My co-worker was mugged

Another TX CHL here. Several points:

1. If you can shoot, this situation is a shooter. With a muzzle held gun, a move and shoot sounds quite reasonable.

2. Black Talons - waste of time. It's funny at one of the Saxet shows, a dude sells Black Talons with a big sign saying: The only round banned by the US Government.

Yeah, right - for suckers.

3. As far as cost: If you get to the Grand Jury and it is a no bill - it will cost you about $5000. But, I don't think you even get that in this case. You have two witnesses and a guy with a gun. Bet you they have a record.

4. Depending on where he lives in TX, there are great opportunities for reasonably priced training. My buddies at or do a fine job. No financial interest - just friends.
He and I have not yet gone "shopping", but part of my plan is to have him purchase a .22 (most likely a Ruger 22/45 like I have) for practice, in addition to whatever else he acquires.

Unfortunately for him, it did take this happening to finally push him over to that point. Prior, he had said he would like to have one, but didn't know if he could trust himself to not use it "improperly". I told him, with ownership comes responsibility. With practice, comes confidence.

As for Mongo- I have it on good authority that they went so far up, he had to swallow them back down. :D

Somewhat related to the topic- today the fam and I were leaving the house to go to the grocery store, but had to wait until a car passed our driveway so we could back out. We were stuck behind this car all the way down my street, as he was blissfully clunking along at about 5 mph. The occupants were all disreputable looking, and the driver had adopted a slouching posture which we down here in TX refer to as "Cadillackin'". Finally he moved to the side, as if to park, so we went on by. At the stop on the end of the street, I look in the mirror and notice they're turning around and heading back the other way. I was thinking "they saw us back out, they know where we live and know we're gone, and they looked like gangbangers. I have a bad feeling about this". WE get most of the way to the sotre, when I could not shake that bad feeling, so I had my wife turn around and go back home, so that I could make sure they had not stopped by my place to "shop". Nothing untoward was happening when we got there, fortunately.

Was I paranoid, or prudent?

Pray as though it's all up to God, act as though it's all up to you.

Aim small- miss small...

If it isna Scottish, it's CRAP! RKBA!

[This message has been edited by Jedi Oomodo (edited July 21, 2000).]
Prudent. If a car/occupants of that description was in my neighborhood, they would look totally out of place. Heck, if that car had parked nearby in my neighborhood, I might even unlock the carbine.