My e-mail policy

Praise God and General Houston that you would not find me cute! :D So long as the girls do, I'm a happy ole curmudgeon. (And please don't forget the "-mudgeon" part! ;))

Fact is, I had one of the very first Macs in central Texas (Manager of a computer store). I took it home and loved it more than the Lisa (ugh) or the Apple \\\! (Remember the "drop test"?)

I upgraded my Mac from 128K to 512K (whatever did we do with all that memory??)

But it was the \\e that worked for more than 13 years that did my billing, database work, and all my letters to Congresscritters, etc. Appleworks still is the very best computer program I have ever seen.

My HP (Heavy Package) 8160 hiccups, belches and cyberpukes reliably - everything else is touch and go. I owe more on it that its fair market value (sigh) and it's already "dated". Argh!

But it gets me to TFL so that's the main thing. There seem to be too few gun lovers in my bedroom community of citified Texans (most of whom are from snow country) so I've found a home on TFL. I began to feel that gun owners had all died off except for a few blind ole buggers (yes, DC, even OLDER than I!) who go to the range and have to be pointed toward the targets.

"Here let me help you with that spotting scope. See? That's the target down there.... NO! NO! NOT THE BIG BROWN THING! God Almighty! That's the UPS truck! There, there, the white thing with the red spot.... Oh, yours HAS no red spot? Okay, just sight in on the big white sheet of paper, okay?"

(I've started saying the Rosary and I'm not even Catholic....)

If I had a gun that worked as well as my computer, I'd sell that gun to Sarah Brady.

One night (okay, it WAS after a few Shiner Bocks), my wife stopped me just in time as I was about to drive a wooden stake thru both Hewlett's and Packard's Pentium heart. Clear thinker, that girl. ;)

And the bad part is, out here in the boonies the only computer "experts" we have are pimple-faced fourteen years olds who tend to say things like:

- Oh my! This is MUCH bigger than my Atari!
- Well, let's try this! Oh, the CD doesn't fit in your floppy drive does it....

Not exactly reassuring.

So, ckurts, I DO apologize to those few of you who really know what you're talking about. Problem is, as a mere "user", I don't know how to separate the sheep from the goats!

So, if you come out West to my area, and IF you are willing to housebreak this accursed HP so it works, I'll gladly, happily, and with Texas-sized gratitude give you all the Shiner Bock you can hold!

Just lemme know ahead o'time so's I kin git the Shiner truck up here t'home. ;)
Army Finds Solution to Crackers: A Mac
10 Sep 99 12:18 EST

Due to recent cracks on Army web servers allegedly perpetrated by Global Hell, the
Army has seemed to have found a solution to their security problems:

Since the case is still ongoing, Christopher Unger, web
site administrator for the Army Home Page, didn't want to
talk about specifics of what the hacker did to the web page
or what the Army is doing to protect its sites from future
hackers. However, he said the Army has moved its web sites
to a more secure platform. The Army had been using Windows
NT and is currently using Mac OS servers running WebSTAR
web server software for its home page web site.
Hi Dennis. You seem to have seen quite a few Apple II family models come your way. Ever seen or heard of the IIgs? Has anyone? I used to be a very proud owner of one. A Wozniak limited edition if that means anything. Too bad they were abruptly terminated in favor of Macs. The IIgs was a very cool machine, and IMHO, had quite a bit of potential. I really think Jobs jumped the gun on that one, hindsight being 20/20. Too bad. Oh well, just strolling down memory lane on that one.

[This message has been edited by SB (edited September 10, 1999).]
Bingo Dennis! That's me exactly. I just want to drive the nail.
I don't know how the computer works and what's more I don't care to learn how it works. It's a tool, period. I just want to accomplish the task at hand, nothing more.
Look, everyone here likes guns, but not everyone likes the same kind of guns or uses them for the same reason. That's why TFL has so many different forums, to cater to individual preferences in firearms.
It's the same with computers, we all have one, but each of us has different reasons and interests in them. If you like all the tech stuff, fine, more power to ya. Heck, I'm glad you're here so I can get advice from the experts.
Now, me, I bought the thing to help my kids with their education. I played around on it once in a while and one day I happened to stumble into The Firing Line. I'm hooked, a veritable TFL junkie! This, an occasional letter, looking up a sepific item on the internet and maybe play a game once in a while is about all I use a computer for. I'm slowly learning more about it because I have to, not because I want to. It's just a tool.

BTW: Dennis, you crack me up! :)
You and me on this one! :D

The little white IIgs was a neat little machine. It was great to pick it up, take it to the neighbor's, plug it in to their TV and play some games where you didn't kill people.

Afterwards, bring it home and do your budget, write letters, use a spreadsheet and data base to your heart's content. Nice little machine.

Only had two problems. It was next to impossible to upgrade (to keep up with current technology) and it didn't have those damnable three letters "IBM" which, to all REASONABLE people at that time meant,

I'd Buy a Macintosh!

That IBM didn't lose ALL credibility with their IBM Jr. just shows the lemming influence carried over from mainframedom. Grrrrr.

And to think it was Hewlett-Packard who spit on Wozniak. I'll bet there were some red faces at HP when Woz's "little toy" really took off!

And then I turned around and bought an HP.

Here, take the TFL clue-bat. Hold it like so. Now when I close my eyes and grit my teeth......
And the wizard stepped into the room, laying his hands upon the acursed machine. He said "Out demons, out! Heal! HEEEEEEAL!"
And the machine shuddered and roared as the evil was cast out. The people came out of hiding, smiles on their faces and peace once again returned to the home.

Thanks for all your help, problem solved.
Congratulations! Glad to hear your back "on the air"!

Um... Can your wizard work long-distance exorcisms? (Cheap?)
As much as I would like to help you out, The Wizard does computers as a hobby. Personally I think he's better than most Pro's. But it is a hobby and he only does it in his spare time, which he has precious little of. I'm one of his best friends and it took almost a week for him to get here.
I'm going to see him tommorrow night, e-mail me about your problem and I'll ask him about it. However, no promises.