Mountain Lion inside my city!

Yeah, I was surprised how many feel a 9mm, .40 or even the .45acp isn't adequate but have no issues with all the lead missing the target...

I carried a Single Six with the .22mag cyl in for protection against cougars(and snakes) for years.

Hung around out in the scrub land, where cougar encounters were fairly normal, with a bunch of ranchers kids. These kids had quite a bit of knowledge about the cats having been around them all of their lives and no one (including me) felt I was undergunned.
This actually would have been an issue because of how frequently we were in the arroyo's where they love to hunt from above and had to protect each others backs. People and livestock were routinely stalked by these cats. You would be walking back to the truck or house and run across the tracks where one was stalking you, hoping one of you ended up alone. It gave you the shivers sometimes when the tracks indicated a big one you knew could take you down.
The officers side arms were more than adequate. The problem was almost certainly that this turned into a persuit type fight.
When we encountered cougars they always seemed to want a clear path to attack you and we saw them at that point. Head shots with a .22mag from that distance while they were still, no problem. Once they realized that we were aware of them they just weren't interested in a fight.
This cat was probably just trying to get away. What a shame they didn't have time to tranquilize it, rehab it, and release it. I don't really like cougars, but its kind of a shame to see one of my old enemies starving then dying scared to death in city. It's a tough old world sometimes
Those cats have been found in Sacramento more than once. There was a woman who was attacked by one on the American river access. She was jogging in the park.
Sc928, we used to have that happen fairly regularly in a suburb of the Denver area called Roxborough park. Ritzy neighborhood that extended up into the foothills. Prime cougar territory. Some 120lb trophy wife would jog past a hidden cougar and surprise surprise they would be attacked. Like pulling a shoelace past a house cat, geez. We called these women by their correct title VOLUNTEERS! If you are going to build your house in the woods what do you expect?
Lots of them just outside of Boulder, CO in the foothills. They've had lots of scrapes with bikers, joggers, hikers, etc.
We have cats all over town. Its not unusual to see one at any given time. Unfortunately theyre very habituated to our small mtn town. This is just another example of cops being under trained on how to use their weapons. A few years back someone hit a big BIG blackie. It was still alive but very injured. Two local cops were tasked 20 with putting it down until DOW showed up. They put 14 rounds of .40 with their side arms, 20 some rounds of 5.56 with their AR, and 9 shots of 00 with their shottys. The bear was just as alive as before they started target practicing on it. Then the DOW officer showed up and put 1 round from his personal .44 mag in the bears head which finally humanely killed it.
I lived in Apache Junction AZ ( a suburb of Phoenix) We routinely had a Lioness move through our neighborhood. One year she raised a litter on silly mountain (about three blocks from my house). She was beautiful and we did not disturb her and she did not bother us.

Unfortunately, a developer from Illinois moved in. He saw her and had the Pinal county so kill her.

It was a lose.
Around here (Arkansas) mountain lion sightings are very rare, but they do occur. I saw one while hunting in the Ouchita mountains about 10 years ago. Funny thing is, when you ask the game and fish commission about them, they will straight up deny that we have them in the state, call you a liar. Finally about 4 years ago, a guy about 20 miles west of little rock got a picture of a large one on a game camera. It was on the front page of our major newspaper. The game and fish's comments were "we do not have mountain lions in the state. That had to be someone's pet". Always been a real head scratcher to me as to why all the denial. I know we don't have many and they have a huge home range, but they ARE out there.
All you have to do to keep mountain lions out of the area is buy a mountain lion tag.

Had one hanging around here, wife bought a tag and we haven't seen it since.

They killed a couple in town this last summer, guess they were eating house cats.

Custer County SD (Just a cross the state line) has been having a huge ML problem this year. The gave out more tags and also started allowing ML hunting in Custer State Park.

They've been raising heck with elk, deer, and livestock.
Two out of six shot, i think a certain department might need a little more firearms training. You'd think being in texas a good ole boy would have taken her down with one shot.
Irish B, I live in Black Forest still in the trees @ 7670ft elevation and we get some the Palmer Divide weather and we got light snow now.

I use to shoot the one shot matches at the quarry east of you off Hwy 24 till the county got in contest with owner as they wanted him to apply for permit as rifle range. He let the sheriff dept and WP police use the quarry besides the match he held 1 day each month and we never paid any fees etc to shoot the match.

We get little of everything here and we'll get some of the Greenland elk herd down this far and we got wild turkey south of me on a school section. You guys got more lion that's for sure.

At one time I had figures on how much DOW paid out per year livestock kill by predators here which are lion/bear only if prove they did the killing. Most of it's done by lions after they pay then they hire trappers to kill the lion. All the crop damage by wildlife payment plus predator payment come out of DOW funds. Most western state have some sort of payment to ranchers for loss of livestock.
“Normally, when you shoot an animal like this they go down with the first shot, but this one kept running,” Knoll said. “Our concern is for the safety of the general public and having this cat in town is very unusual.”

It should read, "If you know how to aim...and shoot an animal like this they go down with the first shot."
A most recent capture! Yesterday.
