Music and Shooting

Music while shooting?

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Just wanted to see how many people like to put on some music while shooting, and what kind. Personally when we shoot at home I like to put on some background noise usually (and I know its stereotypical) some metal (rammstein, pantera, zombie, etc.) Wondering if there is some people out there that throw on some classical and calmly put sub 1" groups in some head sculptures or something.:cool:
Music and shooting is great!

Rammstein huh? Me too! I put on Rosenrot most of the time, maybe Re-load or Load by metallica every once in a while.
When shooting .22 LR with a long 29" barrel (very quiet relatively speaking) I will pull up the car and blast AC/DC when nobody else is there. Good times. Listening to Highway to Hell and teeing off golf balls with the .22. :D
I haven't shot anywhere where I could, but If I could, it would be something heavy.. Lamb of God, Slipknot, Mudvane.. ect. I'm gonna have to get on that very soon here. There are a couple songs that while driving I feel the need to floor it. I'm sure it would have the same kinda effect while shooting.
No soundtrack to my shooting

Shooting at the range is lots of fun, yes, but it is also the deadly serious business of preparing to defend my life and the lives of those I love.

Too serious to set to music - that would make it too much like the soundtrack to my own private action movie.

Besides, who needs the distractions? Shooting well is about FOCUS, and you can't do that as well as you need to if even part of your mind is off singing along.
Not really ...

I don't have a place where I can play music and shoot all at once.

Except for the time I put the soundtrack to "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly" on the PA system at End of Trail.
shooting soundtrack

Personally, yes music is integral to everything i do...shooting included.

As for it being a distraction when you are training to defend your life, crank it up and learn to ignore it. That's true focus. :)
Very rarely, I'll don the headphones/discman and pop a few rounds out back... Mostly either classical, or techno (of the "Happy Hardcore" genre)...


Edit: Voted "no" because 99.9% of the time, I don't.
I have a set of earplug headphones that I wear under my shooting muffs sometimes so I can listen to music while still being safe. Since they are earplugs as well... it makes the gun shots even quieter. The added benifit is the ability to listen to music at a reasonable volume instead of having to crank it for all its worth to hear.

As of yet, no. but I may have to give it a try. Cant really see it being unsafe. Its not like you are going to hear anything else going on while your wearing hearing protection and firing a weapon.
The only place I can shoot doesn't have any music playing, and I'm sure they don't allow boom boxes at all. The earpieces under the muffs might work, but I could see the RO's at my range telling people that they need to be able to hear the RO's commands, so that would ban all methods of listening to music. Since they walk back and forth usually, they'd notice the wire going to a CD/mp3 player (or see you pushing the buttons), and ask you to remove them while shooting.

IF I were to go somewhere when music could be played, I'd definitely throw in DISTURBED. They're the best! Their new album (ten thousand fists) rocks! Of course, their first two albums rock as well. :D
What nobody listens to Barry Manilow, Rod Sterwart, or Neil Diamond while causing destruction, sometimes on a massive scale? No Sinatra or Bing? What about the soundtrack to Rent or Cats or even Phantom of the Opera? Man, guess I am the only crazy person here.*End Sarcasm*
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Chris where did you get those headphones? those are perdy kewl!
Pertaining to the thread I have to vote no because I have never done it, however I am not opposed to it at all as long as your being safe and controlling the music & not letting the music control you.
Kinda like shooting to blow off some steam ya know?
Nope. I would rather listen to the woods or just talk with whomever I'm shooting with.

I was never much into music anyways, most of the time people will ask why I don't have anything playing on the car stereo, I tell them I like the peace and quiet.

Though I do listen to Bob Marley!!:cool: