mother in law tried to clear her house

Agreed. I would help her pick out a nice pistol/revolver she can handle. The have her take some courses. Especially ones that focus on the element of suprise and not giving your position away ;).
Think he was referring to the BG's w/ AK47's, not the flashbangs. Tac guys understand the fatal funnel and spend minimal time in the doorway. "Funnel of Death" seems a bit dramatic but some folks like that. :cool:
I have always heard It referred to as the "funnel of death". I have heard fatal funnel as well but was taught funnel of death. I think at the course I took they wanted to instill how dangerous it was, therefore,--The funnel of death. I was talking about the BG's thanks TXGunNut, to flashbang them so they dont shoot you in the doorway.
I was talking about the BG's thanks TXGunNut, to flashbang them so they dont shoot you in the doorway.

In my "fatal funnel" "funnel of death" "mixing bowl of bowels" "stairway to heaven" "door of doom" "hallway of hell" or whatever you want to call it, it will be the bad guys in it, not me. I will be the camper on the other side, hoping the BG doesn't have a flash bang.
I dont think your average street criminal carries much less has flashbangs. I think your ok Beeenbag lol.;) LOL. Cmichael, that was good.
I once saw a fat woman eating a funnel cake of death at the state fair.

Yes, we were taught "fatal funnel".
It's amazing that it's a laughing matter till they're in the crap-storm. So I'd safely put her in the crap storm just to show her what she's dealing with.

Empty her shotgun and pistol. Then tell her to do what she thinks she has to do to clear the house. Take her to the floor, ambush her and strip her of the gun, take her through the wringer.

Sometimes you just have to safely show these people how their light hearted look at life and death can backfire when it really counts.

"There is a way that seems right to a man that ends in his own demise."
Empty her shotgun and pistol. Then tell her to do what she thinks she has to do to clear the house. Take her to the floor, ambush her and strip her of the gun, take her through the wringer.

Im not so sure how the wife would feel about me rolling around on the floor with momma.:eek:
Get an alarm system that will both announce an intrusion and pinpoint the zone of said intrusion. Have mom stay in her safe room (usually the bedroom). Teach her to dial 911 and how to shoot from a static position if the room is breeched. Let the alarm and police do the work. Mom will feel more secure knowing no one is in the home. Having an emergeny plan to deal with a threat if the home is violated also makes for happy feelings in the gut.

Good luck.
Some people are just incapable of being helped. Do what you can, but then don't fret too much about it if she refuses or doesn't really care to learn.
My wife had the problem of boldly investigating strange noises even while I was home. If she heard something outside or near the door she would quickly move toward it in order to find out what was going on. Obviously I have now taught her better & got it in her head to take more pre-cautions.

Additionally I have taught her how to effectively use a shotgun, Glock 23, & my M4. When I say effectively I mean she is more than capable at weapon presentation, working the action...reloading...clearing stoppages. Also, she is very accurate with the weapons. I have at least got her to not barge out the door when she hears something going on outside.

Quick story: while on military leave I was visiting my in-laws. My father-in-law owns a small farm & has had stock stolen from his land before. We heard a bunch of commotion down in "the lot" & I went to investigate. My father in law was gonna go, but I finally talked him out of it...he isn't all.

As I was clearing the lot in the darkness. My father in law had the "bright idea" to scream out that I was in the lot, that I was a Marine & I would shoot anyone I seen. Fortunately there wasn't anyone there but the animals & most likely it was some kind of preator or something that just spooked the animals. My intentions wasn't to go in guns a blazing. My intentions was to get "eyes on" & withdrawl to the house in order to call the police. I was armed, but just for my own protection.

Obviously I was very mad at my father in law & told him that if he ever did something like that again that I would just let someone steal all of his stuff or let the predators kill off all of his stock. I wouldn't do that, but it was a good bluff. He didn't interfere with anything else & was supportive of all my reccomendations for hardening up his home & farm... to include lighting.