Mossberg Persuader and Wal Mart

Ruger: Some gun stores do go the extra mile. Many will after you show up as a repeat customer. Will throw in some ammo on the deal, or at least a few targets/ear plugs. You can offer a lower price or accessories. "They don't have to take it" I have fond memories of some gun stores. Most "unfortunately" were over 120 miles away. BUT when I walked in the door I was greeted "as most everyone was" as if I had just been in yesterday. That store was sold and after two visits I have never been back. "494 and Lyndale ave" Bought 2 guns there for less then tags and got a spare mag on one and 2 boxes of cheap ammo on the other. Is this a double tap???? Computer kicked it back at me???? One more time.
If any of don't think that Mossberg Persuaders were a marketable item with the recent advent of Y2K, I have some things for sale. There were a million NICS checks performed from 1 December to 24 December 1999 per SRN Radio. If you can't find a small gunstore or larger department store that is friendly, you may live on the East or Left Coast.

This is nothing more than CYA for Wal Mart, not profits or losses. If we were going strictly by cutomer desire there might be topless female cashiers for all we know. There is a n agenda afoot in this nation led by the 60's Hippies and Wal Mart is not immune to it.

"When guns are outlawed;I will be an outlaw."
Many of you really need to cut back on your caffeine.

Wal-Mart sells what moves off their shelves. If enough people ordered these type shotguns they would stock them. The problem is most people who buy home defense shotguns buy on an off the shelf type purchase. If they don't see it in Wal-Mart they go to the local gun shop or Pawn Shop and pick one there. Also, the clerk at Wal-Mart is not educated in gun selection other then to show you where it is in the catalog. The Gun or Pawn shop dealer ussually is so again, most people go there.

Please stop screaming conspiracy and 2nd Amend. rights stuff just because Wal-Mart didn't have the model you wanted in stock. Maybe if you buy about 10 or 20 of that model a month they will stock it.

They WILL order the gun you want if you request it. They won't order it just to have one because they are not moving off the shelf enough to profit them.

"It is easier to get out of jail then it is a morgue"
Live long and defend yourself!
John 3:16

[This message has been edited by leedesert (edited January 12, 2000).]
Yes, I do like caffeine. I wrote a detailed letter to the President of Wal Mart, David Glass, during the second quarter of 1999 and the response was less than encouraging.

Pistols and Persuaders will no longer be special ordered by Wal Mart and there is a concerted effort buy the socialists in this country to limit the flow of an firearms deemed not necessary by Big Brother. Look at the discontinuance of pistol sales at Academy and Bass Pro Shops.

Call it what you will but if Bass Pro Shops and Academy are so concerned about the dangers of handguns, why do they still sell the ammunition?

Personal defense shotguns are a big mover for the simple reason that even people who don't care for guns will buy one to protect their family and because they are relatively inexpensive.

What will happen when the socialists go after Remington 11-87's and Marlin .30-30's what will you say then? Will it still be a profitability issue? Surely you mut realize that it's just a matter of time before this happens.

Don't worry about that Yellow Star of David, tax relief is just around the corner and CS Gas was not used on the Branch Davidians. Oh and BTW, "I did not have sex with that woman".

"When guns are outlawed;I will be an outlaw."
According to my Super Wal-Mart I can order any legal shotgun from the manufacturers they deal with but they won't stock models that don't sell regularly. A home defense shotgun is not the most popular gun because most will buy a dual purpose shotgun so it will fill the roll of hunting as well. Y2K aside, hunting, trap and skeet shotguns are the most popular.

"What will happen when the socialists go after Remington 11-87's and Marlin .30-30's what will you say then? Will it still be a profitability issue? Surely you mut realize that it's just a matter of time before this happens".

O.K., what does your assumption have to do with Wal-Mart? We have to be active with our polititions to prevent that.

"I wrote a detailed letter to the President of Wal Mart, David Glass, during the second quarter of 1999 and the response was less than encouraging".

Would you care to tell us what he wrote back. Desparaging is a matter of opinion, let us formulate our own.

People need to start thinking about what they are doing before they black list some company because they don't carry their size pantyhose.
If Wal-Mart has made a formal move to not sell the persuader because they feel it is an inappropriate gun then let us see the proof. If there is some then we can all stand togethor. I'm a member of the NRA and GOA and neither have had any remarks about Wal-Mart.

So far I have seen this company stand up for guns when others (K-Mart) have whimped out. They need our complimants and kudo's rather then unsupported rants.

Let the Media make unsupported statements, they're good at it. If Wal-Mart is not selling certain shotguns for PC reasons then show me the proof. Like I said earlier, I can still order them here in Georgia so something must be wrong with your conclusion.

"It is easier to get out of jail then it is a morgue"
Live long and defend yourself!
John 3:16

[This message has been edited by leedesert (edited January 12, 2000).]
Everyone is entitled to their own choices. I for one will stay with a full service gun range or store who carries a broad selection of rifles,shotguns and pistols whether they are politically correct or not. I will reward those who strive to offer the best selection on the shelf.

Wal Mart started with placing pistol sales on a special order basis only. Next, they discontinued them altogether. Now they have selected to not stock Personal Defense Shotguns and that is fully within their perogative.

As for David Glass's reply, it was quickly put in the round file. I apologize for not keeping it. The proof is in the pudding. They no longer handle handguns and now they are not stocking personal defense shotguns. Do you think that they make a killing or have a high demand for every item stocked in the store? The answer is no but they do inventory a variety for one-stop shopping.

The point I am making is why aren't we supporting those businesses that do carry a full line of firearms and who are willing to put their rearends on the line so that you and I are able to purchase what we want when we want it. When we buy from a Wal Mart or an Academy, we are taking dollars away from the real Gun Shops and limiting our choices in the long run. I assure you, if all of the smaller chains and specialized gun stores go our of business, we will be in trouble when it comes time to buy a handgun, and assault-style rifle or a personal defense shotgun.

I ask the question again. If Wal Mart is concerned enough about gun vilolence and legal liability to stop selling handguns, why do they still sell the ammo? The least that they or K Mart can do is be consistent and have integrity versus cherry picking when it comes to priciples.

Most if not all of the small Gun Shops must make a profit to survive but it goes further than that. These entreprenuers sincerely care about sustaining the Second Amendment. If they have to make less of a profit on some guns to maintain a wide selection, they will. With Wal Mart, the bottom line is the bottom line.

I will confess to you that it goes further than just guns. When I was in the steel business, I saw firsthand how Wal Mart pays bills very slowly and how they treat their vendors. I saw how they would go into a manufacturer, like a lawn mower builder, agree on a set price and then once they had all the said supplier's production capacity, demand a significant reduction in price or leave the producer high and dry. Many of the companies I deal with now refuse to do business with Wal Mart on any terms.

I fully respect Leedesert's beliefs but as for me, I will stay with the smaller chains and smaller stores when any firearms, hunting or fishing purchases are made.

"When guns are outlawed;I will be an outlaw."

[This message has been edited by Will Beararms (edited January 12, 2000).]
Thanks Will,
I respect your opinion as well. I haven't yet nor do I ever intend to buy any guns at Wal-Mart. I just don't want to start throwing rocks at one of the few department stores that still sell guns. The Wal-Mart where I live carries everything from 12 gauge to .300 winmags in both synthetic and wood stocks. I understand you have deeper reasons for not siding with Wal-Mart. I would encourage all people to buy guns from a reputable dealer in town, not some super center.

"It is easier to get out of jail then it is a morgue"
Live long and defend yourself!
John 3:16

Forgive me for goig round and round on this one. We are on the same page and quite frankly, as much as I enjoy guns and shooting they pale in comparison to what will be.

I'll take streets of gold,flowing milk and honey and sunshine non-stop over all the guns in the world has to offer any day of the week. I consider hunting and shooting just a diversion while I'M still on this old earth.

It is sad to see what is happening to our freedom but it is all part of a larger plan.

[This message has been edited by Will Beararms (edited January 13, 2000).]
I bought the last Mossberg Persuader at my local Wal-Mart. The Clerk refused to sell me the Shotgun at first, stating that they were not allowed too. I asked for the Store Mgr and he quickly authorized the sale. The Mgr stated that they could sell what was in stock but would not offer the Persuader anymore. He stated that the board recently decided to only sell "hunting" weapons. I noticed that they still sold the Remington 700 in .223, I asked if that was a "hunting weapon" and all I got was "aaaaaaaaah, yeah".