Msurp rifles. Anyone Else a Fan?


Hi guys,

I have a MN91/30 and the thing is a great rugged gun that I enjoy shooting. However those of you who own one, know they're not the best shooting guns (albeit great for the price)

I was looking to expand my Msurp rifle collection, any suggestions? The Budget is around 800 dollars. I was thinking of maybe picking up a Lee Enfield or a 1903 springfield (I've fired the springfield before, lovely rifle, but they can go for way more than 800?).

Feel free to post comments, unusual Msurp guns you enjoy etc...
Mosins are good shooters if one takes the time to learn how to shoot it.

First thing on your list now should be a CMP Garand, they are well with in your budget. $495 for a rack grade, you know they are good, CMP armors go over them to make sure the function and are safe before they put them up for sale.
Agree with the Garand and Springfield. Then there's the M1 carbine, FN49, the various Mausers. Nearly endless list to suck up your dollars.
Can't fault the M-1. I think the Enfield is under appreciated. I own both and they are a pleasure to shot.

The Swedish Mauser is another good choice, I had one but let it go. I kick myself to this day.
CMP Garands are the best thing going for any rifle right now. Every shooter should have one.

The pinacle of bolt action rifles was the Mauser K98k. Everything else is a copy or a refinement to lower production costs. Lots of nice ones still around for less than $400.

join us on Curio and Relics.
There are several of us on here that are nuts about the old Military Surplus Rifles.
How about one of these? It's my fav. out of all of my C&Rs

1943 K98 8x57mmJS




I found this old gal in the back room at the local gun shop. Set me back $325 all of the markings including the eagle stamps are still intact. And even with my eyes, she is still LETHAL accurate at 200 yards. Those CMP Grand prices have sky rocketed by the way, and the selection was pretty poor about a month ago when I was looking into them.

There's enough people on TFL that have an interest in mil-surps that we have a sub-forum dedicated to Curios & Relics.
Berdan ss

Man thats a sweet looking Mauser.
Probably the best representative I have ever seen.
Thanks for sharing the pictures.
Not sure what the prices are now, but my Field Grade M1 was $495 last May. It's been a fantastic shooter, doesn't kick much for the caliber it shoots.
I think they're cool. Man would I like to own a nice swedish mauser, or a nice k98. Heck I would be happy with any mauser in good shape. I sure would like a garand too, but even the most beat up cmp garand costs an arm and a leg now. Also I have read too many stories of guys having to dump a bunch of work and money into them to get them to work right. Ammo is not exactly cheap anymore either. So I think a garand is out of the question for me. The mosins are a good buy right now but they sure are fugly, lol. I had an m38 but traded it off like a dummy. Now all you can find are the longer 91/30 model.
If it were me i'd get a K31 for around $200 and a M1 from CMP for around $600. Just rec'd my service grade from CMP and it's like new.
I received a service grade M1 with 192 rounds of Greek surplus ammo to my door for $720. The metal is in great shape, very little wear marks. It functions perfectly and is very fun to shoot not to mention the history. CMP surplus ammo is going for $0.50 per round delivered.

Nice suggestions. Beautiful K98, that one is definitely on the list too, they're a nice shooter. i wasn't aware of the CMP M1 garands, I'll definately look into them!

EDIT*** i was also eyeballing a swiss K31 pull rifle (I've heard they are extremely accurate) but I also hear they have issues with the bolt opening when fired?
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Tip #1: Get a Curio & Relics license if you don't have one already.

Here are some milsurp links to get you started

1903 A3 $795

CMP M1 Garand (best deal is "service grade") $595

Yugo SKS (not CA state legal) $269