mother in law tried to clear her house


New member
Well my mother-in-law just recently started staying home alone because husband went away to work. She is very paranoid and had a dream that woke her and she thought someone was in the house.

The husband left her untrained with a shotgun and a beretta 92f. She said she couldn't work the beretta and she has one shell in a single shot 12 guage.

When she got woke up by the dream she grabbed the shotgun and went through the house shouting "I have a gun, I have a gun" and basically cleared the home.

I tried to tell her that it was not smart to clear your house, especially with a single round in a long gun.

She thought that it was a laughing matter that she looked like a fool in the middle of the night going through her house.

I have offered to help her get aquainted to her beretta and told her about the "funnel of death" and backlighting and such, but she took it with little regard.

How can I help her with this. She is very "airheaded" so to speak. I would hate to let it go and something real show up and her do the same thing with a worse outcome.
Invite her along "for morale support' as you compete in your first ever IDPA challenge or something like that. I Guess?I found that a womeen will get more out of it if she is "Helping" and part of it.

I was thinking more like something to show her or lead her towards that will bring her to the realization that clearing your home is a bad idea especially with a single shot shotgun, and that it is very possible that her bad dream could become a reality. I this to be brought to her attention without scaring her so badly that she would want to stay with us while the husband is gone.
Let her try the same thing with a broom stick, and show her how easy it would be for someone to grab it as she's moving through the house announcing where she is.
I have offered to help her get aquainted to her beretta and told her about the "funnel of death" and backlighting and such, but she took it with little regard.

How can I help her with this. She is very "airheaded" so to speak. I would hate to let ..............

Even without the training, and air head armed with a Beretta 92 or a shotgun, running around the house shouting "I've got a gun", would be frightening in it's own right--for everyone in the house, and maybe even an effective defensive strategy.:D
I frequent this board (probably multiple times a day) but I've never heard of the "funnel of death". Thinking about it, the only thing I can think of is that it's the cone that represents the field of view of someone in a doorway... or maybe someone defending a doorway? I know that in room clearing that doors are treated as "funnels" when they must be cleared due to how people in the room would defend that choke point.

So, sorry for the thread hijack, but what is this funnel of death?
.......... the only thing I can think of is that it's the cone that represents the field of view of someone in a doorway... or maybe someone defending a doorway?

Also known as the fatal funnel. Such as doorway or narrow corridor, like a hallway, where you're rather exposed to anyone behind cover lying in wait.
So, sorry for the thread hijack, but what is this funnel of death?

A fatal funnel, funnel of death, . . . many different monikers for the same thing. It is basically a setup where the bad guy (or you) goes into an area that has a high degree of probability of being shot if shot at there.

Some examples are hall ways, stair wells, . . . and most offer no cover or concealment, . . . just danger.

Outside, it can be alongside a building that has a fence near it, . . . between two buildings, . . . between two fences, . . . down a road that has hedges along both sides, . . . etc.

Military tactics often are designed to lead or herd the "intended" toward such a place with booby traps, obstacles, pits, etc.

As an 11B40 in the OANG some years back, . . . I loved setting them up for our "enemy" combatants. When they worked well, . . . it was more fun than a person should have.

And now, back to our regular programming: I'm with ClayInTx and Nnobby45.

May God bless,
Some mothers-in-law don’t need a gun to clear the house.

IMHO I don't think clearing a house is a wise idea to start with, especially a lone woman armed with one birdshot round in a full size shotgun.

I'm thinking, get some practice with the handgun and stay put waiting.

Like I told her, if someone is in the house you don't have to go find them, they are there for a reason and probably not gonna fall asleep somewhere for you to find. They will be moving and you will hear them if you wait long enough, giving you the tactical advantage over them. You know where they are and they dont know where you are.
Thanks for the response guys. I, too, googled it and came up shorthanded.

I've heard it referred to as the fatal funnel, not the funnel of death. Didn't think of applying it to other scenarious like Dwight and Nnobby said. Thanks guys! End of hijack!
alot wrong the picture, but you already know that.

She is more of a danger than anything.

Full size shotgun with 1 round of bird shot -NO
Beretta that she doesnt know how to work the slide, clear a jam, dis/engage the safety, etc. - NO

a snub nose .38 is what fills the order. oh and a safety class and lots of range trips out with you! hell call it bonding.:D
If heard it called the funnel of death. It is doorways, stairways, etc. It is if you think about it. 6 SWAT guys trying and all get through the door at the same time while 2 guys got AK47's trained on the door. Thats why flashbangs are so handy. It would just tear them to shreds, you need a strategy instead of just plowing through.
Never forget to call first and announce your intentions, before going over there.
Preferably from her driveway.
"Haloo the House!"
No surprise parties for her.
If she's not taking the situation seriously, I doubt that terms like 'funnel of death' are going to help - they'll more likely make it seem to her as though you're over reacting.

BTW if she was so convinced that someone was in her house, why didn't she call the police?