Must inform states

From the map there are states that you would need an act of god to get a carry permit so for those the point is mute.:eek:
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Is it just me, or does it seem strange that California does not require you notify?
Never mind the fact my Texas CHL isn't valid there. :mad:
Don P, MA has carry permits; we have a few MA carriers in TFL. Also, my uncle has a MA carry permit.

I believe for a non-resident, an application has to go through the State Police. For residents, it's their local police chief.

I suppose it helps that my uncle is in the same shooting club as his local chief.
The few times I've been pulled over here in Idaho, I've told the officer, even though this is a "No" state. I figure that they've already got a tough enough job and I don't need to add any unnecessary aggravation to it.

They've all been professional about it - never had to get out of the car or do anything out of the ordinary. One of the city cops asked me what I carried. I told him and we chatted for a bit over the relative merits of my Colt Officer's .45 versus his Glock.

Knock on wood, I haven't received a ticket in something like 25 years!
Arkansas clarification....

You must inform when asked for "identification". For example, not at a checkpoint looking for DUI's.
Your map would make more sense if it displayed reciprocating states.

New Jersey doesn't honor anyones CC, you can't even bring a gun to this state unless your passing through. And by passing through I mean get in and get out, not stops at the beach, no day trips.
Don P, MA has carry permits; we have a few MA carriers in TFL. Also, my uncle has a MA carry permit.

I believe for a non-resident, an application has to go through the State Police. For residents, it's their local police chief.

I suppose it helps that my uncle is in the same shooting club as his local chief.

I lived in MA. for 9 1/2 years and the best I could ever do was a target permit. Never could get a CCW permit and the last sentence in the qoute above is what its all about. Who you know. BS BS BS
Don P, I think it also depends on the city or town where you live. Seems to me that relatives in the vicinity of Worcester and friends in the vicinity of Springfield had an easier time than those who lived closer to Boston.
jsimmons You don't have to inform in Texas (since 2009)
Not exactly.
Texas law still requires notification, but there is no longer a penalty if you do not. The penalty was formerly a Class B misdemeanor.

See page 28
(a) If a license
holder is carrying a handgun on or about the license holder's
person when a magistrate or a peace officer demands that the license
holder display identification, the license holder shall display both the license
holder's driver's license or identification certificate issued by the
department and the license holder's handgun license.
I live in IL and yes, we are the only state now that WI is passing carry legislation. Keep in mind our Governor won ONLY 3 counties in the 2010 election... and guess what, they were basically Chicago counties he won. :mad:

A friend of mine who lives in TX indicates he has been pulled over for speeding a couple times in the past few years. He indicates that when the officer approaches his car he has both hands on the wheel and his carry permit in his hand and indicates to the officer in a very professional and calm manner, "I do have a concealed carry permit and am currently carrying; here is my permit." His interaction with law enforcement has not resulted in a ticket. :)
Don P, I think it also depends on the city or town where you live. Seems to me that relatives in the vicinity of Worcester and friends in the vicinity of Springfield had an easier time than those who lived closer to Boston.

Towns lived in were, Bellingham, Hopedale, Milford, and Uxbridge. The closest one to Bean town was Milford. Like I said I didn't know the right people.
Martowski:....A friend of mine who lives in TX indicates he has been pulled over for speeding a couple times in the past few years. He indicates that when the officer approaches his car he has both hands on the wheel and his carry permit in his hand and indicates to the officer in a very professional and calm manner, "I do have a concealed carry permit and am currently carrying; here is my permit." His interaction with law enforcement has not resulted in a ticket.

Same here.
I don't generally drive like Mario Andretti or Ricky Bobby, but was stopped on a stretch of I-30 near Greenville, Texas last Thanksgiving...I WAS speeding.
Texas DPS officer walked up, as he told me why he had stopped me I stated I was a CHL holder with a gun under my front seat in a lockbox and had one in a backpack in the seat behind me......he took my CHL and DL and said "just let me verify that these are valid". He was back in about a minute and said "Thank you" and that was it.....didn't even say slow down.