My buddy wants a lever action.

Big Shrek I guarantee I've seen more damage done with a expandable broadhead (spitfire) then that .357 did to those deer.In fact the guy who helped me cut them up remarked it looked like they were shot with a bow with a field point.What amazes me somebody that wasn't there didn't see it knows all about what something will do.How many deer have you shot with a .357?If you have never seen a bullet do something un-expected than you need to shoot a few more animals.It surprised me . I wasn't expecting the lack of damage.
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My guess is that if you shoot a Henry Big Boy about 6 rounds a year it might hold up. I've been shooting CAS since 1997. I know shooters who tried the 'Big Boy'. I've never seen one complete a match without failing.
You might try going to a couple of local CAS shoots and seeing what's for sale. Sounds like what you need is an older Marlin Cowboy. BTW, I've killed numerous deer with a .357 Carbine. My Wife, my Daughter and My Son all took their first deer with a .357 Carbine. Stay within 100 yards and it'll do just fine.
I'm not a CAS but I do like to shoot my .44 henry. Taken down a few deer and a lot more hogs (main reason for it). The only thing I did was install a tang williams sight. Now its not a 39A by any means. But its also a lot less expensive for a henry vs marlin around here.
I have taken many deer with a 357 magnum marlin (16.25 inch barrel). Go with the 158+ grain bullets. I typically shoot 1 each year from my back porch at a range of about 30-80 yards. Theses are Idaho Mule deer.

With the very hottest loads it is legal in most states. While it is far from the ideal gun it will do its job if the shooter does there job, and no amount of gun will do its job if the shooter does not do there job (misses).

If it was his first hunting gun I would sujest some thing bigger but since he has other guns for hunting I think it would be a fine gun to add to a collection.

If you want American made go with older marlins. I'm sorry but in my opinion the only newer guns that feel as smooth to me as my old marlins are the Modern made in Japan Winchesters. The Henerys are pretty nice but the lack of a load gate disqualifies them in my book (they are also much heavier)

This is all just the opinion of one guy and is only worth as much as you paid for it.
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