My best friend got jumped in a parking lot!


New member
Two nights ago my best friend was walking out of Wal-Mart to his car and these four teenage-looking guys were walking behind him. To set the stage my friend is 20 years old, 5'11", 155 lbs, and he knows how to handle himself in a fight. A wirey scrapper. Anyways, he just presumed that they were walking to their car as well...then one punk started swearing and yelling. My friend just kept walking because he didn't know the guys and he figured they were yelling at someone else. The same guy who was doing the yelling earlier trotted up behind my friend and started yelling again, so my friend turned around. As he turned around the punk punched him in the head! The guy landed a punch right on his hairline right above his temple. He had a ring on probably because it opened up a jagged cut about 3/4". My friend was slightly crouched from taking the surprise blow...and he just reared up and threw a huge haymaker and hit the SOB right in his face...square in the nose. The guy's nose was shattered and there was blood all over his shirt. The guy then looks up and says "****, I thought you were someone else!" One of the other guys told my friend that they thought he was a certain someone that slept with the broken nose jerk's girlfriend. The other three guys were just standing there during the altercation because I guess they thought their friend was going to settle the score man-to-man with his girlfriend's fling. My friend just walked away and got in his car and left. The guy that my friend hit was a little taller and had at least 30 pounds on my friend. Whoops. A case of mistaken identity with the wrong man. No police were called as my friend felt it was an unnecessary hassle. I hope the **** enjoys his broken nose. My friend said he sure enjoyed breaking it :D
ronin, was this on the East or West side? I'll keep an eye out for broken noses at probation violation hearings on Thursday.:D
:eek: . If I was with my wife and that happened I don't know if I would've just punched him. That would've spooked me pretty good.
And to think ... if he had been packing, the punk may have been dead. Your friend is to be commended on his quick reaction ...

however ...

Lesson one: "ALWAYS watch your 'six' ... !!! "
I'm glad things came out with so little loss. Even so tell your friend he needs to get into weight training. He would feel a lot safer with about 20 more pounds and a few more inches across the shoulders. That 30 pounds the guy had on him could have been very meaningful if the thug had not been a moron and a quitter.

A punch to the nose with an untaped hand gives a pretty good chance of breaking the bones leading to the ring and pinky fingers so an unarmed man attacked by thugs might want to concentrate on body blows and foot tangling until he can get the bad guys low enough to kick in the ribs.

Weight training also gives a rush which is better than beer and lasts for the entire next day, but I digress.:rolleyes:
I would still have called the police. I know it's a hassle and he felt avenged by breaking the guys nose but what about the next guy/girl this punk decides to victimize? This is probably not the first time nor will it be the last time he physically assaults someone. The next person may not be big enough or strong enough to defend themselves. Even if the justice system only gave this guy a slap on the wrist for this incident, it would at least get it on his record for a pattern in the future.
I know a guy who was jumped in a similar situation for the same reason about 15 years ago, only he DEFINITELY got the worst of it. Ruptured kidney, broken ribs, lacerated liver, broken jaw, broken cheek, broken nose, broken knee, needed about 50 stitches.

The two guys who attacked him never hit him, they threw him down and kicked him repeatedly. He never had the chance to get a punch in to defend himself.

The down side, along with the injuries, was that he spent close to a month in the hospital, missed about 2 months of work and had to have a couple of surgeries to repair the damage.

The up side?

The two guys who attacked him were minor children of well-off parents. They did adult jail time, and Paul will be living well off the proceeds from the lawsuits for the rest of his life, to the tune of what I suspect was several million dollars.
There's a bigger reason to report: The police tend to believe the one who calls. What if the guy, with broken nose & witnesses files a complaint against YOU! You'd lose in court....

I was once at "Great America" in line for the roller coaster. About 15-20 teens there. They got real pissy because my nephew dressed like a banger. One youth got an inch behind me and showed me a very long knife used for sticking in someones heart. I was pretty scared because there were so many of them. This guy was maybe 5'9" and 100#. I smiled at him to disarm his attention, then in one motion tossed him over the railing about 12' down to the tracks. The rest scattered. I've never been back since. Lots of "banger" looking youths there.

ps: Beware of the strong yet chicken types like me. Way to chicken to do the fair fight thing...
Knew a fella years ago. Seems he walked out of a bar at the wrong time and the guy outside the door with the baseball bat was expectin' someone else. Gettin' hit upside the head with the bat popped out his left eye. He goes by One Eye now. Justa matter of bein' in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Mathew -

Thats pretty awsome.

When your life is on the line, nothing is unfair.

You had every right to fear an unruly group of young thugs and when one displays a knife in a threatening manner, he deserves what he gets.

I bet he never expected that !

Hope he broke something - I hate thuggery.
Hmm... your friend sounds like me; for some reason, I _attract_ violence... I don't know why...

I will say this: If it were me, there would have been a lot more then a broken nose. I'm 5'9" 150lbs, fairly thin looking asian... But I have a haymaker from hell; that's assuming you are still standing after a few Muay Thai elbows and knees to the face and kidneys... :D

What's one of the rules for gun safety? "BE SURE OF YOUR TARGET, AND WHAT'S BEHIND IT."
Well, my psycho ex was in a case of mistaken identity once...

At a bar he was "a little inebriated", and stepped into the bathroom. In there he meets up with the brother of someone he knew, but mistook him for being the other person. Apparently this guy was high as a kite. They had a confrontation, and my psycho-ex got his jaw repeatedly dashed out on the toilet bowl.

The doctor had to rewire his jaw. Alot of nerves were screwed up in his face, and some on one side have "crossed wires". So instead of salivating when he eats, he sweats, and and instead of sweating when he's hot, he salivates.

Not that I feel sorry for him.
(I sure know how to pick 'em, don't I? :barf: )

In yesterday's news, I think this was in Texas: two women with the same name were found murdered in similar fashion. Apparently the "hit man" botched the job by killing the wrong woman the first time.
MeekAndMild- We lifted weights for years together during high school and while I got much larger he got his weight up to like 160! He has good strength but he just can't gain mass.

DadOfThree- In my experience, a good hit will take most of the bully out of anyone. I believe that the sheer embarassment of trying to jack the wrong guy and getting your face dented in is more punishing than anything the police could do. Obviously he's not a hardcore thug if he went down just because of one little love tap ;) My guess, and my friend's guess, is that the guy was just some highschool kid whose three friends egged him on to put a beat down on the guy who slept with his lady. Also, I don't think my friend really wants to have to pay for a lawyer or go through the time spent in court (especially mid-semester).

MatthewM- That took some cajones! I guess my friend just took a gamble that the other guy wouldn't call the cops. So far he hasn't...

Runt- I love hearing that story! I can just see him during Christmas dinner...:)