My apartment layout, my plan, critisisms?

Hey all, I'm going to attach a picture (home made) of my apartment layout, It shows the layout of my apartment and my home defense plan. It is incredibly simple because it is a small apartment and I'm limited in my space.

I would like any constructive criticism you would like to provide.

A few notes:
I would probably go the ''Stay in my safe room'' method for a few reasons.
1) I believe in the element of surprise. IMO, most badguys do not run around with their weapon shouldered and ready to fire.

2) I live in NY where the Stand your ground / castle doctrine is a little more shakey than other states. I would much prefer to blast said intruder if they are undoubtedly and clearly inside the home than shoot them while they are trying to climb in the front window (which some gun owners have done- Can one really ID a badguy vs a locked out roomate given that scenario? YMMV)

Given the apt I believe there are little to no other options, but some of you are much more ''tactical'' than I, and I appreciate all opinions.

PS- Given that I would probably hunker into my room with the door shut, the ''alley of pain'' may be null and void, but I think it'd be a decent angle to shoot from inside my room (If I had my door open).

PPS- 2 points if you can find my guard cat


My front door is at the top right of the diagram, next to my yellow window

Also- I have a 12 gauge shotgun for HD
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I don't like your plan, mainly because you are visible from a long distance if you face the door squarely as your arrow indicates. If the bg has to come to your room, . . . make him also have to look for you, . . . make him search, don't just be the first thing he sees.

For myself, . . . I would probably put a full length mirror on that bedroom door, . . . on the outside.

I would then prepare to make my stand from the farthest corner of that room, probably crouched behind the bed, . . . looking down the hallway via the mirror.

A dowel rod hanging on hook eye behind the door, . . . with a hook and loop in the back of the door, . . . cut the right length, . . . will prop the door to the perfect angle, . . . you set it as you get ready for bed each night, and sleep with the door open enough to see the mirror.

You are in a darkened room, . . . with 1 or 2 night lights in the living room, he couldn't see you if he had to, . . . yet he is perfectly silhouetted in the mirror.

May God bless,
what do you have outside the window at the end of your 'alley of pain'? your position is the least favorable not just from a defensive position but from a liability if you miss.

I would choose somewhere along your west bedroom wall, preferably in the NW corner if the criminal was armed keeping the most distance and angle from the bedroom door.
Are you on the ground floor and can you use the window to evacuate?

If so then I would suggest that you install a hardened steel clad exterior door to your bedroom. If you can, reinforce the frame so the door cannot be kicked in.

Given the fact that you are in NY I would consider Lock bedroom door, report to Local Law, and if the door starts to give before the law arrives evacuate.
Outside the window downrange from the alley of pain is nothing.
I don't think it is viable to escape out of my window due to living with someone else that I would want to protect as well. I don't think (for more than one reason), that I can make adjustments to my bedroom door (other than a lock)

In regards to where I would stand in the room, The door hinges are on the right, so if I stood out of the alleyway I would be the first thing they would see if they were opening my door. I would also be firing in the direction of the person in the master bedroom :eek:
In regards to where I would stand in the room, .....I would also be firing in the direction of the person in the master bedroom

it sounds like a firearm might not be your best choice for a first line of defense. IMO apartments are most difficult to protect using a firearm, there are innocent people on all sides at all times, the walls are not thick enough.

For the question of the best position to defend yourself with a firearm from an armed intruder entering your room, IMO the NW corner. For everything else about your home defense plan there is so much more to consider, especially with a roommate.

Outside the window downrange from the alley of pain is nothing.
if you cant secure your apt from intrusion, then you cant secure whats outside your window.
Aside from the issues created by apartment dwelling, bookcases make decent cover. If an intruder approaches your "alley of pain" can he use the bookcases for cover while you have nothing but an interior wall in an apartment?

It may be worth considering if you want to fort up at the bookcases - this would let you protect the bathroom and both bedrooms and let you use whatever cover the bookcases might provide.

Tough to say over the Internet; but something to think about.
Using your arrow position as a reference:

Any intruder who is going to threaten occupants of the apt would likely have to cross your line of site at some point. I wouldnt care about them being able to see me, I would care more about me being ready and seeing them first. If they are moving and you are stationary, that would lend to the belief that you will probably see them first. If it were me, I would choose the same position that you did.

If I had a suggestion, it would be to upgrade all the doors to solid wood with good locks and re-enforced strike plates.
Caltrops might be effective. They are the first land mine. basically spikes which are strewn out so that a horse or infantryman will step on them. The following link will show you pictures.

Since it appears that a real barricade or escape is not in the cards, a nonlethal method might be what you need.

A 20 pound ABC fire Extinguisher would probably work very effectively. Place some noise makers in the hall way, several coke cans with 13 pennies in them and sealed with tape. When they are disturbed they will make a racket. With your door open and lights in bedroom off shoot the fire extinguisher down the hall way. It will cause the intruder to gag, cough and if it gets in the eyes it will cause instant pain and potentially blindness.

Then you can deal with him using the standard Louisville slugger or my favorite close combat weapon a 9 iron.
Realistically, most of us would likely have to defend ourselves from wherever we happen to be at the time.

Yes, virtually every expert recommends getting everyone into a saferoom if possible, but that strategy is dependent upon being able to get there in time.

Your floor plan does seem to lend itself to that strategy better than most.

Every violent burglary of an occupied residence that I can remember having happened around here in the last few years involved two or more invaders and occurred during the daylight hours. Most of the entries occurred with no warning and little time to react.

Keep your contingency plans varied and flexible.
Posted by ltc444: Caltrops might be effective.
Harmful devices that are not willfully used against specific attackers at a specific time are dangerous and are almost always unlawful.

With your door open and lights in bedroom off shoot the fire extinguisher down the hall way. It will cause the intruder to gag, cough and if it gets in the eyes it will cause instant pain and potentially blindness.

Then you can deal with him using the standard Louisville slugger or my favorite close combat weapon a 9 iron.
Striking someone with a bludgeon while he is defenseless will get one locked up for a long time.
Caltrops might be effective.

Harmful devices that are not willfully used against specific attackers at a specific time are dangerous and are almost always unlawful.

^^^You bet...and are most disliked by first responders (LE, EMT, Fireman etc.) in case they have to enter your dwelling for other emerg. reasons.


As B. Roberts has wisely pointed out, you have nicely provided the BG with some very convenient cover with the bookcases from two different angles if he/they are shooting into your bedroom from the living room area. He can even chose either the left or right side for most cover depending on what hand he shoots with or if two assailants, cover for both.

Your line of fire is from bedroom towards living room wall in front of apt.
Is it possible to move a bookshelf against the front living room wall in an attempt to catch stray rounds from exiting apt. when fired from bedroom?

Standing in your room facing your bedroom door, is it possible to put a dresser, bookcase or something for heavy cover on the wall left of the bedroom door opening? And for possibly sliding same in front of door(given time) to help keep door from being breeched?

Too, have you discussed with your roomy a game plan as to both your course's of action in case of such an event?

Is roomy armed as well?
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No criticisms. The experts have already enlightened you. I would like to commend you for the effort and the analysis. I suspect the extent of plans for many is to wing it. You are farther ahead of them.