My 870 Marine Magnum pics *1st shotgun*


I just want to show my first shotgun purchase. I got this from a pawnshop used $250 OTD. It came with a sling, bag and a clip on sight. The only wear i see was the mag tube wear from the fore-end and the rest is just outstanding. I haven't tested this in the range. l'm still figuring out what ammo should i purchase for the range and HD. I always wanted to have a Remington 870 and i was just fortunate that i saw one in Marine model.

I did disassemble this already and will soon add a short fore-end to accomodate a 6 shot side saddle. The Speedfeed stock 1 was installed recently. I got it used also from fellow in Glocktalk. The Speedfeed stock 1 felt comfortable IMHO compare to the factory one. Plus, it's solid and slightly heavier than the factory stock. I tried to load it up with ammo including the Speedfeed stock and it put some weight in it.:) I'll just probably throw this to the badguy instead of shooting him:D

Pros and Cons is appreciated.
Thanks for looking.

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it looks great.

one suggestion, dont get a 6 round sidesaddle and have to shorten your forend. get a 4 round, or shorten your 6 round sidesaddle and shorten it down.

no sence is changing the gun for a 30 dollar accessory.
LSU12ga, thanks.

In regards to the short fore-end purchase well i already got a used one for a very "cheap" price. I preferred the 6 side saddle for ammo cap. (just to have) I save more money in purchasing used but good condition accessories I won't add anything anymore on this shotgun.
Looks nice. :cool: Could you post a close-up pic of the clip on sight? The sight looks sharp, how do you like it?
"Malachi, Are the internal parts also electro-plated?"

Yes, all the interior are electro-plated.:)

"John G, Could you post a close-up pic of the clip on sight? The sight looks sharp, how do you like it?"

Here's the most closest shot of the site i have on file. I like the clip on site so far. But i still don't know if it will move once i start firing the gun. It clips on pretty snug on the barrel though. I'll let you know once i hit the range.

Spookboy, "The only thing i'd ad is weapon light & possibly a "ghost-ring" tritium sight system.."

I like that idea but having those installed is like purchasing another handgun. I'll probably hold on to that thought for now.

Thanks for the compliments and suggestions.:)
You got a great deal on an excellent shotgun.Since you have the speed-feed stock I would pass on the side saddle and ditch the clip on sight gizzmo.Just my 2 cents worth.YMMV.tom.:D
Great looking 870 and an even better deal! I do have a question or two though. The shotty already has 6+1 round capacity, plus the Speedfeed 1 holds 4 extra rounds if I'm remembering correctly. Why do you need or want a 6 round side saddle? Seventeen shells is more than enough for an HD situation, IMHO. Besides, the weight of that shotty, when you add the side saddle and put shells everywhere you can, is likely to be very heavy. I'm coming from the school of thought that if it's a dedicated HD shotty, less is better. Less to maneuver around a corner with and less to have a lawyer try to convict you with in court. Again, great looking 870MM! I'm jealous!
Nice shotgun, I just bought my Marine Magnum about a year ago. Great shotgun, the most accurate one I've ever seen. Personally I've used remington 3" shells in it, they seem to be pretty accurate. Using a bench rest I can get 3inch groups at 100yards, yes, you heard me correctly, it is that accurate...unless its just me :cool:
Nice shotgun, I just bought my Marine Magnum about a year ago. Great shotgun, the most accurate one I've ever seen. Personally I've used remington 3" shells in it, they seem to be pretty accurate. Using a bench rest I can get 3inch groups at 100yards, yes, you heard me correctly, it is that accurate...unless its just me. nah, can't be :cool:

I haven't tested this in the range. l'm still figuring out what ammo should i purchase for the range and HD.

I bought a Marine Magnum, new, as my first long gun about two months ago.

I like to take #7-1/2 bird shot to the range, load it full, six in the mag and one in the chamber, take a silhouette target, and show off. Because bird shot has many more pellets than more serious sizes, and because the marine magnum is an open bore, it makes a more impressive pattern to a silhouette target, basically leaving it with no torso at all. BOOM shick shick BOOM shick shick BOOM shick shick BOOM shick shick BOOM shick shick BOOM shick shick BOOM . I love the look on the faces of people who have never seen that before (they look like this: :eek: )

At the range, because I am still learning how to shoot shotguns, after I warm up with bird shot, I move on to buckshot. I am still getting used to the recoil of 00. I don't want to develop a flinch, so I start out loading it and just shooting it downrange, with no target, without thinking about it much beyond safety. Up to the shoulder, and BOOM. After five or so like that, I'll put up a target and shoot, and be able to aim and shoot without flinching.

As far as home defense goes, it would depend where you live. 00 buck will go through many layers of sheetrock if you miss your target. I live in an apartment, so I keep something less likely to penetrate walls than 00 in the magazine, and keep five shells of 00 in a butt stock holder.
"and less to have a lawyer try to convict you with in court."

Parrothead, that's a good point and interesting topic.:) Do you happen to know anyone that has gone through this type of situation?. The reason i ask is i want to know if i'm doing something wrong. Maybe adding the sidesaddle might be to much but i'll probably won't say that if my family and my life is on the line. I will do everything i can to protect them and myself.

I don't know much about lawsuits. I just don't see why being prepared will put your neck on the line in court. Especially, when someone invaded you in the comfort of your house. My motive is to protect my family/myself from invaders that has evil motives and who are way prepared than me. What are your thoughts on this guys?

My shotgun is just a back up HD. I alternate between a SIG and G17. When i use to be in the Marine Corps. We would load up as much ammo as we can possibly carry depending on the mission. I would hate to be short of ammo when the bad guys keep coming and help is quite a ways.

CAAT1: Combined Anti-armour Team 1, 2nd Battalion 7th Marines, 1st Marine Division.
Death from afar wrote: "How did that clip on sight work?"

It just clips on the barrel and just line it up to the front bead sight. It makes the target acquisition quick for me bec. i can see the front sight right away instead of the bead.

Terminal velocity, Thanks and great shooting:)

Overman, I will try those rounds in the range and thanks for the tips.:)
how much more powerful is the recoil on 00?

Like I said, I'm new to shottys but this is what I think: birdshot out of a 12 gauge, no big deal. No challenge whatsoever. But 00 buck, well, to me, anyway, that takes some doing. 00 compared to bird shot is like .357 magnums compared to .38 specials. Does not hurt, per se, but it kicks more, you feel it much more, and you just need to get used to it. And the way to get used to it is to load it and fire it. That's why my advice is, first time anyone shoots 00 or something else powerful, is to just load it and fire it, without aiming at a target. Just get used to it, and learn what it's like, and learn it's not that bad, before you go trying to line it up first time and aim and develop a flinch.

It takes some doing. "Some doing" meaning, it is easy to shoot birdshot and not flinch. But to shoot 00 buck and keep both your eyes open, and keep aim, well, that takes some doing, at least to me. That's how I define it. My goal was and is to be able to shoot powerful loads, with no flinch, with no dreading the kick. I want to be able to shoot my guns with powerful loads as easily as if I were shooting a .22. Many people grew up shooting, so that's no big deal to them.

But I did not, so to me it is a big deal. To me, being able to hoist up my 12 gauge with 00 and not flinch at all and keep both eyes open and pull the trigger slow and easy without a problem, well, to me, I'm proud of that. Somebody else might say I have no idea, but as someone who is new to the sport, that's the way I take it.
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I actually haven't seen a shotgun like that in court, however, I often do see firearms being shown to the courtroom in a "this is an instrument of death" manner. If only more people sitting on juries had your "I'm just trying to defend my family" attitude. Unfortunately, I think too many would look at is as a bit over the top/"this guy is a gun nut hoping to shoot someone". I want an AR-15, but I doubt I would ever use it for HD; that "assault rifle" look would not go over with a jury I'm afraid.
If you still want the extra shots, the buttstock shell holder from might do the trick. I bought it as well as a sling, not so much for HD but for convenience during practice. The quality is excellent. The holder does not require drilling the receiver like a sidesaddle and has not come loose while I've been shooting it. Good luck!
thaat "assault rifle" look would not go over with a jury I'm afraid.

Yeah, but to the perp, it would be sure to make him wet his pants :D When I pick up a defensive weapon, I refuse to consider what a jury would think. I absolutly refuse. And I take pride in that. I will NOT make my decisions based on what ANYONE ELSE thinks of it. Except ME, and the perpitrator.

Down that road (what will 'society' think, oh my, can't have that) lies neuroses. And I'll have nothing of it. I'd much rather be judged by twelve than carried by six, as the saying goes.