My apartment layout, my plan, critisisms?

Perhaps you are better off spending time on preventing a BG from entering than reacting to such an event

prevention is a good idea but if that is the only plan... it is seriously lacking. Defensive driving is a good plan but that doesnt mean that you shouldnt also wear a seatbelt or have airbags in the event your d-driving fails you.
Your attack cat is down the ally of pain either sitting on the window ledge or on a table in front of the window.
His eyes are reflecting the IR light from your camera..
The problem with your plan is you have advertised to the whole world what your strong points are as well as your weak points. Now any psycho wanting to get in your apartment knows the lay out and your tactical plans for defense.
Risk assessment = likelihood of bad event X severity of that event

Things like fire or medical emergency are much more likely but not as sexy to discuss on a gun-forum. With that in mind...

Have you got smoke detectors, fire extinguisher and a rope to get out your window in case of fire ?

Do people you live with know first aid or have done first aid courses ? Do you have a first aid kit handy ?

How strong is your front door ? And what about door and window locks ?

What about your "safe room" door ? Is it strong ? and can it be dead-bolted from inside ?

Do you have a phone or cell phone and flashlight in your saferoom ?

Is there any particular reason why people might invade your home ? Got a safe for your valuables and spare keys ?

Your hardware needs to be strong enough to give you time to wake up and get ready in the case of an armed invasion....

Oh and do you know a lawyer ? And know what to say to the police when they arrive ?
I dont see anything wrong with your plan as far as plans go. Pretty much the same as I would do from the photos. All I can offer is a little advise gleaned from personal experiences.
1. Plan that your plan will go to heck should something occur.
2. Dont assume that because you see no reason anyone would invade your home that they wont. I wont go into details but mine was early afternoon several years ago. I live in the country. Low crime here at that time. No motive, nothing taken, but resulted in the shooting death of a family member. The shooter/shooters were never caught. He/she/they even locked the door on the way out.
3 Most important, never ever be out of reach of your weapon in any room of your home day or night. Your weapon wont do you much good if someone breaks in while your in the bathroom and your weapon is in the living room.
4 Expect that what you expect isnt what will happen.
Good luck and may you never have to use your plan my friend.
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