mow much under max mag length?

Just used the vangard this time because it was out and only covered by a sock. At the time, the WBY vanguard were made by HOWA. They do not have long free bore of my Mark V's. My 308 target rifles have shorter throats, but are harder to get at.

It sounds like you seated your RN bullets full dia to match the start of the full dia on a Rem spitzer, with the spitzer set to 2.800. So there wouldn't have been any problem with jamming them into the lands, if the Rem Spitzer didn't jam into the lands. Your method has the same safety as using a comparator to ensure the other bullet types don't jam into the rifling. Lots of different ways to skin the cat.

However i would not term this as seating the round noses to 2.800 col, hence the confusion on my part. Might be more likely if you had seated the bullets to match the COL of the spitzer, the round noses may jammed into the lands?

The 30-30 bullets just tested in the HOWA touched the lands with the cannelures exposed.