Most gun-enlightened state?

I'm liking the idea of a TFL get together here in the East this summer. Let's get the word out and see what interest is like.

Jeff, CA: Look at a Texas map. Draw a line from, say, Wichita Falls to Laredo. West of that line, it's dry.

West of a Big Spring-Ozona line, it's even drier!

The Hill Country around Kerrville/Fredericksburg and on west/northwest is generally mild and dry; winters ain't bad either.

:), Art
Lived in OR and TX and both are friendly with lots of nice gun resources. Both have nice country to go wander around in.

TX - the CHL testing procedure is more intensive and expensive but really not that much of a hassle. In fact, I think the conflict resolution part of the course is pretty worthwhile. They should give it in the high schools.