My best friend got jumped in a parking lot!


In yesterday's news, I think this was in Texas: two women with the same name were found murdered in similar fashion. Apparently the "hit man" botched the job by killing the wrong woman the first time.

Was the name of the women, 'Sarah Conner'? :p
My goal for any situation that I encounter is always the same: survival.

John Holschen of Insights Training Center follows a mission statement that I think is worth incorporating into anyone's personal protective strategy: "Minimum impact on me and mine."

This gives license to do what you have to do but, most importantly, it gives you the license to avoid, deescalate adn deter without invalidating the mission statement.

It's easy to armchair quarterback after the fact.

Still, anyone changing their movement to vector on you (which includes speeding up to catch you from behind) is a sign that you need to pay more attention. Especially in a mall parking lot.

Also, haymakers aren't my first choice of unarmed weaponry. No closed-hand blow would be and an open-hand blow can do the same job with less risk to your hands.
Ronin308 :) even without improved size the weight training does improve a person's strength and stamina. Sorry he can't gain, maybe he's doing too much aerobic work?

Probably the most dangerous fighters are the women. When I was young and innocent a 'customer' managed to kick me a few inches to the side of where it mattered (when she started the kick I turned to do a thigh block). She was about 5 ft tall, skinny and her arms were being held by her two brothers, one a deputy sheriff and both over 250. After she kicked me she broke away from one of them and pummelled the other. It would have been funny under other circumstances.

ps: Beware of the strong yet chicken types like me. Way to chicken to do the fair fight thing...
Har! :D

Wow, what a story!

I guess if you hear a person yelling and ranting behind you, you should get a grip on the situation. Sounds like your friend was deep in condition white at Wally world.
MPFreeman- He definitely had his head in his rear. If he would have been paying attention the whole thing would have been avoided.
I recommend keeping an impact or blade weapon in the trunk of your car so you have relatively quick access. A cheap katana is a nice choice, or maybe a City Stick or a length of chain. Works great on multiple assailants and people armed with only knives. A mega-folding knife is nice to keep on you at all times. Watch the punks back off when they see that hardware on you.
imadork- I hatehatehate cheap bladeware...especially cheap swords. Besides, its not very likely that you will be standing right next to your car when you're attacked. Also, if you make the decision to keep a sword, length of chain, 'nucks, or anything like that be prepared to explain it to the judge and jury why you got a cheap United Cutlery katana out of your trunk and started hacking away. I have absolutely nothing against defending yourself with whatever you can but you have to think about the practicality of it. You'll probably be labelled as a nutcase in court.
If you have the time to get your Highlander Special out of the trunk of your car, how much imminent danger could you actually have been facing?

I prefer to keep whatever weapons I might need access to (OC spray, ASP baton, Spyderco Delica and firearm--usually a Glock 19 but sometimes a S&W Model 60) on my person. That way I have direct control over them and they are much more likely to be there when I need them.

As Massad Ayoob once said, "If the facts are in his favor, the prosecuting attorney will argue the facts. If the facts aren't in his favor, he'll attack your character." (That's a rephrasing, actually, but you get the idea.)
imadork- I hatehatehate cheap bladeware...especially cheap swords. Besides, its not very likely that you will be standing right next to your car when you're attacked. Also, if you make the decision to keep a sword, length of chain, 'nucks, or anything like that be prepared to explain it to the judge and jury why you got a cheap United Cutlery katana out of your trunk and started hacking away. I have absolutely nothing against defending yourself with whatever you can but you have to think about the practicality of it. You'll probably be labelled as a nutcase in court.

The irony is that having any of those items (except nunchaku and ASP baton) on you is legal in my state (CA). Unfortunately, the laws regarding loaded firearms preclude having an open carried pistol in any public place...and a CityStick is much quicker to deploy and isn't really noticed by the general public. The katana may be a little extreme, but who cares? If someone attacks me with a knife and I respond with a legal weapon, I'm in the clear. I want the Cold Steel model 40" model to replace my United Cutlery model (good call :))
In WV, a sword is classified as a primitive weapon and you can carry it openly. has combat-grade
Roman swords for sale. Word of advice: Use the OC spray before lethal force if possible. It will look better in court.
In West Virginia, we have the Lisa Bittinger Court decision,
which means that if your life or limb is in danger, you can legally use deadly force without being inside your home.