My concealed carry delimma

Thanks for all the responses.

No i cant store anything on base.
The main time I want to carry is when I have my family with me. We travel alot with sports. My only other question is....It seems that it would be easier to put gun on my person and remove while seated in car in appendix position?
here is my thing.don't be the one of many who want to screw it up for the rest of us.its bad enough from the laws we already have to go with.we don't need any more added or just the idea of the CWP being taken away.the anti's will jump all over that kind of stuff to just take away our 2nd amendment.

if we can as pepole who carry the right way can just ask or help in any way to get the laws changed.I have been around asking the right people to just help change some if not all of them.I have been around asking the right people to just be able to carry in or banks.even asked some of or school teachers and principals about changeing the all starts small and gets bigger.just need to ask and not go on what we want to just do.

but hey this is just how I feel.its your life not mine.I love being able to carry when and where I can.its like haha you can't but I can.or I just might be that one who saves the day.
I carried an LCP for 3 years in my rear pocket. Looked like a wallet. If you need to slide it out, it looks like a wallet going in and coming out. Easily drawn and fully secure. Best holster for pocket carry, IMO, and it is top quality as well. You can also carry it flat side out in your front pocket if desired. I have one for my PM9 as well. Very nice for pocket carry.
I suggest a snubbie revolver with a set of Baramie Hip Grips. I carry my Taurus M605 in my front jeans pocket hanging on the grip under an untucked shirt. Only a little grip is above the pocket, easily hidden under the shirt. The weight of the gun is also spread well with no bounce. Set up for carry is easy as you aren't stuffing your gun all the way in your pocket. The opposite is true of removal with the gun riding near the top of the pocket.

I believe Bianchi and Uncle Mikes may have similar products.