Movie laugh

I like the scenes where Superman would stand there and let the bullets bounce of his chest, but would duck when the BG threw the empty gun at him.
Thats because he is bullet proof not pistol whip proof. The bullets feel like little bitty mosquitos but the pistol....well it would hurt like a pistol. I wonder if shooting this way started that gang stance where you shoot the pistol cocked 90 deg to the side? Bop, bop with the milli 9! Women shooting guns in lingerie? Thats not a dream thats a guns with chicks flick. Yeah, guns with chicks in that order.
Yeah seriously, how DID holding the auto tilted at a 90 degree angle become the cool way to shoot in the movies? You never see a punk shooting a revolver that way. Why the auto?

Maybe they are handloaders and tilt the gun so the brass flies straight up in the air where they can catch it on its way down?
"What the hell you DOIN, Homey?"
"Savin' my brass, Brutha. Stuff is 'spensive...."
"What the hell you DOIN, Homey?"
"Savin' my brass, Brutha. Stuff is 'spensive...."

HAHAHAHAH I can picture this in my head, and its hillarious

the SUV is rolling down the street and a bunch of cops on either side of the street start shooting at the SUV as it rolls between them and cops on either side of the street start getting hit by crossfire and then this one cop starts yelling at a cameraman to get out of there and starts waving his loaded gun around with the muzzle pointed at the cameraman he's trying to warn. The cops fired over a hundred rounds, only hitting the UNARMED driver four times.

I just wish I could remember the name of that movie ;) !

Sometimes truth IS stranger than fiction!

Movie Magic

My favorite scene in the movies and on TV these days is when the actors draw a Glock and without exception you hear the sound of a safety being taken off as in "Click"! They have not a clew (as they say in England) :rolleyes:
I saw one in which the woman at the end is going to finish off the BG, first she has a revolver, then a Beretta 92, then a 1911. :)
I've got my lady picking out gun goofs too. :cool:
Oh I've seen a lot of movies where a Glock, and other autos, are pulled and you hear a "click click" (supposedly the safety going off) and (as another poster said this is not possible on a Glock) but it sounds more like they are cocking the gun hammer back.

Also, I was watching part of Dances With Wolves last night on TNT. One scene has the Indians rescuing Kevin Coster from the yankee army. One of the yanks was a mean sergent who slithered away from the ambush. He is crawling under the wagon holding a Remington .44. He crawls out from under the wagon and floats down the creek to get away. By the time he gets to the bank of the creek and crawls up to some horses and encounters an indian boy his revolver has transformed into an 1851 Colt Navy :D

Speaking of other gun changes. The first Batman movie back in 1989 by Tim Burton has a scene where Jack Napier becomes the Joker by falling into a chemical vat. Napier (a mob right hand man) is being pursued by Batman and the police through a chemical factory. Between the scene where he shoots a corrupt police lieutenant for double crossing him and the time he falls into the vat, we see the gun in his hand go from a colt, to a smith and wesson and back to a colt. (it's hard to tell what model because the scenes go by so fast) :p

Also, in the GOod the Bad and the Ugly, in the end when "The good the bad and the ugly" are facing off, you see Lee Van Cleef's gun in holster with bullet cartridges lining the belt of his 1851 Colt Navy (sometimes seen as a Remington :D ) however, even though his belt is lined with cartridges (something they really didn't have during the War Between the States :D ) if you look at his gun, you will see it has precussion caps attached to nipples on the back of his cylinder. The revolver in his holster ball and cap not cartridge. :p
La Femne Nikita

There's a scene where one of the BGs has an M4 with an underbarrel M203.

The heroine takes cover, so of course the BG has to load a grenade. Only he loads the wrong kind, one of those long, finned grenades that go over a rifle's muzzle. Even worse, he tilts the M4 up and drops the grenade down the tube of the M203 like a mortar. I couldn't stop laughing for like 5 minutes.
So many movies with gun goofs have been mentioned, Many of them great movies, just Hollywood mistakes. I thought id mention a movie that has few gun goofs, "Saving Private Ryan" with the exception of a few minor mistakes, for the most part its quite realistic, no people flying through the air when hit, just the sound of bullets pierceing meat, and the way bodys react when vital areas are hit etc. they even put in the "Pinggggg" when the garands needed a reload, the only thing I can think of is I dont remember Tom Hanks reloading his thompson too many times... theres probably some other things I cant remember..... but its one of my favorite war movies... speaking of which I think ill go watch it. :) Ill pay extra attention to stuff and come back and add anything I happen to notice.
Getting back to the bad guys holding their semi-auto pistols sideways, a story I heard was that the empty casings flying out of the was hitting the expensive lenses of the cameras, so they were told to do it that way.
Don't know for sure if that's fact or urban legend, but it does make some sense.
IIRC, in Doctor No, the bad guy shoots at the dummy in the bed after which good old 007 says, That's a Smith & Wesson. You've your six." and prceed to excerise his license to kill. No matter how haed I look, that S&W looks a lot like a 1911 to me. :rolleyes:
The ones that really get me is when the hero commandeers a gun, say an AK-47 or M-16 and has only the one magazine in the gun, yet it never seems to run out of ammo. :eek: :D I got to get me one of those.
Paul B.