MP-5 for Home Defense?

Shooting shotgun indoors is not what I call prudent self defense measures.

Agreed. I don't even leave my 12" barreled 870 out of the safe anymore, the AR-15 with silencer is my HD weapon.


Thanks for the reply, I thought you were saying you didn't like the idea of ANY SMG, not just yours. I'm guessing you have something along the lines of a MAC10 or M11/9?
Yes I am saying that I don't like the idea of any submachine, not just mine (for any practical purpose other than recreation).

I can't think of a MORE prudent self defense measure than firing a shotgun indoors.

The submachinegun I own is a Sterling. I used to own a Sten. Both fine submachineguns as submachineguns go.

Over the years I have fired many, if not most of the submachineguns ever made. I have fired numerous MP5s as well as the UMP. Here is a link to our local subgun match results. It is kind of interesting to see. Just like any other sport, it is the shooter that makes the difference, not the gun. Most of the guys at this match have been shooting this match for years. Some probably 10 years or more. They are seasoned competitors.
Well, to each his own. I don't see the wisdom in a manually reloaded 5 shot weapon, even if it IS 12ga, especially because of the noise and blast. I'm happier having my silenced AR-15 handy at home rather than any shotgun I own.
This kind of stuff can be debated until the cows come home, and it has been debated countless times already.

I have nothing against an AR15, or a suppressed AR15: either is infinitely better than ANY submachinegun ever made for ANY purpose whatever.

As far as a home defense situation, I don't see any disadvantage to having a loud, five shot, manual loaded weapon. Your AR15 is also certainly a very good choice. If you life is in danger and you have determined that your only means of survival is to shoot, noise and blast are going to be the least of your worries.

If I could only choose one weapon for defensive purposes it would certainly be an AR15. Since I am not currently in that siutation, I will take the shotgun for inside the house.
I never really thought about it, but I sort of have a shotgun obsession. I have a 20" 870 with the 9 volt Surefire dedicated foreend light. I have a 14" 870 with the 6 volt Surefire dedicated foreend light. I have a 13" Browning A-5. I have a Serbu Super Shorty (6" 870): tax stamp pending for about three months now. And I am supposed to get a short barreled Remington Model 11 (not NFA short, 18" or 20" - I haven't actually seen it yet) this afternoon in trade for a '06 Mauser. If you had asked me if I was a big fan of shotguns I would have said no. But I was showing off my stuff to a guy last week and he brought up how many shotguns I have (short defensive type shotguns: I do own a couple hunting/sporting shotguns of course).
He said, this stuff is cool but I don't see the point of a lot of it. I said, what do you mean specifically ? He said, well you have four "sawed off" shotguns. I started laughing and realized I had never really thought that much about it.
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Geez. Lawyers are gonna have a field day picking the bones of anybody who actually does shoot a burgler with an SMG. Not to mention the fact that the police normally impound whatever gun was used in self defense shooting until after the grand jury votes on whether or not to pursue the case. :eek:

My personal opinion is that a person who owns a machine gun would do better running the burgler through with a steak knife.
In a theoretical world, sure an MP5 would be a kick-ass HD weapon and certainly would get the job done.

But back in reality......I think some are making the common mistake of seeing NFA items as practical self-defense weapons, rather than awesome, fun (and $$$) toys. Blowing a bad guy away with a SBS, SBR or especially an SMG just isn't going to look as "clean" as shooting the guy with a regular 'ole 870. Not very logical, since a clean shoot should be a clean shoot, but if you get some anti-gun DA or grand jury you could be in a world of hurt.

BUT IIRC correctly there was some dude down in Florida who took on some intruders with a S&W 9mm SMG and had no trouble with the Cops, so you never know.

For me though, there is no way in hell, I'm going to be using my MAC-10 SMG (like I'd hit anything anyways....) or Saiga 12 SBS for SD unless Terminator Machines are rising or Mexican Paratroopers are falling from the sky to retake Texas. :eek:
The irony is a bit dripping. IIRC, a former employee of H&K was tailed home, while being shot at, by some meth freaks, from a gun show. The guy had just bought a machine gun, and, drove to his place of work, parking lot. He jumped out of the truck, grabbed the machine gun out of the back, and put a warning burst in front of the bad guy. The bad guy committed suicide, forcing him to shoot the guy. The DA filed charges, and, after loosing his job, and a couple hundred thousand dollars, he was acquitted, or found not guilty.

That is the only instance I know of, where a submachine gun was used for ANY defense, or crime.

That said, I can't imagine anything much more effective then a 45 caliber burst from a Mac 10, with a suppressor.

With no recoil to speak of, I would think it would be accurate enough at home defense ranges, though the rather heavy bolt, and heavy trigger aren't exactly target quality.

Problem is, most subs I've played with did NOT like hollow points. Ball only. Wonder how that Federal ammo that starts out as ball, and, spreads out would work in a sub?

I'm NOT sold on a shotgun, simply because of the recoil. Semi auto battle rifles, or, any of the surplus carbine guns with 30-06 type ballistics are proven, and, have 1/4 the recoil of 00 buck, in a light, handy shotgun.
I think you are mixing up two incidents or alleged incidents.

The one you are talking about was in Virginia. That was an AC556

There was another story of a gun dealer someplace that shot some people who were breaking in his shop with a S&W 76.
I think that's it, and, the guy opened his own knife company.
Anyone have the name of the person, or case?
Any links?
I think that's it, and, the guy opened his own knife company.
Anyone have the name of the person, or case?
Any links?
Sling shot with ammo in the handle

Has anyone bought this type of sling shot before that holds the amo in the handle?
this company has free shipping to anywhere in the world and they guarantee delivery to Australia. I heard that sling shots
are ok to sell in Australia as long as you say they are being used to toss bait in the water when you go fishing, any truth
to thatone?