Mugging Teams

and maybe a part 3

:) AMEN to Xavierbreath.

I crack up at reading about getting into fistfights, popping people in the face, etc. Hey, I'm a 51-year old woman, I don't do fistfights. I *DO*, however, do "smart". Unfortunately, I also don't do running (falling down and breaking my ankle is not real tactical) :eek: So my brains really are my primary self defense weapon.

God willing, I would have been watching these yahoos set this up BEFORE Mr. Mexican Carry ever got close enough to accost me. By the time he did, my hand would already have been on the grip of my gun. Not flashing, not threatening, but it WOULD HAVE BEEN THERE. I would have already been looking for ways to escape before it started; duck into a store, hail a cab, "greet a friend" (yell "HI THERE!!!!" at somebody just behind him) and take advantage of the moment of confusion to get elsewhere, or, if none of those could work, make certain he knew I knew he was there and up to no good and I was ready for him.

Those are some pre-situational things that can avoid the problem in the first place. You guys can come up with more and better ones, I'm sure, but the thing is, do not blunder along in a fog so that this guy, or ANY GUY, can EVER take you by surprise.

Springmom who can't run but keeps her eyes open and her brain on :eek:
I have a big plus one to get the heck out of there. Seriously.

I was mugged in Central Park years ago (during part of my 20 year stay in the city).
The lead mugger told me he liked my camera and wanted it as he approached me (I was already aware of the group and was steering away from them).
I took off. There were about 4 of them and they were trying to flank me as we ran. I was faster than them but because I was going so fast I could not turn on the twisty paths through the park and ended up going through the trees and scrub.
I thought I was going to make it until I ran right up to a lake.
My boots were worth more than my camera so I handed it over and they took off.
Obviously as this was NYC I was not carrying any kind of weapon that would have successfully defended me against 4 attackers.

Fast forward to today.
I no longer live in NYC and if that happened anywhere in CT, where I now reside, I would have the means of defending myself.
However, the first and second instincts I had back then (avoid them once you see them and run if they approach) would still be operative.
That makes you the vic and them the perps, so when they get up to you and you flash Mr Caliber-du-Jour in their general direction there is no chance of you being "gun-wielding maniac" instead of "victim of attempted mugging".
And if you were forced to cap one or two then your defense should be a lot more solid.

i am not talking to anybody. if i see a gun, knife, big stick or whatever i am shooting and there will not be anyone left to contradict my testimony.
To be honest--in either case I would probably just hand over my wallet. I don't carry enough money or credit cards to make it worth risking my life, or the perps. As described, the situation doesn't make me fear for my life.

Does that make me a sheeple?
Situation #1: Well, unless I see a weapon I don't think pulling my own gun and firing would be justified.

Situation #2: Mugger flashes and threatens. The gunfight has already started. He just wasn't smart enough to draw and fire first. Hopefully a little misdirection (dropping my money) will buy a second or two for a clean draw. Then it's time to put my Hydro-Shoks to work in C.O.M.
#1 Draw weapon and cover the would-be mugger as I retreat to cover/ safety. Tell him that if I get shot at by anybody, he's dead.

#2 Draw and fire at Mr. Mexican Carry without comment or hesitation as soon as the weapon is presented and the threat is apparent. Do NOT wait for him to draw.
+1 Tank Soldier

If need be, . . . toss the billfold toward the car, putting him between me and the car, . . . draw, back off, and survive.

May God bless,
"To be honest--in either case I would probably just hand over my wallet. I don't carry enough money or credit cards to make it worth risking my life, or the perps. As described, the situation doesn't make me fear for my life.

Does that make me a sheeple?"

Does anyone besides me carry a drop wallet? My real wallet is concealed and my drop wallet has a couple of expired credit cards with the magnetic tapes destroyed, some old business cards I've picked up at various places, 5-10 dollars.

Sit 1. Hand it over he gets nothing of use and it gives me time to get a little space as he's going through it.

Sit 2. Pretend to drop it and get a little space as I draw. If he doesn't bite on the drop.........draw and engage.

Either way he is in posession of my wallet when the cops arrive.
Nice trick with the fake wallet. Although I hear sometimes it enrages the muggers even more.

Do you carry it with you all the time?
Is there an upper limit on what people consider "too much money to hand over?"

I would be upset about my wife having to give her wedding ring over, but I would be ENRAGED if someone tried to take my deceased father's watch. It's a Rolex he bought way back in the day when he was stationed in Vietnam (before gold went through the roof). There is no way on God's green earth I could afford to replace it and the connection to my father is irreplacable.

Or should I go with the idea that it's only an object and that my father would want me to take care of myself? It's a real tough one.
All previous posts aside with due respect, if you can't carry a firearm, a quick knife in the belly followed by a rapid departure should save the day on many levels. Accomplice waiting to shoot? Sure, and the check's in your mouth. BTDT.
A friend of my sisters tossed a separate money clip with $50 or so and ran (spare wallet sounds good to). You may want to plan out where you'll keep it though, just in case they see you put the real one away (e.g., tracking you at a store).

If they haven't shown a weapon yet, maybe ask to see it? get them talking, offer a compromise with the intent of getting some distance? oh yeah, grabbing their weapon? might not be good to rely on anything with moving parts.

Probably still a good idea to keep your eyes on the mugger as they (or you) leave, I've read elsewhere of someone that handed over their wallet, turned and walked away (as instructed) and was shot in the back.

Driving around with someone doesn't sound good to me, too many things you're not in control of at that point, might be constricted by sitting down w/ a seatbelt. seems like the same situation, except you're in a box moving at speed. If you shoot him/her, you have your bullets to account for, and the other projectile: 3500lb car at 50fps? (dodge magnum might be appropriately named here).
"Nice trick with the fake wallet. Although I hear sometimes it enrages the muggers even more.

Do you carry it with you all the time?"

Yes, I carry it always and you're correct about them possibly getting angered by the lack of cash in it. I try to keep at least $15 in it but no more than $25 usually in five and one dollar bills. It's only meant as a distraction to get space between you and the bad guy giving you more time to get on target or better yet satisfy his need to have someone elses stuff. If he takes it and runs great, if he takes it and rifles through it in front of you his attention is on the wallet and not you.