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New member
Can you please share us your experiences how did you start having interest or love to own one or more handguns, shotguns, rifles etc. Aside of guns you used in your profession as soldiers or in any branch of service. In knowing some of your actual experiences, it may justify and strengthen our affections to this little loyal companion of ours. We do not only talks hypothetical one but factual. Perhaps it may also change the mind of those Anti-Guns Organization and may join us as hand-gun enthusiast.

This is my personal experiences, how did I come to love to own a gun.

Firstly, I hate guns and don’t like to fire it even ones. I am also disinterested to my reserve officer’s course during my college days, as handling guns is one of the subject matter thereon. In the Martial Law days in the Philippines, the defunct Paramilitary “Philippine Constabulary” has one bad element I had encountered. This Sgt. does not practice an “Officers and a Gentlemen” good traits in the man of uniform, he is toughie and want that everyone in my community will bow head before him (meaning every man should give heed to his illegal acts). Me as a student and aggressive as human rights advocate will not just be his follower. Whatever this bad element can think to give me a case he does it and try to influence his comrades. In one occasion he fired at our home and every time he sees us he will point his AR15 at us and we run for our life. The worst is my brother and me were accused of “Assault upon an Agent of Person in Authority” and we were summoned, in front of the damn Municipal Judge who advised me to go home because after 5:00 PM warrant of arrest will be serve to me. See! The influential people in authority can play with justice sometimes but not all the time. When I am at home at 6:30 PM here comes a couple of arresting officers serving the warrant of arrest taking advantage with the closing of office work in order that we cannot post bail. When we were brought up to their “Vietnam Look like Barracks” they are forcing me to make amicable settlement but I did not like it, when they are going to locked me up, I talked to the Lieutenant that I must be in custody to the elders in my community which I brought with me also in the barracks, thanks to the C.O. who heed to my request, at least in that barracks it has still a professional man in uniform. The following morning I posted my bail. And went back to school (in the city) taking my Masteral Studies. One time I took vacation from the City to my Village, when I alighted to a bus stop, the cunning Sgt. spotted me and immediately point his AR15 issue at me, but with my intuition and red alert consciousness always, I was able to grab one waiting passenger and use as hostage buffer till the Sgt. was pacified by a fellow soldier (it is like in the Movie). The case was elevated to the Court of First Instance and up to the extent that I even had an audience to the then Defense Minister Juan Ponce Enrile (now a Senator). The Minister told me that the Unit of that Sgt. will not forward the true facts of the case to his office (which is normally done by Commanding Officers to cover their man atrocities to civilians like me). But thanks too, his office only send actions to disarm the Sgt but still he can take arms from his fellow paramilitary during his off days. I lost hope that time to seek justice. I keep writing the Judge in the higher court where our case was elevated while I am taking up my masteral studies. After 3 months litigation, the Judge arrived to his brilliant decision dismissed the case without cost.

I’ve learned a lot from this case and this leads me to be of so much interest in having a firearms because if you are not armed and someone legally holding handgun or rifle intend to kill you at daylight, you don’t have anything as a deterrent to the perpetrator. If only Philippines allowed civilians to own more than 2 pistols and Automatic rifles legally I would purchased two best rifles in the market and add more to what I have now, for Self/Home Defense and can be used for business protection. Because I know that no body can help any one or rely on someone even to the authority when someone want to take your life. But having an instrument to count on like your gun, you can defend yourself for survival in any moment where law of the jungle prevails on that particular situation. I don’t believe either in the art of killing without a weapon. I am also a licensed 1st Dan Black Belt but these are good only to unarmed combat or just a helpful ways in common troubles, but the ultimate weapon in reality is a firearm.
During this case I am always on the run for my life (but I never lost my trust in a legitimate Gov't.)if only I do have one firearm that time, then I should have used it in self defense should I can see a reason where I can use the mitigating or exempting circumstances under Criminal Law.

To those anti gun lobbyist, don’t wait till something bad happened to you or to anyone in your family. Feel the beauty of having a gun. If you know how to handle well your gun, or tutored by some good instructor plus your own personal consciousness and competency – you may find out that you need one. Myself is my example, on first days of shooting, I closed my eyes every time I made a shot, this time as if my pistols cannot satisfy me if I am shooting.
Picking up a "handgun" & trying to put your shot where you want it to go is one of the most fun/satisfing things I've ever done ! :D
The intricacy of sight alignment, grip, stance & mental preparedness is EXHILLERATING
Mind you, as I type this from my nice safe house in Australia, I am unburdened with the threat of anyone pointing a Full Auto rifle at me. ;)
The Charles Daly 1911A1 pistol is manufactured in your country. Have you ever seen one for sale ?
If so, at what $ cost.
Remember that in your case, the Sgt. would probably have to SHOOT FIRST for you to be able to shoot back ! :(
Otherwise your legal system will have you spending the next 80 years behind bars ?
Stay safe mate & live a good life.

I apologize for my previous comments.

Take care,

[This message has been edited by Ben (edited September 06, 1999).]
I haven't seen that trade mark "Charles Daly" in Manila, perhaps it is exclusively for export and are not sold locally. SAM (Shooters) and Armscor trademark produce fine models. And this SAM trademark has several calibers in Pistols. They have also a site in the internet. Dr. J. Mark Munoz,is their Marketing Director, if interested to be dealer you can contact him directly at his email

I noticed some of those who answered my post, they think it was a joked that I have written hereon.

I scan mostly all this forum, and all the topics are just the mechnical aspect of a gun. In fact, any gun may do in any purpose. Everyone says, this model is better than this etc. But what are we after for in discussing in owning gun, just for fun? The truth is if we have shot anybody, no matter what we say self defense, we have a hard time to prove in court. I need more educational comments from you BEN.

Thanks guys
Let this be a lesson to all of you who don't think that breathing airborne lead at the range is very damaging.

P.S. If anyone understands the original message I'd appreciate some help.

Mike H
Give the guy a break for Christ's sake! He's from the Phillipines. He probably grew up speaking Tagalog, not English. Some jerks here must be from the shout louder school of communication and hate other countries because of "all them damned foreigners."
B Shipley-
Thanks for the sentiment, though not for the "jerks" comment.

Pertinent Others:
If this is the way we treat visitors simply because their English is not perfect, then I'm a bit ashamed. Anyone want to take a stab at a response in the author's native tongue.

No takers? I didn't think so.

Your experiences in the Philipinnes point up how much we have to preserve and protect here in the US.
The reaction was not due to faltering English, but to the fact that HE TOOK A HOSTAGE. YOU be nice to him. If most of us had been present at that incident we would have splattered his brains. Black, white, brown, yellor, red or albino, anyone who commits this kind of atrocity does not deserve more than what he received. Now, what part of that don't you understand?
If English is not his native language you have got to cut the person some slack an make an effort to understand. Looks like he got out of the Philipinnes and went to work for Saudi Aramco in Dahran Saudi Arabia.
Reread the post. He was unarmed and had a rifle pointed at him. He pulled another person between him and the muzzle. The use of the word "hostage" is unfortunate, possibly due to a limited vocabulary. The term "buffer" is also used. In any case, a shooting was averted, the cop appears to have been disarmed and the author was released without charge or cost.

You seem to be applying US rules of engagement to post-Civil War Philipines, and to be selectively assuming the wording to be literal in some places yet "faltering" in others. You then move in the opposite direction by suggesting that others here should head shoot an unarmed citizen because he was frightened enough to put another between him and a crooked uniformed thug. I'll give the poster the benefit of the doubt until I learn more.

However, for those whos command of English is perfect, I refer you to our Forum Policies. If you wish to start a pissing contest with me or any Member of this site, take it to email.

Rich Lucibella

[This message has been edited by Rich Lucibella (edited September 06, 1999).]

A despotic paramilitary petty tyrant with a semi-automatic rifle points the weapon at an unarmed man who believes the tyrant is ready, willing and able to kill him. The victim, fearing for his life, hides behind someone the tyrant hopefully would be afraid to shoot. And we attack the victim for acting out of fear.

My, what brave people we must be.

Would you have the same opinion if someone held your daugher as a shield because he was afraid for his life? What is that called in this country? What if the guy had shot the hostage? Your reasoning is convoluted. If he had done that in this country, he would never again have been able to own a gun. Those who do not own guns belong on another site. YOU ARE CONDONING A FELONY, possibly the second most serious on the books. Anyway, he didn't say he was unarmed, and even if he wasn't it was no excuse to endanger an innocent person's life. I didn't cast the first stone, some genius did. I'm outa here!
So Dennis,

You're walking down the street with your mother or wife one day and you see a police officer pointing his weapon at a fleeing male of unknown identity. This individual grabs your wife and places her between himself and the officer's gun, I doubt you would find reality as easy to reconcile as an e-mail. BTW as a relatively new member of this rather strictly policed site, does this response constitute any violation of the forum rules ?
(such as that regarding foul language - see earlier)

Yours As Ever
Mike H

Remember tyrannical petty dictators arm themselves with many types of weapons.

Well, I was referring to the situation where he is, and his actions in his environment. Not here in our environment. Didn't mean to start a brush fire.

(I've gone back to Gen Discussion.)
Everyone settle down.
Thanks for editing your comments on second read...Class Act, and we appreciate it.

You're right. This is a relatively highly "policed" site. That's why it doesn't look like rec.guns. You're not required to approve of our Policies, but you are expected to honor them.

You'll note that our "police" actions occur when one Member personally attacks another. That is the case here. I even reproached a well known, well liked and well proven Member who agreed with me because he referred to you as a "jerk".

So, you see, I'm an equal opportunity "policeman"...if you personally attack someone on this site, you attack everything that it stands for. And if that's unacceptable to you, well then, perhaps one of us should leave. Can I be more reasonable than that?

As concerns the allusion to "petty dictators" our track record for fairness stands on it's own.

It was pretty clear that he was unarmed. As for his putting a shield between him and a crazy man, I'm not certain what I would do. Guess it depends on if the person in the middle was my lady or a US Congressman. ;) In any case, obviously it wasn't considered a felony in his case, since the Court released him.

Thanks for abandoning the discussion. It's leading nowhere.

To All-
I apologize for my participation in this exchange. Perhaps I should have deleted the posts that violated our guidelines and taken it to email at the outset.

Now if anyone here would like to move back on topic, please feel free.
I've read and re-read the post. It is a question in my mind if stdalire meant or shoiuld have said "Ducked behind" as opposed to "hostage buffer". I am not willing to condem the poster for the statement until I have looked at more of his posts.

That being said, I have some problems with this and plan to think it over.

One thing is for certain - when you think things are going to pot here, someone some place else reminds you of why we're still the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow for other countries.

Mr. John Lawson,

I appreciate your comments, in your point of view as you have your own understanding to my post. But look at your style, you take the topic so personal and even just through the mail I can see you flaring up (I am sorry for that). This is a forum where we want to hear opinions, where we learn from about the single spring or part of a gun, it’s usefulness and not to discuss only about the gun per se but its macro effect on the user advantages and disadvantages to promote sales of any kind. For your information sir, I just stumbled in this site of looking a DP51 9MM topic as I owned also one of it.

Also, Mr. Lawson, can you educate me also if my M1991 A1 Colt is a good Pistol. I own one of this kind and I did not see yet someone discussing yet.

Mr. Lawson, don’t take it personally. Let us be constructive, not so very authoritative like when we see one Officer in the street accosting one ordinary person using brutality, but when that officer will be in court he will change his macho character when questioned by the Judge or lawyers. I am just a mediocre working hard to become somebody as a good citizen or human being. We should be a good law enforcer Mr. Lawson. In different place has different situation but at least there lots in common. Also, look at the other side, if you are in a place where para-military and Communist rebels are present / rampant. (I am talking an example an area in my country where it did really happen). Do you think you can act the way as you do now.

I respect your opinion if as what you said - I qoute “Someone held your daughter as a shield because he was afraid of his life?” that is different story, I did not take a hostage first, but when the area where I am is almost left by the waiting passengers because of commotion or I may say afraid of the situation – the only remedy that I could think of is that to grab (is this correct term) one as my shield to deter the evil intention of the Sgt. if still he has a sane mind in his brain. (I am sorry to use Sgt here as it may affect some in uniforms but only a matter of presenting the actual case). Also I was misunderstood of the choice of word “hostage”. I understand you Mr. Lawson if you hate to hear that if some one grab anyone as cover especially if a daughter or members of a family for fear of life (but do you think I still know who is the person I am grabbing in that instant situation? ).You also said, if it did happen only in your country… , he would never have been able to own a gun. You’re already the Judge and Executioner without knowing all yet the facts. How pity a civilian if arrested by you if you judge him and execute immediately without hearing his side first or bring him in a proper court of law. Mr. Lawson, remember that any one who talks gun in any forum is trying to justify the good things we could get from owning it, not to think its destructive effects as everyone already knows that. When to use and not to use as being taught by the great Gun Schools in your country. I am thankful, that the other soldier present in that incident who pacified his fellow soldier (the Sgt) don’t have the same ideas as you are now “THAT YOU HAVE SPLATTERED HIS BRAINS”. I may not be here already if that happened exchanging ideas with all of you.

Also note Mr. Lawson, “FEAR OF ONES LIFE” in any conflicts is an acid test if we are sane or a normal person.

I am sorry for my lack of Good English. But I am trying to reach you from one of the farthest part of the globe to learn from your good advises and ideas about guns and its incidental pros and cons.

Just a question “If this site is strictly for the West” and restricted to Police only. Please advise.

Thank you very much to all of you.
Greetings again,
If you need some useful links to other gun related "chat" sites go to & you will find &
There is aso the gun-centre &
This site, "The Firing Line" is open to everyone in the World. :D
As I said before, I'm in Australia & it is a VERY different place to be than the Philipines ! - At the moment we have troops on standby to go over to Timor.
Luckily, these troops don't point guns at US here in Aus. ;)
I can understand the FEAR that must have been in you when the Sgt. pointed his gun at you. :(
Without living in those conditions, I honestly cannot say what I would have done !
If you need to find some information on your Colt 1991A1, may I suggest opening another "thread" on this page titled
"Colt 1991A1-Questions?"
You may only recieve 1 or 2 replys or you may recieve 60.....
All the best to you & your English is quite good in comparision to some I've read. :)

"The Gun from Down Under !"
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