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I'm with HS. This is open to anyone that can tap on a keyboard. Do not let one single person on this board pick on you about your level of English. I can understand what you are saying. For all any of us know, you don't get the chance to interact with other people that speak english, except right here on TFL. It takes time to learn and speak english very well. My father, who came to this country in the 60's from a foreign land still has some trouble here and there. Keep working at it, you are doing great.

There's a nice little saying I have heard from friends in other countries:
if you speak three languages, you are tri-lingual.
if you speak two languages, you are bi-lingual.
if you speak one language, you are American. :)

stdalire, I formally welcome you here and hope you stay.

I started a new thread on stdalire's origninal topic in "General Discussions"--"How I Came to Own Firearms"

"I may not agree with what a man says, but I will defend to the death his right to say it."

[This message has been edited by othermarc (edited September 07, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by othermarc (edited September 07, 1999).]
stdalire - Welcome to TFL! Don't let the hotheads get to you - we're all that way sometimes.

If somebody is obviously planning on shooting me, and I'm completely unarmed, you can bet I'm gonna be hiding behind whatever - or whoever (barring a few individuals) - I can to get away from them! That's the old survival instinct kicking in. The only situation I can compare to yours is the time I had a police officer swing a nightstick (PR-24) at me in a crowd on the field after a college football game. I was darn sure to duck behind somebody bigger and slower than me (yes, he got whacked). Same idea - tough luck for whoever the other person was. No apologies, that's just the way it is - I hold my life, health, & freedom very dear to me. Yes, I'd be upset at someone ducking behind a loved one, but I would expect anyone I cared about to do the same to a stranger, rather than stand there and take a bullet like John Wayne or something. If you're perfectly willing to stand there and die and do nothing to try to prevent your demise, my hat's off to you, you're far braver than I. Reverse the situation - your loved one hides behind a total stranger to keep from being shot. Would you condemn them for it? Would you condone someone shooting them for trying to survive?

stdalire, the way I see it, if you had been armed, you probably would have been killed (if you were armed, they could have justified it - you were dangerous), and if you were unarmed and unable to get behind cover, you would have been killed. Not a good choice - the end result was the best that could have happened - nobody got shot, thankfully.

An honest question - I'm being serious here - could somebody tell me where it's a felony to try to avoid being shot by hiding behind someone else (I'm not talking about taking them hostage at gunpoint or something)? The only one I could see would be something like "reckless endangerment" if you hid behind a minor.
I have swapped E-mails with stdalire on a DP 51 topic, and I found his english fine.Maybe because I spent 18 months in the P.I. I find it to be a pleasure to have someone with a differen't perspective on things.

[This message has been edited by Glock Raider (edited September 09, 1999).]
Welcome stdalire! I enjoy reading your posts.

Some may not view ducking behind others as "noble" (my first impression), but I'm not sure too many people would just stick out their chest and "take it like a man."

With the media and anti-gun people in such a frenzy nowdays, we should make every effort to make those who share our interest in guns, novice or advanced, feel at home.

I have no great story as to why I now carry a gun. Just watch the evening news. That should give you enough reasons right there. I'm just one of those people who are fascinated by every aspect of guns (Skill of shooting, mechanics, looks, power) and carry because this great country still allows me too. I make every effort to stay safe in my daily life but you never know if the day will come when you will cross paths with a Crazy. There is certainly no shortage of them out there.

Stay safe,

Sorry, I forgot to answer the original question, Why I carry a gun.

I carry a gun because it is my right and duty to defend myself and my loved ones from harm.

Beginner barbarians probably had the idea that every house they broke into would be full of untouched loot and frightened, unarmed victims. It just doesn't work that way, my friend.

I hope these evil men come to understand our peaceful ways soon - My trigger finger is blistering!
I grew up in Louisiana with certain views of ethnic groups and other cultures.

I’ve lived in Hawaii for eight years and some of my views have changed.

As a health care administrator I have worked with many people from the Philippines. In general, Filipino Americans and Immigrants are some of the most caring individuals I have met. They are hard workers, religious, and devoted to their families.

Without looking at the numbers, I’d say that Filipino’s make up the largest ethnic group of our staff. I’m positive that they make up the majority of our care givers.

My good friend and knifemaker, Mel Sorg (Madpoet), unexpectedly passed on the other day. He was a kind and caring man. He was well known and respected on Blade Forums, the sister site. Now he is greatly missed.

There is something to be said about being nice, caring and understanding.

If you were to pass on tomorrow- what would your fellow forumites say?

God Bless.
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