Murder in SC

This is really a tough one. I don't think anything is going to ensure a happy ending here. In addition to a lot of the good ideas posted here, I can only add this...

Pax in Post #7 said:
5) Because cell phone coverage is spotty to nonexistent in our area, I would not have access to a second phone line, nor would I have confidence that she could call 911 after she'd wasted her first call on me. Although I would rather keep her on the phone myself, for mutual comfort, I would hang up and call 911 with the information she'd given me. I would also direct her to do the same, but I would never assume she'd successfully done so.

Most cell phone services today include conference calling. Use that to bring 911 into the conversation. Stay on the line, but let 911 operators do the talking. They know what questions to ask and will most likely be a lot calmer than you.

Also, I've been told (but can't confirm) that a call to 911 will access ANY carrier's service, so don't assume that cell phone is useless. If, for example, you have service with Verizon, but they have poor service in that area, the call will automatically be routed to any other carrier (AT&T for example) that does have an active signal in that area. Can anyone here confirm or dispute this?
Capt Charlie, in theory, even an old cell phone that is no longer on a plan can access 911 (assuming it is charged). I know people who have kept obsolescent phones as emergency vehicle phones.

I also know I have never seen a roaming bill when using a cell to call 911 from a highway. (I'm one of those people who tends to call in road hazards or broken down cars / distressed motorists, at those times where stopping seems unsafe.)
woman killed

Sadly,most people have no plan in their minds for any type of emergency.The average person seldom feels they will be a victim,it's always someone else.I watch people in public on foot and driving in motor vehicles and they are totally clueless.

This might work:

Savannah woman takes gunman on wild ride
Posted: December 31, 2011 - 8:34pm

By Constance Cooper

A 50-year-old Savannah nurse took a gunman on a wild ride after she found him hiding in the backseat of her car.

Police say the woman stepped on the accelerator when she spotted a man in a ski mask in her backseat as she pulled her GMC Yukon out of work at the intersection of Eisenhower Drive and Waters Avenue shortly before 8 p.m. Friday.

He put a gun to her head and threatened to kill her. The woman struck a car and a street sign and jumped a concrete median on Eisenhower Drive in an effort to attract attention to herself.

No one was injured in the incident and damages were minor, police say.

The gunman, who remained at large Saturday night, is described as a tall, slender black man wearing a gray and yellow flannel or camouflage ski jacket, a black ski mask, black baseball cap and gloves.
Anything else you guys would do or say as the person on the other end of that frantic phone call?

"Stay calm. Focus on what you have to do."
Anything else you guys would do or say as the person on the other end of that frantic phone call?

I guess "I told you so" would be inappropriate?

A few other things I would mention, but lastly I would tell her where I would be trying to link up with her. Since this would be one of the very few times where a confrontation was anticipated I would likely grab my rifle and vest.
What a tragic story. Also tragic, is a sheriff who is now giving free pistol classes to citizens. He should have been doing exactly that since day One, and advising folks to get pistols and permits each and every time he was on camera or quoted in the news. "Normalcy Bias" was at work for both this poor woman and law enforcement.
If this were someone that is in my close circle of cared for people.

First thing is where are you at?

Second do not let them get around or beside you. If they get beside you brake hard let them pass. Stop quickly and double back if you can. If you can not keep them ahead of you. Do not stop for them.

Do not hang up. I am going to get 911 on 3 way calling. I want you to talk to the operator.
Typically, a person can do a 3 way call with a cell phone. IMO, the person who is called should first get the location and try a 3 way call by calling 911, quickly explaining the situation to the 911 operator and bringing on the person being followed. I can text or email while on a call. It would be hard, but if a picture of the vehicle (while being followed - hold cell phone up and take picture out the back window) was taken try texting or emailing the picture. If forced off the road take a picture as soon and they are visible while locked in vehicle and try to text or email. It might be enough to scare the stalker away. Fight like made to stay alive and fight dirty.

I also agree with looking for a farm or business with people outside, flashing lights, honking your horn.

The fuel cutoff is generally activated when hit from behind - it is designed to stop pumping fuel in case the fuel tank or fuel line is damaged in a rear end collision. You might disable your own vehicle and not the vehicle of the stalker if the stalker hits your rear bumper. Some vehicles have the fuel cut off reset switch on the front passenger side. IMO it is a good idea to know where this switch is located on all of your vehicles.
Regarding 3 way calls - having worked briefly for a cell phone company I'd hazard a guess that probably 95% of people couldn't do a 3 way on their phone while calmly sitting on their couch at home.

Unfortunately this seems like the kind of situation where you join the game after the cards have been dealt. You can and should try to call 911, direct them to populated areas, etc... but if this happens on a country road out in BFE, none of that is likely to be available (in time). The outcome will depend on what they already know as far as defensive driving or unarmed self defense skills.
I am still in the camp of telling the other person to pay attention to the road. After they have told me where they are. Make sure they have both hands on the wheel. Turn the phone on speaker if necessary. Above all do not let the perp push you off the road. If they hit your car keep driving, do not stop. Drive the car away.
Sad story. The only bright spot (besides the thug being where he belongs) is that it may be a lesson learned for a future would be victim.

Also when your life is on the line, don't forget that your CAR is also a weapon. Use it with no restrictions if you have no other options. If someone hits your what? Don't pull over for them. This kind of story is also a good argument for having a large, solidly built car. Might come in handy as a sledge hammer one day.
Turn on the hazards and get on the gas. Then to head to the nearest safest place.

If that's towards police, tell her to hang up and call 911 and put the phone on speaker. I would also call 911 to give them more details.

If I'm the nearest safest place, idealy we would both put our phones on speaker and I would start heading in her direction till I saw's fixin to hit the fan in the worst way.