My biggest scare EVER.



Nice happy ending to a great real life story. YOU & your wife should get a dog or two. I own 2 Akitas a male & female they are brother & sister. At 115lbs & 85lbs respectively they can handle their business w/ease. W/good locks, guns and some dogs everymans house can become his secured castle...

Late, S Tzu

Never relinquish your "instruments of ill omen" for w/out them we are mere slaves of the state...
Hind sight is 20/20.. with that said, u picked up on what didn't go as planned and the small oversights. looking at the big picture, U were ready to and did a good jb of protecting yourself and family. Good job, it's real easy for us to pick apart what u did or didn't do or did wrong or what not, But when it came time for action, u acted and sounds like u kept ur cool. When the going got tough, u took it like a man and did what had to be done. Luckily it all turned out OK and no one got hurt.