My favorite revolver...

Nice. Busy but nice.

Kydex? Leather? with all the geegaws or without?
Waist or shoulder/chest (think tanker holster)?

Really want to see the entire ensemble when you put it together and get your take on the best way to carry the beastie.

Takes the K.I.S.S. theory and throws it out with the laundry/bath water eh?

Still and all, formidable revolver you have there.
I know you're just joking around, but it likely could be done.

He makes them for the stock gun. However, I bet he could do a custom job if he had the light and optic. It would certainly be a crazy holster. Accommodating the optic would require removal of material which may change the design too much. Email him and find out. Once you get it, post pictures so we can see just how nuts it really is :)