most painful??


Many many times we have debated on the stopping power and killing power of every gun ever imagened,, just for the hell of it whats your opinion on what round would be the most painful to get hit with?

I've always heard that getting hit with a 22lr is worse than death, but theres gotta be other rounds out there that deliver enough pure pain that would make you wish you were dead

please keep in mind that this is pure speculation as i have no experience

it seems that the "pain" from a bullet wound would be shut off by the brains shock factor. most real world shootings i have read about most folks didn't even realize they had been shot until they saw the blood.

a taser or OC in the eyes might be more "painful" than a bullet wound.

again, pure speculation
How about a 22 in the belly or a .357 right through the knee :eek:

I have also heard a collapsed lung from a chest shot hurts like a bitch until they stabilize the pressure.

Hopefully we can all avoid the business end of the gun :D

I think any round is going to make you think..12 gauge will make you stop thinking pretty quick..223 just as quick. From what I've read and heard, depending on your state of mind, you can shrug those off for a few seconds also...and keep fighting. Guys get hit with the almighty 357/125 grainers and still keep shooting. I've been hit with 22lr, accidently,..they stopped me real quick. It's irrevelant....just keep hitting them till they stop or you've competely blown there brains all over the ground. Then it's over.
Well, I can tell you that a 7.62x39 hurts like hell. I couldn't even to tell you what to compare it to. I doubt that anything else would feel much better or worse.
Mike40-11, i stand corrected. if i may ask, where were you hit? was it through&through?

just like a lot of other things, i suppose it is something very hard to describe, you have to experience it for yourself to really know.
My brother shot himself in the hand(accidentally) when he was 2-1/2 years old with my dads .357 revolver. He said that it didnt hurt at all.
I think the pain of where you get shot is more relevant that with what. After all, chunks of lead ripping through flesh at varying speads and/or in various sizes probably feel similar - multiple hits, shotgun shot being possible exceptions...

With that in mind - how about the pain of recovery as opposed to the initial incapacitating pain of the injury? Temporary is, after all, only temporary...

A spinal cord hit might not hurt as much as other places at first, by the lifelong frustration and pain of rehabilitation and paralysis might just top the list. On the other hand a head shot with severe prolonged phantom pains, memory loss, and brian damage could top it...

Not good at all for the victim.
My vote goes to.....

A blow gun dart with frog poision on it.

It has got to hurt , you see how fast those monkeys fall out of trees when they are hit with one?
Most painful?

I was shot in the back on Dec. 31, 1965 with a 22 rifle while walking on the beach in Long Beach Cal. The bullet went in and struck a rib near my right shoulder blade and tracked around and stopped under my right arm. It wasn't particularly painful, more like getting punched with a fist than anything else. The bullet was finally removed with long retractor after it was finally located by taking several X-rays and making sure I didn't have a punctured lung. I have a scar on my back about the size of a Silver dollar. The pain was more from the surgery and removal than from the actual shot. :(
How did it happen?

I was walking along on the sidewalk and 2 young men were behind me and I think I heard one tell the other "I'll bet I can hit him and the other said you don't have the balls to do it" and the next thing I knew was I was shot. The 2 guys ran up and said that it was a accident and that they were so sorry and all, but they gave us fake names and addresses and didn't hang around for the Cops. My Family was more concerned about getting me to the hospital than waiting around so when we gave the names to the cops they couldn't find any body. :( I have no other idea why I was shot. I was only 15 yrs old at the time. They punched a hole in the brand new coat that I had just received for Christmas a few days before. :mad:

I have been hurt worse since then by Mortar fragments to the face and some bamboo slivers in my left ankle. But we're talking shooting here. :(
I really liked this! Laughed my A** off.

I'll bet a pellet gun to the weener don't tickle!

My reply? My four month old Westie Terrier accidently bit me on the weener, and I'm hear to testify, that don't hurt, neither.

I like gun folks with a sense of humor. Thanks!