Must inform states


New member
Here is a handy little map if you plan on traveling with your concealed weapon


I make it my policy to inform the LEO, but it's nice to know if I'm legally required to notify while driving up I-95.

Has anyone else heard about the "abuse" of the "must notify" laws in Ohio?
When in doubt, initiate the info. ...

I think it's all in the wording and we all need to do our homework on what each our requires. This can be confusing and I take the position that it's good policy if not just good courtesy to show without waiting to be asked. .. ;)

You are showing IOWA as a must inform but technically the law is not written this way. Basically the law states that the officer must first request and then you comply or respond to his lead. .... ;)
You might have a case where the officer, for whatever reason, does not ask for your permit in which case you don't have to inform him of such.
724.5 Duty to carry permit to carry weapons.
A person armed with a revolver, pistol, or pocket billy concealed upon the person shall have in the person's immediate possession the permit provided for in section 724.4, subsection 4, paragraph "i", and shall produce the permit for inspection at the request of a peace officer. Failure to so produce a permit is a simple misdemeanor.

Be Safe !!!
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Thanks for the map kraigwy.

As common courtesy to an officer, I inform regardless.

When pulled over my ID and CCP automatically get handed to LEO along with "I have a gun in the car".
I'd prefer the officer find out directly from me, than have him notice for himself. (Yes, I know - concealed means concealed! But Murphy has a way of showing up at the oddest times...) Odds of a favorable reaction are much better with option 1.

Pro-CCW officers I know also would prefer that you just inform them up front.
They don't ask, I don't tell

When stopped 2 years ago in Bedford, NH by a local LEO I was asked at the outset of our conversation if I had any weapons. His reason for asking? The NRA decal on my rear window.

The stop was a case of the LEO thinking he owned Route 101 and I was in flagrant disregard of his ownership rights by driving thereon. Weird. Anyway, nothing came of the stop save my asking him why on Earth he'd ask me if I had weapons before we had a chance to even say, "Hi". I told him I thought anyone sporting such a decal represented the kind of people with whom he'd have the least trouble and to, "relax". He must have been a wet-behind-the-ears rookie.

Anyway, I don't tell if they don't ask. Then again, that stop over 2 years ago was my first in memory and the last to date so I haven't had much of an opportunity to not tell :)
"The stop was a case of the LEO thinking he owned Route 101 and I was in flagrant disregard of his ownership rights by driving thereon."

Code for driving with my feet, texting with my hands, straddling the center line, doing 90 in a 35, and my girlfriend doing "ejection seat" practice maneuvers out the sun roof?

It does get hard to keep up with and it would be nice if the states could all agree on the same policy. In Texas we still have to inform but we removed the penalty for not informing? Also, you can have a handgun in your vehicle without a CHL. No need to inform? Just here in TX seems a little inconsistent.
I never inform, they can see that I have a CPL on their screen, and can see the weapon on my hip, no need for wasted words.

Better yet, just don't do anything to get stopped. I know, the last time I was stopped was for no real reason (oh yes, he gave me a reason, but I think he was just was 02:00 (AM), and no I had not been drinking and my zeon lights were not on bright) BTW: stopping for a sobriety check is not legal here in WA. You have be doing something wrong, or have an equipment problem before they can legaly stop you. Once they have you stopped for some other reason they can do the sobriety check if it looks like it is needed. (He even admitted he was looking for DWIs)
FAS1 is absolutely correct. A non-CHL may carry a firearm in, for example, a glovebox, and when stopped, is not obligated to tell the police officer. A CHL holder, on the other hand, MUST inform in the same situation.
Here is the same map but much better quality. when you cut and paste it loses quality.


  • Must Inform Officer Map.png
    Must Inform Officer Map.png
    39.9 KB · Views: 64
To avoid getting shot I tell them as soon as I they stop me. It is not required in FL, or MO but the officers could over react sooooo I don't move and keep my hands in sight.
Good map Kraig. I'm heading your way in October and plan on carrying on the way out minus my time in Ill.

I didn't realize that so many states had no requirement to inform law enforcement.
What the law requires is one thing.............

But put yourself in the police officers shoes.

Who would you let go with a warning?

The guy that says immediately "BTW officer, I hold a Concealed Handgun License and am carrying a gun on me. Thought you might want to know...."


The guy who gets "discovered" with a gun and didn't mention it to the officer. While it might not be illegal, it sure as heck isn't going to win you any slack from that officer.