My company apparently hates firearms...

Regarding Deanf's statement... What property is there besides public and private (besides open range????...) and how much is there left?

ukgrad - last time I checked at KSU a 65 lb. torsional vibration damper = a 65 lb. sledge. Anyone can correct me if I misinterpreted...

Anarchism: The radical notion that I am the sole authority when it comes to deciding what's best for me.
Just out of interest. I know an R.C.M.P. officer who was told by his superiors to loose his hobby in guns or possibly loose his job.

How's that for political interference.
Torsional vibration damper is a device used to regulate the frequency of vibrations in a rotating shaft. I guess a simple example is the composite sheath on the driveshafts of chevy C1500's. It isn't anywhere near 65 lbs. though.

I'd like to comment on the topic at hand..but I would become too infuriated at the thought of the "political correction" that occurs in the workplace. I am now in search of a job due to the fact that I am an individual, not a puppet.
Well, where I work, we're only actually restricted from viewing pornographic sites and such. But officially, the internet is for business use only. If they ever choose to enforce it, we're all in trouble!

On the other hand, since I work for the state, it is ILLEGAL for me to carry at work, even though I have a permit (state law - no firearms in state-owned buildings). Major offense. And you can forget about suing the gov't...

Beginner barbarians probably had the idea that every house they broke into would be full of untouched loot and frightened, unarmed victims. It just doesn't work that way, my friend.
deanf is correct...the Bill of Rights restricts the government, not private entities.
I do believe, however, that Bubba is correct: if your place of employment prohibits weapons, then they assume(whether they know it or not) responsibility for your safety

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
As for our rights applying on private property-

It seems to me that you do still have the right to free speech, against unreasonable search, blahblahblah, on private property. For example, if you visit someone's house, he can't forbid you to say "Bill Klinton is a goat-raping monkeylover". He may ask you to leave, though, especially if he is a Klinton sympathizer, as it is his right to allow or forbid you entrance onto his property. He would not have any other legal recourse against you, though, as you still had the right to say it. So, it seems to me that it's not so much that your rights cease to exist when you cross a property line, but rather that your rights and the property owners rights come into conflict.

Food for thought, 'eh?

"Fear is the path to the Dark Side...
Fear leads to gun laws, gun laws lead to disarmament, disarmament... leads to Tyranny!"


"If it isn't Scottish, it's CRAP!"
I guess I'm pretty lucky. Our company policy only stated that porn sites were strictly forbidden. We are allowed to surf before starting time, during lunchtime, and after hours. IOW, on our own time. The former president, a trainer, and the CFO have all brought guns onto the premises, although there's a quasi "we don't want anybody freaking out if you bring a gun into the office" rule. Discretion is the main rule. Keep it away from the sheeple and you're OK. Half the employees are outdoor enthusiasts in one way or another and we've had a few potluck lunches that featured venison stew that everybody loved.


Detroit Chapter
Terra-Haute Torque & Recoil Scoiety

Well you’ve pretty much made my point when you write “(of course you have the right to fire me if I don’t comply/agree.)” If I fire you and tell you to never set foot on the property, I’ve prevented you from exercising (on my property) whatever right I’ve fired you over. I’m sure there are court cases which support my contentions, but I don’t have them at my fingertips. It seems to me to be more of a common sense issue.

My last sentence was pure sarcasm.
I have consulted to many govt entities, both state and federal, and the use of any equipment for personal reasons, whether for financial gain or pleasure, is strictly forbidden. That includes after hours use. The reason is that tax revenue paid for it and if we use the equipment then any taxpayer would be entitled to the same use and access.
Your company may not be completely at fault. The company I work for also seems to be blocking all gun related sites they know about. Note, that the URL doesn't have to have "gun" or "firearm" in it, its the content. I talked to one of the administrators after a real work-related site was blocked by accident and was told that they subscribe to a service which updates a database daily on "inappropriate" sites. Apparently, someone working for this subscription service has a severe anti-gun slant. I can get to any automobile related site, but few gun-related sites (they haven't blocked yet ;-)

You can get around these blocks by using an anonymous proxy. You connect to the proxy server first, then give it the blocked URL you want to visit. used to work, but they've since blocked it. There are others out there, though, some free and some not, so there should a way to get around these stupid filters.