MP-5 for Home Defense?


New member
I'm not into NFA firearms myself but I have a question for you guys. After a long discussion with a good friend about perfect home defense weapons. We put all other factors like finances, the shooter, etc out of the equation and just focused on the weapon. And then his wife of all people threw in something neither of us had even considered. From what I know it sounds like a great idea, but since I don't know that much, what do you guys think? MP-5 chambered in .40 S&W, loaded with JHP's, and set on 3 round burst for home defense?

Oh, and the "his wife of all people" is not a bash on women. His wife is just not a "gun" person at all.
This would be about the most expensive variation of the MP5 one could choose as a non LE US owner.

The 9mm MP5 was quite popular with LE entry teams, but 9mm hardball was often over penetrating housing structure due to slow heavy bullets. MP5s started comming in 40SW and 10mm but the guns broke and HK stopped doing any repairs on them, so all dept's virtually dumped them. Most depts. went to .223 weapons and a bullet that breaks up on impact to reduce damage to other than the target due to shoot through. With the price of ammo some are holding onto thier 9mm guns but .223 really rules the entry weapons of today.

If going for a burst gun I would go with a short .223 M16 and silencer to prevent the hearing damage a burst of .223 from an 11,5" gun is going to cause.

The .223 bullet will fragment and not leave the house, or do much damage on the other side of the sheetrock. Of course bullet selection is also important.
I think something in .45acp would be the way to go for an SMG but for the best HD option a shotgun will almost always win out. maybe an AA12:D
That's what I was going for, haven't seen too many people shot. I just imagined a quick 3 round burst wouldn't be as messy as a 12g and maybe not as overpentrating. I used .40 cause I don't know of any 3 round burst .45 ACP SMG's out there. I figure there are, I just can't name them.
Right manufacturer, wrong model. You need the HK UMP. It comes in 9mm, .40 S&W and .45 ACP.


You just need to add to your factors to ignore (finances, the shooter, etc.) the fact the .gov won't let you have a post-86 machinegun.
What about a NFA Shotgun?

I think that a short barreled shotgun (even an NFA) would be a better choice for the money ..... and in court ..... less sticky!

Three 44s
"...loaded with JHP's..." JHP's are a recipe for a jam if the semi-auto or FA firearm isn't set up to feed 'em. In any case, even with a 3 round burst, shooting a sub-gun, accurately, takes a great deal of training and practice. Spray and pray doesn't work with them either. Your buddy's lady has been watching too many TV shows and movies.
Having shot a full auto UMP in .45. It don't take much too control. I taught a 90 pound girl who had never fired a gun before, to shoot it in 1 day.
The MP5 is a great entry gun and with proper training makes a great house gun. As mentioned the 40s had problems but I ran probably ten thousand rounds of Federal and Winchester 9mm hollow points without a single failure. I didn't keep track of the hardball but it was a bunch.

With the 9mm you have recoil similar to a 22 and a more controllable two round burst is available by exchanging lowers if you want to go that route. The gun is light and short making it easy to move around the house. The recoil and muzzle blast is nil making it more user friendly indoors if used without suppression.

Time moved on and the 5.56 with a suppressor has pretty much replaced the MP5. We tested the UMP and found it offered nothing over the MP5. The stock flexed when pulled into the shoulder and it generally seemed a backward step for a subgun.

I carried an MP5 for thirteen years on an entry team and miss it. Using a Title II firearm for home defense could be very expensive as it would probably spend several years in an evidence room if used for self defense.

There are HK94s out there if you can do without the full auto. We shot our MP5s and M4s on semi 99% of the time.
Remember one thing....

If you ever use a gun like that in a home deffense shooting, the cops are going to take it. Anddepending on you rlocal DA, even if you are completely cleared (or no charges filed), you may play hell getting it back.

It may cost you as much as the gun or more in legal fees to get it returned, and depending on the political climate where you live, you may never get it returned, only a check for the "value" of the gun. And you may even have to take them to court to get that check, and get it for the market value of your gun.

And, even if you get it back, it may no longer be in the same condition it was when they took it. These things have happened with "regular" guns, and I don't think one of those "evil" assault weapons/machineguns is going to get any easier treatment. your call, good luck.
I am no expert on the subject although I do own a SMG (not an HK unfortunately) and I do compete with my SMG for what that is worth.

Out of all the guns I own, in any kind of SHTF senario whether it be a home invasion or thermonuclear war, my SMG would probably be one of the last things I grabbed out of the safe.
my SMG would probably be one of the last things I grabbed out of the safe.


Also, would you grab your silencers? I know they'd be VERY high on my list of things to grab, for me at least.
If it wasn't for having a $20,000 gun confiscated, my suppressed MP5 would be my first choice for home protection.
A selfjdefense shooting will turn into a long legal battle if you use any type of machine gun. Unless the other guy has one, you are going to be in a world of hurt. To each his own and you can believe anything you want, but that's the jway the world turns. :(
Can you document a single case where a homeowner used a registered machinegun in a legal self-defense shooting and was arrested/charged because of the weapon used?
my SMG would probably be one of the last things I grabbed out of the safe.


Also, would you grab your silencers? I know they'd be VERY high on my list of things to grab, for me at least."

Because I don't think the submachine gun is as effective as a rifle or shotgun.
I don't shoot the SMG as good as a rifle or shotgun.
The SMG doesn't have a light, an optic, or a suppressor on it.
The SMG isn't as versitile as a rifle or shotgun.

Basically I have almost no respect for the SMG. It is a fun toy. I enjoy our local matches. I stand there at these matches thinking to myself: If I had a semi-auto AR15 I could clear these targets in a fraction of the time with half the ammo it will take me to do it with the SMG.

Not to sidetrack the thread but yes, If I had to leave my house for any kind of SHTF senario I would definitely take suppressors.
I enjoy reading the debate over these things but honestly, this question easily becomes over intellectualized.........

Far too much consideration being thrown into minor points of advantage or disadvantage. Find a weapon you are proficient with in close quarters and factor in what concerns you have about over-penetration and just make your best decision.
MP5 and MP5 SD

I have Mp5 and Mp5-SD.

I am getting rid of my Mp5-SD and it's with a dealer. I kept the regular MP5 because I need the noise as a deterent as much as I want to kill the hostile in the house.

I think MP5 is very handy and easily taken around the corners in the house. The 9mm bullet is lethal enough yet I dont have to worry about over-penertration. The rapid fire on MP5 is quick enough to bring down hostile immediately. The weapon is very controlable since it heavy and fires pistols rounds. There is a reason why it is being used by many special forces around the world, and now for so many years.

I am selling SD because I am getting a trade (not because I think its not effective in HD) which will bring in a Mauser+Luger+Walther P38+455 WS+Ak47 double body. BTW whatever the double body is.

AND I would like to know how many people here have MP5s who are rendering advice and what is there combat experience. Shooting shotgun indoors is not what I call prudent self defense measures.
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