Most important CC criteria

One thing I am surprised not to see on this thread is a caliber war. Not too long ago it would be a bunch of people saying they only carry 9mm or bigger.
Practice, practice and more practice. Most folks DO NOT practice with their everyday carry gun. Having it with you and not being able to hit the as they say , old side of the barn means all you have is a heavy pocket weight. I'll ask how many folks here practice regularly with their everyday carry gun??
Very valid point, and Ill add "realistically" to the mix as well.

Im at the range once or twice a week, and dryfire, as well as practice presentations, daily.
I'm in agreement with those who are saying small enough to comfortably carry, and I also want something that is stout enough to shoot comfortably. A .45-70 Govt derringer meets the first criterion, but I doubt I'd log much practice time with it after I fired it once.

I also want a full, 4-finger grip. None of the subcompacts I handled met that criterion, although I understand there are pinkie extensions for some. I put rubber base pads on my compact mags to meet this criterion. I must admit that I found concealing a full-size pistol did seem quite doable, but I live in the Pacific Northwet where are attire makes this fairly easy 11 mo of the year.

Regarding reliability, while important I think it's not as important as the gun being easy and comfy to carry. Most DGUs involve drawing, but not firing, the weapon. Thus, having a gun is far more important than having one that is super reliable.

Regarding practice, John Lott's examination of FBI crime stats discount the relative importance of practice, training, and experience. Even unpracticed, untrained, and inexperienced handgun owners make good use of guns. Practice is important; just not as important as having the gun available.
1- Most Important is to be able to carry it always. Either In the waist or in a Belly Band.
2- Accuracy.
3- Never Jams.
4- Power.
A Ruger LCR 38 or 357, S&W around 2", EEA Windicator 2", Rossi R461 2".
don't know about other brands and don't ever carry semi's now.
All are great carry all year round. 24/7.
Practice, practice and more practice. Most folks DO NOT practice with their everyday carry gun.

This is the truth, the only criteria that counts is the abilty to hit your target. I cannot legally carry in the state where I work, but I can legally carry in the state where I live. You have to practice dry-fire & live-fire as often as possible, I shoot 200 rounds almost every week.