about 2 years (or so they say). T

Edit: Sorry I made an assumption concerning how you were buying Ballistol, in a spray can it is probably already mixed!
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30Cal Fun, here are the pics of my M38. I shot it yesterday for the first time. What a relief, it shot well for a 60 plus year old milsurp. At 35 yards( the longest indoor in my area, raining a lot around here) so outdoor distances are not real practical right now, was getting all five rounds within 3inches. I know with more practice and getting more familiar with this rifle I can do much better. I was using Wolf 148gr. ammo.

As far as the kick......I expected it to be worse!(Maybe paranoia!) The bark is worse than the bark...I mean the LOUD BOOM and the FIRE BALL out of the muzzle! The kick, while not weak, was no worse than a 30-06.


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I indeed have a spray can just like you edited Tracerdee. I don't know if it is already mixed, it doesn't look like it, it's a oil-like liquid, not milky. I never thought of mixing it because it already works so well, but your argument to mix it makes a lot of sense, since the water would more or less disolve the salts (it wouln't be warm though, maybe that would make it less effective). I'll probably stick with the undiluted balistol.

Thanks for the pictures Fullthrottle! We don't see any m38 around here (mostly 91/30). Everybody needs to "get acquainted" with the Mosin first, just shoot the hell out of it and it will definitely grow on you. the groups will get better then. It is because of the shorter barrel (than the 91/30) that the bark and kick is so loud, as for recoil, I can shoot mine for hours, It feels a long shot away from the 30.06.

Try to get the opportunity to shoot it at night once! that will make for a BLAST! :D
I picked up the last M38 in about 80 miles from my house, it took a bit of telephone work to find the thing on a shelf. Next day I was there to purchase it.
After shooting it, I am now glad I have it. I put about 30rds down range and was happy enough. Now I can't wait to get to shoot it outdoors and get more acustom to it and the iron sights! I do know it scared the hell out of a few folks in the range(part of the fun is them jumping).:D

Oh, and night time shooting has got to be fun!
30Cal fun: Goede Avond.

People might not realize it these days, but many of the US/Canadian troops (not only the Band of Brothers), who were so successful in the infantry-not just in WW2-were already experienced hunters, plinkers etc.

How would people react if you tell them about this simple fact?

I've enjoyed a few visits to your 'mooi' country with 'mijn vrouwe': AMS, Haarlem (Groote Kerk concert), Appeldorn, Maastricht, Leiden (long ride on sand dunes fietspad-fun).
Visit Memphis, and I'll let you shoot lots of my SKS, Lee-Enfield, Yugo Mauser ammo into plastic jugs, bricks on a river bank (cars drive by 20 meters away, hear the sounds from the trees, and do not care). Maybe a cottonmouth 'slang'. Am not kidding about this.

Slap lekker, tot ziens.
Ignition Override: goede morgen (good morning)!
Dank U wel (thank you very much), for the offer.
I am a full time student now (physiotherapy), so it will be a long time before I can even think of visiting the USA, but I will definitely keep it in mind!

I know EXACTLY what you mean about the soldiers, most had prior experience in target shooting, hunting, and competitions and where already experienced marksman before the war. when the war started, there was a necessity for that kid of marksmanship regardless of it's origin. I am allways interested in history, because there is so much to learn from. everything from World War 2 to modern day wars. most people here don't go that far in marksmanship-history. another well known example is Carlos Hathcock, he was already a champion target shooter before he joined the USMC Scout-Snipers.

I live in Arnhem, the city that was pretty much the center point of Operation Market Garden. So to most veterans it may sounds familiar. we always welcome a lot of US and Canadian veterans in Arnhem at the annual commemoration for those who fell in Operation Market Garden
I have a lot of respect for the soldiers that were wounded or died for the freedom of my country and others, especially in World War 2. and even though our leaders may not always make the right decision, I still have a lot of respect and admiration for the people who are putting there lives on the line for the safety of you and me.
I don't think there is any greater love and sacrifice for life, your family, friends and brothers-in-arms than to lay down your life for them.

If you or anyone else is coming to The Netherlands, let me know. my house is small, but you are always welcome, and there will probably be an occasion to shoot as well.

The best to everyone, take care, Louis
30cal: I loaded with Speer 150 GR spitzer sp .311 cal. have since gone to Sierra 180 GR Pro-Hunter, like the Sierras better and use them in my Mosin and my Arisaka 99 , Same bullet, .311 for both so things stay about the same for both rifles. The Jap 7.7 definantly likes the heavier round better.
My Mosin sniper was purchased from Interordnance. After slugging the bore and experimenting with different loads, the rifle will shoot clover leaf patterns at 100 yards. I've done a 2 inch three shot group at 300 yards. Amazing for such an old rifle. I never expected this performance. It's got to be one of the most accurate rifles I own.

My best load is 50gr of AA4350, 150gr Hornady SP @ .312 diameter. 2.900 OAL, Lee factory crimp, Winchester large rifle primer, Prvi brass. I only neck size.

Enjoy your new toy...well worth the money.