most painful??


Left upper arm. Luckily it didn't hit the bone. Made a nasty hole though and I didn't enjoy it at all. Shrapnel to the face was worse, but I don't how to quantify either one.
I would say a 22 through the kidney

Becouse I have had Kidney stones and they made a 22 bullet look like the 16 inch shell used on a battelship and it hurt so bad I dont want nothing to do with getting hit with a bullet there.

(PS doctors said that its as close as men can get to giving birth, pain wise and All I can say to that is that my respect for women went up 1200000%)
Mike40-11, glad that you are here today to tell us about it.

1BadF350, when i was growing up a kid in the neighborhood was shot in the testicle with a BB gun. from what i heard the damage was, well, quite unpleasant :(
Got a Purple Heart for this one

Who was that Ranger in Somalia who got hit by a dud RPG? I mean that's gotta suck!

For me it was a 7.62 from an AKM, actually make that 3 7.62s, about a year and a quarter ago. Firefight with a cadre of Fedeyeen(did I spell it right? ahh, who cares!?)Saddam guerrillas in Tikrit. First I was throwing an M67 grenade at a quartet of the them abou 20 meters from our position after the PFC on our 240G was hit by spalling and fragments after his MG was hit by an AK(turned a perfectly good Mike 240 Golf into a piece of junk, and not to mention screwed up this poor kid's left arm), grenade had just left my hand when I heard one big thud, and the next thing I knew I was flat on my back with blood just starting to ooze out of 2 in and out gunshot wounds to my torso.

I had been hit by 3 7.62s, the first one coming in just above my right hip, missed my kidney by about 1/2 inch exited and went on its merry way. The second one struck my ceramic, cracked that, and 3 ribs under it. The 3rd and final little bastard took me under my left armpit on my way down, glanced off my shoulder, traversed my chest, missing my lungs, heart and spine, exited by way of my right armpit and came to a halt in my right bicep.

Needles to say it hurt like hell and when I realized what exactly had happened, I began screaming for a Corpsman at the top of my lungs. Everything after that is kind of a blur. I remember waking up at Landstuhl in Germany, I was back on duty within a month. I was ecstatic to be back with my fellow Leathernecks, but man that sure did suck!
A guy I was in the service with was in a bar when someone shot a few rounds through the front window. He got sprayed with glass fragments and got a deep cut under his left eye. He had swelling and trouble with nose bleeds for about a week. While we were sitting in the day room he gagged and spit out a .22 LR bullet. Turns out he had been shot and the bullet stopped in one of his sinus'. He said it didn't hurt when it happenned and just went to another bar before the cops got to the scene.
Wait A Minute !!!

why on earth would somebody ask this question? What are you up to? :confused:

PS: if you want to cause unbearable pain take tweezers and rip out single nose by one... :D
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sombeoby else mentioned a kidney stone here ... I've talked to people who have both had kidney stones and been shot. If they had to do one or the other again, they'd take the bullet every time.

I had a boss who was a retired police lietenant and one of the toughest old ex-jarhead/ex-cop's I've ever known.

He'd been shot 3 different times in the line of duty. His take on it: "Fortunately I was only shot with large caliber bullets that went right through. Guys get shot with those little .22's or .32's, the bullet goes all over the place and hurts like hell."

I've experienced a few kidney stones; hope I NEVER have to experience a gun shot.
7.62x39 3 times L/sholder L/hip L/cheek only one I felt was one in rear Felt like hot poker stuck in me. My father shot when I was a kid 32Auto .round bounced off his belt buckel and into leg Didn't know he was hit till tried to chase guy down and leg gave out. Country Doctor came to house, gave him couple shots of booze got bullet out and bandaged up leg. Then they got drunk.
I would say that a 454 casul would have to pretty damn painful unless you got hit in the head or something. If it bites half as hard on the end with the hole as it does on the end with the trigger, I would say THAT would the most painfull
PS: if you want to cause unbearable pain take tweezers and rip out single nose by one...

Hell, that ain't nuthin. I rip em out 5-6 at at time. Eyes get a little moist is all.
I sure wouldn't want to take any fast lead for a comparison, tho.
Being shot in a major bone will cause more pain than anything else, most likely. A shattered femur, knee or elbow has put more people into tears than anything I have ever seen. Saw a guy with an elbow wound from a 9mm. Shattered his elbow and all he had was a little hole with consistantly dripping blood. Not pouring out, just large blood drops. I had to move his arm a couple times, and once it cracked and clicked with I tried to move it. He was screaming in pain.

I just joined in this forum today and have read this thread on Pain. I havent laughed that hard in years.......
guilty of shooting someone

I humbly apologize to everyone on the board. Many, many years ago, my little brother and I were driving to a shooting range of all places. He was driving his pickup. I was showing him my "new to me" ruger MKI while he drove. I fully cleared the weapon, or so I thought, by dropping the mag, racking the slide, checking the chamber pointing down and squeezing the trigger. Neither one of us has been able to figure out where the round was hiding, but the shot went off into his foot.

Very luckily the round happened to be a snakeshot load and he was wearing a heavy leather pair of sneakers. He still remembers the day and we occasionally "joke" about it. He was popping little lead pellet zits out of his foor for months. He said that, even though it was just a ratshot load, he felt like somebody had dipped his foot in gasoline and lit it up. Very painful and lucky we didn't go off the road and die or something.

He has since become an LEO and I practice much better precaution with weapons.